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AsianPersuasion 12-07-2007 02:15 PM

Beverly Hillbillies
There are like 3 episodes i remember that had a bit too much spanking to not remember :P

Granny was always threatening to woop em. There were a couple of wacks here and there but one I remember very well was when this pretty female theif got caught and granny spanked her. Showed her rubbing her bottom and saying how sorry she was.

Oldtimersammy 12-07-2007 06:19 PM

Very true, Granny did spank a girl thief off camera. And threatened Jeffro & Elly May several times with woodshed whippin's. Jed also hinted to Elly about a bottom warming on one episode! With this sitcom running in the early 60s it didn't hold back on discipline talk...But sorry, no action!

jackie seven 12-08-2007 04:40 PM

The episode in question was in two parts entitled The Badger Game and the Badgers Return. The girl was portrayed by Gayle Hunnicutt. She pretended to be a grown up girl from back home by the name of Emmaline Fetty. But in reality, she was working with a con man who trying to blackmail Jed Clampett out of some money.

Her accomplice, an older gentleman dressed in Col. Sanders type attire, took photos of her and Jed in a compromising position. The pictures were to be used as blackmail. They were caught, and in the second episode there was a final scene in Mr. Drysdale's office where the Col. was trying also blackmail the banker. Jed came in with the girl and explained that the plot had been exposed. He explained that he and Emmaline had a long talk. He said that had done some good, but then, "Granny took her down to the cellar and got to the seat of the problem." Then the girl rubbed her bottom and commented, "Nobody ever explained right from wrong to me like that before," while Drysdale's secretary, Jane Hathaway, snickered in the background.

Batman 12-09-2007 02:24 PM

I missed that one when I'd watch all the reruns. I'm gonna have to look for it.

jackie seven 12-09-2007 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by Batman (Post 7255)
I missed that one when I'd watch all the reruns. I'm gonna have to look for it.

There may be a reason why you've missed it, Batman. I was surprised to learn that the episode has been deleted from many syndications. I don't know if the spanking reference has anything to do with that or not. But if so, that's pretty lame because the scene was really nothing. And there were quite a few others in the Hillbillies series, although none involving such a sexy lady.

Here's a link to a synopsis of the episode...

agotkl1 12-09-2007 09:06 PM

beverly hillbillies
I don't know why it would be deleted either as it was pretty tame. But i have to ask everyone if they remember an episode where Mrs. Drysdale gets spanked by Mr. Drysdale. Or one where Elly Mae is in the kitchen talking to Granny and Granny gives her a spank and says a classic line like an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure while Elly is rubbing her bottom like it was more than 1 swat. There was another episode where Jetrho's mother gets scolded by Granny where she says something like when you were young i gave you a spanking, when you were older i gave you a whipping and now i'm ready to spank you again and starts chasing her. Also does anyone remember a series with Faith Ford after Murphy Brown where she gets divorced and goes back home to live and her mother is reading her diary and suddenly jumps up and gives her a swat and says that's for such and such a night and Faith leans forward like she expected her Mother to continue spanking her. Thanks for your time and have a great day.

Oldtimersammy 12-12-2007 07:43 PM

Just a thought! I would've loved to see someone spank some of those pretty secretaries Drysdale had working at his bank!

Redskinluver 01-13-2008 11:53 AM

There was one where Mr. Drysdale, after sampling Granny's 'shine spanked his spoiled,bitchy wife. It was offscreen, but you could hear it and Miss Hathaway said " I do believe he's paddling her." And he threatened her with another later if she didnt want to apology to the Clampetts.
Granny was always threatening Jethro with the woodshed. There was one episode when she gave him a whack with the frying pan when he refused to do some household chore, saying it was "women's work." She made some remark about "standing up for your meals for the next few days."
But don't recall that Ellie Mae ever got spanked, although Jed once threatened to take her over his knee when she was fighting with Jethro(and Granny said Jethro would go over her knee)
One episode did have Granny talking about Ellie Mae. Ellie Mae was riding around the place on a motorcycle very fast. Granny said she'd yank her off the machine and " tan her britches." Instead somehow Granny ended up on the bike and rode it into the pool! What a laugh. Ellie Mae certainly had one spankable bottom in those tight jeans she wore, and her swimsuit.
Know Granny didnt approve of Ellie's "nakedness" as she called it sometimes, but it was Jethro she got on one time when he was in his swim trunks.
She asked him what he was doing going around in his underwear, he replied they were his swim trunks, and she told him to go put some clothes on "before I cut a switch." Would have been even better if it had been Ellie Mae she threatened with a switching when she was wearing hers.

kinkyangelina 01-14-2008 02:39 PM
a story for ur evening fantasy

paully62 01-16-2008 01:29 AM didnt say anything there.

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