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EmmyDoll 05-12-2007 08:48 PM

KES Show Part IV: Emmy's Folly.
So with Kaylex going out of town and me being so busy with my new promotion, we've not been keeping the KES show us up to date as usual. We'll have some really good topics in this episode of our show, and K and I were even put the idea up for discussion of doing a live version of the KES show at the Bottom's Up Munch this month before the party. We'll see how that goes.

But for now. The first subject. Its not only a topic up for discussion, but its to give your lovely hostess some advise, encouragement, and help.

Most of you read my blog, and know that today my Mother went snooping around on my digital camera and found some of my spanking pictures.

Well... it was a relief to be outed, BUT the words she said crushed me so much. She thinks that I'm a sick person and that I need to see a doctor. She also thinks that I'm ruining my life and I'm not normal.

I know these things aren't true and I know there is no way that my Mother can fathom the idea that I actually LIKE spanking.

But how do you deal with this? What do you say to her? Any advise would be nice people.

Love you,
We'll get back to the real topics A.S.A.P


BlackVelvet007 05-13-2007 12:30 AM

Emmy, never let ANYONE tell you there's anything wrong with you. "Vanillas" just can't wrap their heads around this, which makes them closed-minded. I'm sure your mom cares about you very much, but she has no right to judge you on this part of your life. You are your own individual, and a very special one who is cared for and loved for who she is.

rangerboy 05-13-2007 09:41 AM

Acceptance and Tolerance
Oh Emmy....honey you've had some harsh blows of heart goes out to you.

As I've posted before, it is simply not possible for vanillas to "understand" our interest. It isn't in their frame of reference. Its like trying to explain sunsets to someone who was born blind or trying to explain Eric Clapton to someone who was born deaf....there isn't a starting point for them.....

That being said, understanding is no subsitute for acceptance. I'll be honest...I don't "understand" bondage. I don't "understand" leather fetish. I don't "understand" foot worship. But I am tolerant and accepting of those who do and I give them my tolerance and acceptance without condition and without judgement.

Remember that your mother is going through the stages of shock, denial, etc. I hope that eventually she will arrive at the stage of acceptance that this is who you are and what you are about.

Hurry down here to Texas for some hugs and reassurance from your spanko family....see you soon.

southern_sweetie 05-13-2007 10:22 AM

I am so sorry Emmy to hear that but as the others have said you are a wonderful, sweet, caring, person who knows exactly what she wants and don't let anyone tell u different! My mom knows to but she thinks its just a sex thing and she thinks I am weird too but thats her opinion! I love spanking and I would not change it for the world. It will get better, I promise. Huggs, take care!

tubaman 05-13-2007 09:37 PM

Hang in there, Emmy!
Please don't worry about your Mom's words. Vanillas simply don't understand, and some of them never will be able to. Nothing wrong with that; just the way it is. Don't let it get you down. Of the people to whom I've been outted, most didn't really care one way or ther other, but a few were really upset by it. Plus, she's your Mom, and you're a girl (not a big ole hairy man) so this is probably her way of expressing her protectiveness of you.

I'd just let it run its course, and don't let it get you down. It's what you are, and you are a delight!

Paul (Tubaman)

garyspk 05-13-2007 10:51 PM

Emmy, I gotta tell you. While I sympathize with your situation, if there's anyone whose opinions are based on much experience, it's Tubaman and Rangerboy. I agree with them 100%. Follow their advice on this. They are dead-on.

EmmyDoll 05-14-2007 10:07 AM

Thank you!
All of you are amazing good friends, and all the advice you could offer me was dead on and real.

I know I'm not sick. ^_^

Because, Paully said it the best, even if I WAS sick... being 'normal' wouldn't make me much fun. And then again... Tubaman is right.... he's a big hairy man, and Gary is an old fart, so that makes you guys 'more sick', right?

I'm just joking. None of us our sick and I know this.

As for 'blowing over.'

My mom is trying to be super nice to me. Its really weird.... almost like it didn't happen. But I am saving up money for a move.

Thank you for all you kinda words guys! I love you all!

lil_babygirl 05-14-2007 10:51 AM

I guess that is lucky for me in a way.. since both my parents are deceased so not to have to explain any of my lifestyle. Although, I do have a godfather (friend of my dad's) that doesnt mind what I do at all.. in fact he likes to hear the stuff that goes on.. hehe... but then I think he's just an old fart. ;)
Hang in there, Emmy. Life is how you make it so why not enjoy yourself.

kaylex 05-14-2007 03:00 PM

Oh Emmy!
So I can't give much advice but I am a cohost and I do have a second from running around the east coast so....

My advice is really know who you are and be confident in that. If you make bad choices and show you're not responsible your parents are going to see this as just one more bad choice. If you make good choices and prove you can handle life... then they won't get this... but after the initial shock wears off they will accept it as something that's part of you. Something that's a part of you and they don't understand but apart of you none the less.

Love ya all,

emily 05-14-2007 08:53 PM

my parents found out an they freaked out in the beginning but i think after they seen that im still the same person and still a good responsible mother they chilled out an accepted that maybe it's not sucha bad thing. even if they never come to terms with it an still make an issue of it just learn to let it go in one ear an out the other. dont let it affect you or your existence in this lifestyle because once you've been in it you cant do without it. it's like oxygen you need it to survive.


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