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Old 11-23-2008, 04:35 AM
BlackVelvet007 BlackVelvet007 is offline
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Originally Posted by tubaman View Post

We will be set and ready to start accepting registrations for the Texas All-State spanking Party next week. We DO have some information:

Fees will be the same as the last Dallas All-State: $40 for single ladies, $80 for couples, and $90 for single guys.

The deadline will be 2 weeks prior to the party. We'll try to get the hotel to save our blocks of rooms that long, but will know more Monday.

Those attending the December 6th Bottoms Up party will be able to go ahead and pay their fees there, if they wish.

Speaking of the December 6th party:

Hobbs, could you post the usual party information?

Also, would anybody be interested in a Chinese gift exchange? (I THINK that's what it's called.) Not required, just open to those who want to.

JUst let me know. You know me. I'm easy.

Also, those interestd in helping out at the All-State party, we have plenty of needs. Just let me know, and we'll try to divy out the responsiblities so the work goes easier. Some are already filled, but there is always plenty of work to go around.

Looking forward to seeing you all in about TWO WEEKS!!

Paul (Tubaman)
YEEEHA. I for one have been waiting months to fill out my form and start booking the vacation. So looking forward to it.

Let me know what kind of volunteering you need for the event, Tubaman. I helped set up the playroom in 07 and helped with registration in 08.

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