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overmyne 03-03-2008 09:14 PM

in front of the tube as a kid
my interst in spanking started in childhood, watching spank8ing scenes in mainstream movies and television shows. My earliest specific memories were child spankings in sitcoms like LITTLE RASCALS and MAKE ROOM FOR DADDY. I knew these were exciting me, even though I did not know what "sexual" was at the time. I kept watching these scenes growing up, cataloging them in my mind. When I discovered the actual adult spanking scene about 22 years ago, it gave me the forum to bring all this accumulated knowledge out.I will be looking forward to meeting all who will be coming to the All-State nexct month, where I will be vending the CINEMA SWATS DVD's

paletail 03-15-2009 02:50 PM

My experience is almost identical to overnyne's. I remember seeing Our Gang, Tom & Jerry cartoons, etc when I was 4-5 and I knew spanking was 'something'. I also knew that it wasn't something I could say I liked to anyone else. I kept that info a secret until I got my first PC and found likeminded people really did exist. I'm on the non-sexual side of the spanking world, maybe because my fascination with being spanked started way before any sexual awakening. I've had a lot of experience since and hope to make some more friends here.

RedRaw 03-15-2009 04:04 PM

I think mine was similar too. I remember being read a story at school where the child got spanked and getting quite excited, afterwards whenever i saw something on the tv it always stuck with me. There was a film where there was a clock on the wall and when the cookcoo came out it was a woman spanking a child.
I always find it strange that these things stayed with me as i was spanked as a child and it was never exciting recieving it... That was until i grew up of course.

erinseyes 03-16-2009 10:56 PM

My revelation is quite different. Yes, i was spanked as a child, but recall no excitement or joy associated with the activity. Fast forward many (many) years later when i rather 'chanced' upon a woman who craved, and thoroughly got off on having her bare ass spanked. I was never happier (or more aroused) than when i was able to accomodate her. She's moved on to more serious BDSM, and i mourn the loss. Anyone interested??

Oldtimersammy 03-18-2009 11:12 AM

I always became anxious to see if Danny (Danny Thomas) would finally spank Kathy (Marjorie Lord.) As he had mentioned several times, on Make Room For Daddy!

Robby 04-09-2009 07:55 AM

First awareness
For me it started in elementaru school when I looked at those pictures in our history books of naked slaves being whipped by their masters. They were obviously there to make us feel disgusted at the treatment of slaves, but it had the opposite effect on me, it was the start of my sexual awakening. Strangely I was always disgusted when I saw someone being spanked at school or anywhere else, I was only turned on if the one being spanked was nude or half naked whether in real life or in films or pictures. It is still the same to this day, there's no pleasure in spanking someone unless he or she is bared at least partially.

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