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bunstinger 01-18-2009 01:15 PM

(CONTEST!) Title my next DVD and win 3 free DVD's or...
Title my next DVD and win 3 free DVD's or a years membership to my paysite!

I have a spanking new (please pardon the pun) three-girl DVD all edited and almost ready to go.

I say almost because I have yet to come up with a suitable title for this puppy.

Now... this isn't the first time I've run into this problem but, in the past, I would always hit upon something, eventually, even if it meant calling upon my old buddy Jack Daniels for some inspiration.

This time around even Jack has writers block :(

Of course, it might not be either of our faults. I mean, how do you top Meaty, Beaty & Bouncy or Posterior Carnage or even Chastised Bimbos?

I don't know, but I've got to come up with something, and I need to do it soon.

So... I'm announcing a contest.

Three free DVD's, or a year's membership to my pay site, goes to whoever coins the best title for my next DVD. Two Free DVD's, or 8 months membership to my pay site, goes to the person, or persons, who comes up with the next three best titles.

All winners will be selected by yours truly after due consultation with Jack.

Please consult the following page to ensure that you don't reinvent the wheel, as it were, by coining a title I've already used. This page will also provide you with a clear indication as to the sort of title I'm looking for.

Now... put on your thinking caps and post your suggestions here!

Boomer 01-19-2009 10:11 PM

How about something along the lines of: Thrashed, Tamed or Trembling Trio?

malak 01-20-2009 09:07 PM

Ok what about Smacked, Strapped and Slapped?

ScarletFanny 01-21-2009 02:09 AM



RedRaw 01-21-2009 05:03 PM

I got a few ideas, probbly all pants but hey ho here goes
* Third degree burns
* Trice a thrashing
* Beat, belted and Burned
* Ripe and ready Rumps

Spanker40 01-23-2009 09:26 PM

3 beat butts. Instead of three blind mice!! HA Ha!!

bunstinger 02-28-2009 11:25 AM

I'm pleased to announce that the winners are:

1st Prize
Red Raw grabs the top prize with the following two titles: "Thrice a Thrashing" and "Ripe and Ready Rumps".

Well done Red Raw :D

2nd Prize
The three second prize winners are:

ScarletFanny grabs second with "SNAP, CRACKLE AND POP"

Boomer finishes second as well with "Thrashed, Tamed or Trembling Trio".

Last but not least, Malik grabs second place with "Smacked, Strapped and Slapped"

Congratulations to the winners and a warm thank you to all participants!

All of the winners have been contacted (check your PM's).

ScarletFanny 05-30-2011 01:49 AM

I had won second place in the contest and got some DVD's as a prize. Good thing I got them for free as I would not have paid 1 penny for them. There was zero acting quality, never got to see the man's face who did the spanking, only the model's. The usage of the F word was just ridiculous. It was the same plot over and over again in pretty much the same cheap motel room. And it was just hand spanking and no implements. The models never acted like they were contrite afterwards and the whole lingerie trying on thing was just plain unintelligible. Not at all the quality of Shadow Lane or Punished Brats. There wasn't even any character you could grow to like. I hope for a day when films, real films with real budgets are made on the scale of Hollywood productions that feature spanking with really good plots, writing, characters and direction. These films that I had won were nothing more than cheap lousy below bargain basement flicks.

canio6 05-31-2011 04:58 AM

Really? You get something for free and you are going to complain that much? Where have you been? What you describe is exactly what their videos have been since the company first came out, what 10 years ago? It's not like the company is new or that their content is a secret.

bunstinger 05-31-2011 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by ScarletFanny (Post 17389)
I had won second place in the contest and got some DVD's as a prize. Good thing I got them for free as I would not have paid 1 penny for them. There was zero acting quality, never got to see the man's face who did the spanking, only the model's. The usage of the F word was just ridiculous. It was the same plot over and over again in pretty much the same cheap motel room. And it was just hand spanking and no implements. The models never acted like they were contrite afterwards and the whole lingerie trying on thing was just plain unintelligible. Not at all the quality of Shadow Lane or Punished Brats. There wasn't even any character you could grow to like...

But other than that they were pretty good, right?

IDEA: Used DVD's make for excellent drink coasters. They make for pretty good Frisbees too :)

Now surely those uses are worth at least 1 penny, don't you think?

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