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BlackVelvet007 04-13-2008 11:15 PM

Returned from TASSP with THANKS
Having just got home an hour ago and already suffering a severe case of "top drop", I thought it would help to start writing my thank you note for the best four days of my life at Texas All State.

* First and foremost, to Adelina. In addition to being a dear friend, an outstanding roommate, and a dynamite play partner, she graciously wore my collar to all the party events, which is an honor no one else has ever done for me. And didn't she look utterly awesome in those dropseat pajamas? :D I can't thank her enough.

* To RG : From transport to/from the airport, to taking folks to the Alamo and the Riverwalk, to taking hundreds of cool pictures....Steve McQueen didn't define "cool" the way RG does. You went far beyond the extra mile for me. Hope I can return the favor some day.

* To Sherie : So much positive energy, so many great scenes, and decidedly ABOVE average fun. ;)

* To Todd and Suzy : Once again, you proved yourselves to be my best supporters as well as dear friends. Hope folks check out your blog at and read all about our adventures.

* To Gropie : It was wonderful seeing you. I'm sorry we didn't get to play as much as we wanted, but glad I could be there for you when you needed an Ace bandage for your knee. (HUGGGGS) You definitely have one big raincheck which will hopefully be cashed in the near future.

To Sarah : She not only kept her promise to play with me, she insisted on playing a second time to get pics. :D Both scenes were great fun and greatly appreciated. I look forward to a third time (HUGS)

To Emmydoll : Glad you enjoyed your 21st birthday at TASSP. I hope you enjoyed my contribution to your celebration.

To Garyspk : Thanks as always for setting up shop with WoodPaddles and my favorite AmateurSpankings model Amber at the vendor fair. Always good doing business with you. :)

To Richard Windsor : Great to meet you and hang out with you at all these events. I owe you a pint at Dave & Busters, mate.

There's a lot of folks still to thank, but I have 100 emails to read that piled up over four days of heaven. Thanks so much to EVERYONE who participated at TASSP. It's gonna be one long year waiting for the next one.

tubaman 04-14-2008 07:24 AM

[QUOTE=BlackVelvet007;8981]Having just got home an hour ago and already suffering a severe case of "top drop", I thought it would help to start writing my thank you note for the best four days of my life at Texas All State.

I know the feeling. Lyn and I call it "Post-show letdown." Having to go back to real life is a major bitch!

* First and foremost, to Adelina. And didn't she look utterly awesome in those dropseat pajamas? :D

She WAS absolutely adorable!! And I still missed my chance at spanking her darling bottom. Crossing my fingers you'll bring her back next time.

We were so pleased to have you (especially the ladies.) It was an amazing party. Insane is the word.

Take care, my Friend. See you next year in Dallas!!!

Paul (Tubaman)

Adelina 04-14-2008 08:14 AM

Aw, thank you, my friend. You're so good to me! I had an awesome time. You're a great bodyguard. ;)
I'm still flying; I will probably feel the dip in a day or two. Fortunately, it is sunny here with none of the snow that was predicted for today, though I'm not quite confident enough to plant the garden yet.
It was so great to see everyone I knew before and to meet some very cool new folks, too. I don't think I'll list any names because I would surely forget someone! Though I will take a moment to point at Lin and Brenna and all the other people who helped to organize the event. I thought things went very smoothly. And if they didn't, you did a great job pretending they did. ;) Great party, great people, great fun. See y'all next year!

Jean-Paul 04-14-2008 07:02 PM

I have to agree with you BV...It was the best party ever...
and it was good to see you again,as always.
It is definitely a bitch going back to the vanilla life after
such a great mind was still at the party all day long.
Many thanks to all that played with me.Many,many thanks to
Brenna,Lin and Fred for all their effort in making so great.
I can't believe how many wonderful new people I met.

On the ride back to Dallas,Texas Jack and I were talking about
how close we feel to everyone here.It is more like a big family
than anything else.Think about this...any other group of people
I have ever been with,there is always a few that you really like,
a few that you really dislike and the rest you can take them or
leave them.I don't think I have met anyone I didn't like at these parties.
This feels a bit odd for me,almost like I am dreaming and I will wake up anytime.....Hope I don't....
Maybe it is because we share this thing we do,and that is what bonds
us together,I don't know.All I know is that I have never enjoyed life more,
and I thank each and everyone of you for accepting me..

