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sicko26us 09-22-2007 08:25 AM

The spanking contract part 1
When I was 14 my mom got remaried, as soon as they got back from their honeymoon we had a family meeting to discuss my sister (two years younger 12) and my bad behavior. My new stepfather said that we needed a more structured discipline method than the random non-exsistant one we were acustomed to. He pulled two three page papers and haned three to both me and my sister, he told us to read it make sure we understand it completely and sign at the bottom of the last page. We whined and complained to our mom, and she said that this is what we needed and that we were out of control and she was behind our new father 100%.

I started reading the first page and it started out fairly normal, it said that as long as we live under my parents roof this discipline contract was valid, I asked that what if we lived at home during college, and they said it did not matter how old we were, the contract would be valid.

I continued reading and it started by saying discipline will be handed out on the Friday after the offender breaks a rule. When a rule is broken my parents discuss what punishment will be given and must both agree on the punishment before the following Friday. On Friday after dinner there will be a family meeting where our punishment will be announced; once a punishment is announced on Friday it is not up for debate, any whining or complaining of any sort will add extra to the punishment. The punishment will begin immediately after the announcement at the Friday meeting.

The second page started talking about minor offenses, and groundings in great detail. To sum it up we would be grounded for breaking any minor rules a first time and it gives a few examples (minor disrespect, minor school issues, minor lateness). Then it went into detail about being grounded, all fun would be removed from our room (TV, games ect.) and we would only come out for school and to eat with the family. We would be allowed to read and study, but that was pretty much it.

At the end of page two and all of page three talked about spankings, we would only be spanked for major offenses or multiple rule breaks. After reading the first part I immediately spoke up and said that we were to old to be spanked. My mom just said she agreed and that the spankings were not going to be often and would be easy for us to avoid; just stay out of trouble she said, she continued saying that 90% of the stuff we do will result in a grounding.

I continued reading and it said there were three levels of spankings:

Level one: Level one is a fully clothed spanking

Level two: Level two is a spanking over our underware, my sister asked if we had to remove
our shirts also and they replied yes, all outer clothing removed and they further
explined that when she got older she could keep a bra on.

Level three: Level three is a fully nude spanking, everything removed.

Then the contract went into implements, there were three. Hand, Paddle and Strap.

Lastly the contract went into specifics on how a spanking would be given:

First: We would be told at the Friday meeting what level of spanking, what implement and how many.

Second: If an implement was required we would have to go get it (immediately following the meeting) and we would report to the den (The den is connected to the living room)

Third: Once in the den we would set the implement on the desk, disrobe if required and stand in the center of the room with our hands on our head and face the desk.

Fourth: When our stepfather entered the room he will stand in front of the spankee, and ask them what they are being spanked for. An incorrect answer will mean extra.

Fifth: Then we will be asked to bend over the desk, we will spread our legs sholder width apart, and bend over and grab the other side on the desk.

Lastly: We will be expected to count every stroke, after the last one our stepfather will set an egg timer and leave. We will be expected to stand in the middle of the room with our hands on our heads untill the timer goes off, then we can put our clothes on (if removed) and go to bed.

After reading that we were both in shock and my sister had tears in her eyes, and I told them that I would not sign it. Our stepfather said that the program was designed so we would be embarassed and ashamed of being spanked and that avoiding it would be a priority for us. Then he said that the level two and threes would be incrediably rare, he said he could count on one hand how many level threes he got in the 20 years he lived at home. That made me feel slightly better, but I still did not want to sign. They said if either of us refused to sign we would be sent away to military school. So we both were visably shaking and my sister actually dropped a tear on her paper.

If you like this story reply that you like it and I will write some more.

rubyred 09-22-2007 08:57 AM

great story can you post next part

Kate 09-22-2007 02:16 PM

I dunno about some of this
Maybe it's the child sex abuse issues that I have, but the nude spanking of adolescents goes a little far for me. It's ok for adults :D , but kind of pushes the bar for me--even though it's only a story. And damn--you've beat me to the punch as far as a story I've been tossing around in my head that has a sort of similar theme. Don't want to be accused of plagiarism.

About a military academy--they can lead to good things like West Point, Anapolis, the Airforce academy. I dated a navy pilot--yum....

kaylex 09-22-2007 03:03 PM

Me too
I'm with kate on this. If it were a husband/wife scenario i would be more comfortable, the nudity and children theme doesn't work for me.

sicko26us 09-22-2007 05:18 PM

So what is the verdict? Do I write more or not?

Redskinluver 09-22-2007 06:12 PM

Is this a fantasy?

If it is real,sounds like child abuse to me. Fully agree with Kate.

Kate 09-22-2007 07:26 PM

Just cut out the nude spanking. I was working a family punishment night story theme--I like your idea but you just need to edit out the nude spanking part. I'm going to stop there because my twisted mind is thinking things again. Maybe Dad could spank Mom while she was nude one night when the kids were in bed

paully62 09-22-2007 08:03 PM

Hmmm a blossoming 12-14year old girl nude in front of her step father....not so much. I am hoping you are making fantasy here, hate to think this might have happened.

aurora 09-22-2007 09:07 PM

Unlike a lot of others, I actually don't mind reading about children in spanking stories, but a parental figure expecting them to strip naked just crosses the creepy borderline.

sicko26us 09-22-2007 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by Redskinluver (Post 5974)
Is this a fantasy?

If it is real,sounds like child abuse to me. Fully agree with Kate.

It is 90% fantasy, the only real parts is I have a sister who is two years younger and my mom remaried. Neither me or my sister were spanked in real life.

I attempted to make the story as realistic as possible, maybe I did too good of a job if you guys are getting upset about it.

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