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Old 03-28-2009, 10:05 PM
Robert Robert is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Dallas
Posts: 31
Glad you asked, cause I thought about this too.

Originally Posted by DaddyDST View Post
I ask this question because Im just comming to the realization that mine were and so were my aunt and uncle. I know I was a somewhat typical kid growing up in the late 1950s and early 1960s...and yes I deserved a lot of spankings that I received. However, there were times when I got one eventhough I didn't deserve it. I got it for the pure enjoyment or turn on that it gave my parents and aunt and uncle.
During and after one of these sessions, I felt my uncle's manhood get stiff and there were times after I got up from my aunts lap I saw a wet spot between her legs.
So Im wondering has anyone else had this experience ?
Before I talk about this, I have to explain something else:
My dad definitely doesn't know I am, and for a long time, I would not post on spanking sites, cause i figure my father was likely going to be there reading it at some point in life.
Now, I do, cause even though I hadn't told him, I figure, oh well, if he figures out I am, we'll just have something else in common, no harm done.
the flip side is my unborn child might group up to be a spank-o and read this some day. Child, if you do, then I don't get creeped out.

Now back to this:
I got spanked by both my parents a lot and was a spanko by the age of 8. I didn't however, suspect my father was until I was 9. the last spanking I ever received (not including adult play) was at 8, but the way my father implied I was in danger of getting a spanking was suspiciously different from the other times such that I suspected:
1. I wasn't in danger of getting a spanking. (I was right; I didn't get one)
2. He was making the threat just for the enjoyment of it, very little more.
What happened was this: I bought home a note from the school principal about me not doing my homework. it was worded in a way that could be construed that I had been misbehaving. I explained to my father about my homework, and This is my father's exact words to me:
"You know, you're principal sent me this, because he expects me to spank you. I'll write a note back, and if he writes back that you were misbehaving, then you'll get a spanking."
The words were so calm and controlled and with a bit of a tone I hadn't heard before. By contrast, the times I really did get a spanking, the words were always screamed and angry, so this was just so different that I suspected he was saying it, just like the many times I had talked about spanking for the turn-on of talking about spanking.

Anyway, more facts came out that corroberated my theory.
1. Although he has always done collages of porn magazines, in one I saw at 13, he had pasted the word SPANKING right in the middle of it. None of the pix were of spanking; just that one word there.
2. When I was 30 and visited him, he was shipping a paddle he sold on ebay.
2. When I was 35 and visited him and the wife he had recently married, he was shipping a paddle he sold on ebay.
3. when I look at what he's selling on ebay, it always includes 1 spanking item, either a paddle, or book with spanking in the title.
4. when I was 40 and I was trying to set up his computer for him in his bedroom, there were about 5 wooden hairbrushes on the dresser. About 6 years, previous, his wife and I had a 2 hour conversation on the phone and she volunteered a lot of stuff about how kids need to be spanked; i didn't suspect her at the time, but since they met on the internet, maybe that was a common interest between them.

Dad if you're reading this, i'm glad you're a spank-o and I hope your and my step mother are having a lot a fun!
Robert Spanked
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