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garyspk 05-15-2007 09:24 PM

Ft. Worth Pastor
Whoa...on this one! This just ran on Channel 11's website in DFW:

(CBS 11 News) FORT WORTH Thirty-five women are accusing a Fort Worth pastor of abuse. Several of the women said he used a paddle on them, and then the abuse turned to sexual assault.

The accused pastor has been removed from the pulpit by his national church.

Davina Kelly says she went to Pastor Sherman Allen for religious counseling.

According to Kelly, beginning in 2001 she started working for Allen - cleaning the church he founded, The Shiloh Institutional Church of God in Christ, in East Fort Worth. Kelly says she also cleaned Allens' $1.5 million dollar house and guesthouse that spreads across nine acres in Mansfield.

In a lawsuit, Kelly accuses the pastor of, "assaulting her with various paddles", with the "beatings being disguised as scripturally justified."

"Initially he started, after the one time he paddled me with pants on. After that it went from there to just, then he paddled me with underwear a couple times. Then it was nothing on waist down," says Kelly. "Eventually there were times he would just direct me, 'just take everything off'. There were a couple of times he had me take everything off."

Eventually the mother of three says eventually the paddling turned sexual. "He told me to tell him - let him know when I couldn't stand it anymore. At that point, when I let him know, he jumped on me… and raped me," Kelly said.

Kelly isn't the only one to come forward, according to her lawyer. Attorney Matthew Bobo says he's received calls from more than 30 women, including several other parishioners who claim Pastor Allen also abused them.

"I just call it a spiel, for lack of a better word, but he's got a system down and he draws those in that who are vulnerable, who come to him for different types of counseling, and he's able to manipulate 'em to whatever different states he can take 'em to," Bobo explained.

The Shiloh Institutional Church of God in Christ is now in bankruptcy.

CBS 11 News contacted Allens' attorney but was told while he couldn't comment on pending litigation, he was not aware of any criminal charges being filed or of a criminal investigation.

lil_dixiedarling 05-15-2007 09:41 PM

Very interesting.....too bad that the pastor took it too far with sexual assult possibly (innocent until proven guilty of course).

The biggest unfortunate of the story is the typical vanilla reads it and connects the paddling with sex and that just feeds the fire of the anti-spanko crowd. Truly truly sad.


teefortexas 05-16-2007 02:19 AM

Huh-uh, Dixie...the biggest unfortunate of the story is that it was right here, practically on top of my neighborhood, and I never had a clue such a church and pastor existed! LOL!

I really have to get out more.


Kidding! I'm KIDDING!!!!


paully62 05-16-2007 07:46 AM

Yep, I can see it now, Terry is gonna be visiting a lot of churches now. I can see the dialogue.

Terry: Pastor, how do you deal with nuaghty girls??

Pastor: Well I would counsel you and pray for your soul.

Terry: Yeah right...T's out!!

BlackVelvet007 05-16-2007 09:33 AM

We had a field day on this in chat last night. Among the highlights....

"A reading from the book of Implements..."
"In nomini patri et fili et Spirited Spanking AMEN"
"head on over to that altar, young lady..."

The possibilities are endless.

lil_babygirl 05-16-2007 10:21 AM

Hehehe.. Ohhhh I can sooo see Terry doing that too. ~shakes head~...
That is ashame about the Pastor. Just had to take it too far....but then again.. what if the females hit on him after getting all aroused.... Hmmmmm.. Guess we'll never know for sure.....

Thomas_III 05-16-2007 05:23 PM

Stories like this greatly concern me, because it's yet more fuel to the fire for people that call us "freaks" and "sickos." Although the article gives scant details about how all of this came to be, the first thing that people will assume is that the pastor was using his position to take advantage of his flock. Since we don't know all the facts, we can't truly say that for certain. It's a bit hard to believe that he would have been able to pull something like this off on 35 different women and none reported anything before now. It makes me wonder just why these women suddenly came out of the woodwork when one person did finally come forward. Until we know both sides of the story, we're going to continue to be in the dark.

If he did abuse his position, then it's not just the sexual aspect, but also the paddling that he would be guilty of forcing on these women. Without further information, there is no reason to believe that any of his actions were consensual.

I am going to do some research on this and make an entry in my blog with what I've found. If anyone has seen a site with more information than presented here, or if new information comes out in the future, please email or PM me with the details.

texas_jack 05-16-2007 06:55 PM

Maybe I could start my own church. "Come worship at Our Lady of Leather, Lexan and Live oak. The church of perpetual pain in the posterior reagion." CAN I GET AN AMEN BROTHERS AND SISTERS!!!!

lil_dixiedarling 05-16-2007 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by texas_jack (Post 4083)


teefortexas 05-17-2007 02:43 AM

Pastor Jack, how do you deal with naughty girls?? :p

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