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Old 12-20-2006, 08:07 PM
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sarah thorne sarah thorne is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: United States
Posts: 289
Feeling: I prefer to feel tenderness for several days (and usually do) right where I sit.

Sometimes I feel an ache in my muslces, tho, if we've played especially hard, especially with the prison strap. It's a deeper pain (not necessarily a bad one), and can last for up to a week.

One of the frustrating things about my bottom is that we can play and play and play - and it looks like it will bruise and then redness fades within an hour. RG loves this, cuz he thinks it means he can go at it again. But the truth is, and what ultimately frustrates me, is that the residual sting/pain is still present but no visible sign of it.

On rare occasion I will bruise. I bruised really badly once from the Vermont Bathbrush (black bruises too). The switch also left some marks on me that literally lasted for months. While it's not something I want to try and achieve, marks do kinda give me a feeling of pride-- kinda like a "look what I took!". Being that we have some pretty hard sessions (over 1000 strokes on a few occasions with the prison strap and school paddle combo) and I rarely take away any visible sign of how hard of a spanking I took, when I do have marks, I feel quite proud of them.

(I'm a sicko, so sue me )

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