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PandaBear 01-04-2007 09:50 PM

My two most memorable spankings
The most memorable spankings I ever received at home while growing up occured when I was 8 and 9 years old.

When I was 8, I was in my parents' bedroom, jumping on their bed like it was a trampoline! My dad told me about 5 times to stop it before I got hurt, which of course I didn't think would happen :) Anyway I would get back up and keep jumping on the bed after repeated warnings to stop. Finally dad had enough. He comes in, closes the door, grabs me off the bed and puts me over his knee. He then tells me that he warned me not to be jumping on the bed, and that he's going to spank me. He proceeds to give me 3 hard spanks with his hand before letting me get up. I only got spanked 3 times, but I was crying like I had just gotten clobbered! I had no idea my dad could spank me that hard! Probably the only reason he only spanked me that one time!

Anyway my other most memorable spanking came from mom. When I was 9, I went to the grocery store with a friend, and she dared me to steal something. I of course acted like a big shot and took her up on the dare. We went by the kool - aid display, and I slipped a pack of strawberry kool aid into my pocket. We left the store a few minutes later, and I was sure I had gotten away with it. No alarms went off, and no one stopped us. I got home and went into the kitchen and poured the kool aid in a bowl and added water. Bad timing! Mom walks in and wonders what the heck I'm doing and where I got the kool aid. I tried to lie and say a friend gave it to me, and when she threatened to call the friend's mother, I was doomed! I finally decided to come clean and admit to stealing it. Well I had never seen mom so furious! She made me get in the car and we went to the store, where I had to apologize to the manager and pay for the kool aid (only 10 cents!). When we got home mom told me to go to my room before she went and got the switch from her room. She came into my room, carrying the switch, and told me to get my pants down and bend over my dresser. I did what I was told, because I didn't want to make mom madder! Anyway she picked up the switch and gave me a dozen hard strokes that had me in tears.

That was probably the worst spanking I ever received, and the only spanking on the bare bottom I ever got growing up. Although the majority of my spankings were not this bad, I never got a spanking I did not deserve.

RG_ 01-05-2007 12:07 AM

You know, something similar happened to me once, though I was much younger. While we were shopping in the local grocery store late one afternoon, I stole--as I recall--a pack of candy. I'm guessing that I was in the neighborhood of four or five years old. While I was well aware that I was doing something wrong, and thus hid the candy to get it out of the store, for some reason it just didn't occur to me once we were in the car that I should also keep it concealed from Mom. So I brought it right out so that I could enjoy my ill-gotten treat. Mom saw it and immediately questioned me about it. She was not a happy camper at all. She marched me right back into the store and made me give it to the clerk and apologize for stealing. I was absolutely mortified. I would have rather taken a strap beating than have had to go back in, face that lady, and acknowledge my deed.

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