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Batman 03-09-2008 11:14 PM

A Matter Of Respect
Being a male in TTWD and a Top/Dom has been one of the greatest rewards of my life. I'm constantly reminded though of the people I really need to thank and respect for the priveleges this role gives me. Those people are the wonderful ladies who are either in a sub or bottom role.

Away from TTWD, these lovely brats are highly intelligent women who all deserve our respect and kindness. Why am I writing something like this? It's because it's not said enough and I've come to the painful conclusion that very few guys believe it. I think that's what makes it so hard for a guy to actually meet up with a new spankee.

They constantly with good reason are concerned about whether or not this will be the next jerk who will mistreat them or abuse them out of the disguise that it is the right of a Dom over a sub or Top over a bottom. Nothing could be further from the truth. Ladies, I apologize for my gender that enough of them don't realize this or live by it. Just, please don't hold it against all of us. There are several of us out here who do know that you are highly intelligent and just enjoy a good warming session over our knees. :)

Thank you all for being there for us to spank and appreciate.

innocent_nympho 03-17-2008 12:36 AM

wow batman, that was nicely put. it's good that you're sticking up for all the worthwhile guys out there, and you're right, there are many great guys out there that deserve time and respect. it just sucks that there are a few bad apples that are more prominent and they gives the good guys out there a bad name. this is especially true when it comes to internet interactions because alot of people think that it's okay to disregard social mores when the interaction is not face-to-face (women and men). just a few minutes ago, a guy messaged me on these forums. i thought he just wanted to talk and maybe share experiences in spanking, but within a span of literally minutes, he had already asked me how he should spank me, if i'd been bad, and asked me to come visit him in montana! this is all without asking anything about me or having any kind of normal interaction (i.e. a greeting).

anyway, thanks batman for writing this so poignantly. it's guys like you that convince us girls out here that there are still gentlemen in this world.

Batman 03-18-2008 11:59 PM

Your Welcome, Innocent Nympho. I'll admit I start suggesting meeting in real life pretty quick also. Sometimes, in the first conversation. But, it's because I do my best work in person. I don't like computers when it comes to trying to start a relationship with another person.

That said, I understand the need for normal conversation also. But, I like to get past that stage as fast as possible online because it is waaaaaaaaaaaay too hard to really communicate that way.

tubaman 03-19-2008 07:10 AM


I couldn't agree more. I hate to say it (and I'll never hear the end of it) but the Bottoms, Subs and Brats are what we Tops live for. A good Top always treasures them, and any "dom" who doesn't is nothing but a wannabee.

Well said.

Paul (Tubaman)

paully62 03-19-2008 10:49 AM

Nicely said Batman.

emily 03-19-2008 10:28 PM

awwww wow!! what a very lovely post. thank you so much Batty :)

texringer 03-19-2008 10:52 PM

Hear, hear
Thanks for saying what needed saying, clearly and respectfully.

rangerboy 03-20-2008 07:05 AM

You are SO Right!!!!!
I've posted on this topic before and it needs to be reiterated frequently!! From those to whom much is given, much is expected. We as Tops have an absolute responsibility to ensure that the Bottoms are treated with dignity and kindness....and that limits are always communicated and respected.

I like to think that most of us are pretty nice guys......don't let a handful of jerks ruin it for us. 'Nuff said.


innocent_nympho 03-21-2008 12:55 AM

lol normally I would agree with you batman. i too think that in-person meetings are important in the formation of relationships. after all, inevitably, if you want reality, you have to take the internet into your physical world. however, that being said, in this particular case, i'll have to disagree. i told him i lived in toronto, he said he lives in montana, and then said i needed to come see him asap...and this is without an introduction....or a name. :rolleyes:

paully62 03-21-2008 10:56 PM

keep tryin

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