I would like to post some photos in the gallery of the party.....
I have some great shots of some of the outfits we wore and have
converted some to black and white (to get a real 1920's theme)
I have permission from most of you already to post these,but I wanted
to make sure no one objects.If anyone does object,please let me know.

It would be hard to top this party,but we will have fun trying...

Til next time


smartypanties39 04-14-2008 10:30 PM

TASSP Weekend
Hello Everyone,

TASSP was a first for me this year. I just wanted to thank ALL of you. Those who helped make it happen, Lin, Fred, Brenna and anyone else and all of you who attended. You all are truly a warm, friendly, great group of people. I don't think I ever had so much fun (or as many spankings, lol) in one weekend!

I'll be on this "spanking high" for at least a week, lol.

Black Velvet, thank you for a FABULOUS spanking. I know it took us all the way until very late Saturday night to finally meet. However, you were well worth the wait! :)

For those of you that dressed up for the "party theme"............ Outstanding job! You all looked MARVELOUS!

I don't remember everyone's "play name" so please forgive me. I hope to see you all again.

Take care,
Eileen (Houston) aka - smartypanties

sarah thorne 04-15-2008 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by BlackVelvet007 (Post 8981)

To Sarah : She not only kept her promise to play with me, she insisted on playing a second time to get pics. :D Both scenes were great fun and greatly appreciated. I look forward to a third time (HUGS)

Hey BV! It was MY pleasure! There was a reason I wanted to play a second time (despite liking spankings in general ;) ) and that's cuz you are an AWESOME spanker! I really wish we had more time so we coulda played yet again. :) `tils next time......


Originally Posted by Jean-Paul (Post 8990)
I would like to post some photos in the gallery of the party.....
I have some great shots of some of the outfits we wore and have
converted some to black and white (to get a real 1920's theme)
I have permission from most of you already to post these,but I wanted
to make sure no one objects.If anyone does object,please let me know.


I am not certain whether you got pictures of me or not, or if so, if you planned to use them.

I would rather not have any picture that shows my face on a public spanking forum, whether the picture is vanilla or not.

Even tho, now that I think about it, I did have on a wig and may not be immediately recognizable. (The same person introduced themselves to me while I was headed back to my room to change OUT of my costume ---- then again moments later when I emerged in regular clothes and no wig. :rolleyes: )

Let me talk to RG and let ya know (that is if you have pics of me).

I do know RG prefers that NO pictures of his face be shown on a spanking forum due to his work and privacy reasons.


lil_dixiedarling 04-15-2008 01:50 PM

I had such a wonderful time at TASSP.

I would love to name all the wonderful people that I played with but unfortunately I'm sure I would miss someone.

It was great to see old faces that I hadn't seen in a while (BlackVelvet, RG, Gropie, Needy, etc.)

And even better to meet some that I had only chatted with but never met (Todd and Suzy, Richard Windsor, Sarah Thorne)

It was nice to have an entire hotel so I could be spanked everywhere from the pool to the mens room.

I will be hopefully doing a complete write up including pictures on my blog AND have started a blog roundup with links to all the blogs of friends that I know are posting about the party as well to give lots of perspectives. If you check out my blog and see a link to yours is missing hit me a line and I'll put it up.

Until next time......

Spankable Suzy 04-19-2008 09:36 PM

(((((BV))))) I know I should have gotten to replying to this so much sooner but you know how bad I am about posting promptly.. guess that's another spanking lined up for next time ::::grin::::

I can't say enough about the great time Todd and I had at the party and I want you to know that you were a big part of what made it so terrific! Your generousity (thank you for the cane) and your spanking expertise, (thank you for my red bottom) and your belt ..words can't describe how much I liked that belt <G> All I can say is I can't wait till next time!!!!!!!!!!

The whole atmosphere was fun, friendly and filled with spanko delights.
The humor of some of the brattiest ladies (myself included lol) and the vast assortment of awesome implements for use and for purchase. (thank goodness for credit cards :) as well as seeing old friends and making new ones made this one of the best times for me as well.

Great post and great party BV :)

Batman 04-21-2008 02:04 PM

Ok. Now, I'm starting to feel really jealous. I thought I'd seen the best of Adelina, but, I haven't seen the drop-seat jammies yet. Hopefully, some time in the near future.

swfloridabrat 04-24-2008 11:51 AM

It sounds like you ALL had an awesome time! Sarah, aren't both you and BV coming to the Florida Beach party? If so, he can borrow my collection to use on your bottom! So next year is in Dallas, huh?

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