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Wood Paddles 11-07-2006 10:08 PM

What Sparked My Interest In Spanking
My interest in the spanking thing started when I was in the eighth grade. One of my classes that year was as an "office aid" which entailed working in the principals office assisting the secretaries (picking up attendance slips, running xerox copies, and other "gopher" type tasks). I chose that class as an elective because it was basically going to be a free period. I ended up being an aid the last class period of the day and I soon learned that one of my duties was to bring students from their class to the principal's office for disciplinary action. I had the opportunity to escort several young ladies to the the principals office that year. I never actually saw any of them get paddled, but the swats could be heard through out the entire office. The usual number of swats was either one, three or five, depending on the severity of the offence. After they were given their "licks" they were allowed to compose them selves a bit before leaving the office but most of them returned to class still a bit teary eyed. I could only imagine how red and sore their butts must have been afterwards. It didn't take long for me to realize the whole process was quiet arousing. I soon found my self looking forward to last period each day, hoping that some poor young lady had the misfortune of getting into trouble so that I would be able to escort them to the office to be paddled. So, that's what got me hooked on spanking and in particular the use of paddles, and the principal - teacher/ student roles.

RG_ 11-07-2006 10:39 PM

Very interesting post, WP. Could you please go on and give us some specific stories. And where, or about where, in Texas (if that's where you also grew up) was this school?

spanked~amber 11-07-2006 11:29 PM

If they only knew what that task of escorting those poor girls to the office created...I'm not sure whether to shake those secretary's hands or give 'em a piece of my mind !

emily 02-10-2007 05:19 PM

can you imagine how embarassing it would be to be for a young lady? being escorted to the office by another person a guy at that for the purpose of getting paddled. :o im glad they didnt do such things when i was in junior high or high school lol..


Gary D. 02-10-2007 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by emily (Post 2700)
can you imagine how embarassing it would be to be for a young lady? being escorted to the office by another person a guy at that for the purpose of getting paddled. :o im glad they didnt do such things when i was in junior high or high school lol..


now there's a job I could relate to.........unless it was the one doing the paddling ;)

Gary D.

BlackVelvet007 02-10-2007 10:08 PM

Dag. I could see a video from this. Show a few young ladies being paddled by the principal, have voiceover telling the story from the perspective of the guy standing just outside with his ear to the door, call the video "The Escort". Ya never know, it just might sell. ;)

Cyberria 03-23-2007 04:40 PM

Nows that is a First Awareness story. You didn't even have a chance. I'm with BlackVelvet. You should sell the rights to this one. Has anyone seen Dottie Get's Spanked? It's a short film that portrays how the whole interest in spanking begins. After watching it's pretty obvious the guy who made it knows exactly what he's talking about.

jackie seven 03-23-2007 09:59 PM

My interest in spanking started at a very early age although I didn't really understand it or recognize it as anything erotic until much later. But I can remember having a strange fascination with it for as long as I can remember.

So when I was in the second grade, an incident took place that didn't spark my interest, but certainly fueled it. Until this day I still can't believe it actually happened because it was something that was totally unheard of and out of character at the time.

It was the late 1950's, probably either '58 or '59. Most all of our grammar school teachers had those little wooden toy fly-back paddles in their desk drawers. The kind that come a rubber ball and elastic string. They weren't used all that often, depending on each particular teacher, but when they were, it was exclusively for boys. That is until one day when two little blond girls were talking during class. Our teacher that year was one of those who was a notorious paddler, plus had a temper and a mean streak to boot.

To the amazement of everyone, she called one of the girls, Mary, to the front of the class. As she walked towards the front of the room, she saw the teacher open her desk drawer and take out her paddle. Upon seeing this, she stopped about half way and in a quivering voice said, "What are you going to do?" The teacher answered, "I'm going to spank you." The class watched in horror as she continued her way to the desk from which the teacher had pulled her chair back and was seated. As Mary approached the teacher, she grabbed her and pulled her across her knees. Although most of what happened next was hidden from view because of the teacher's desk, it was evident that she raised the hem of girl's dress well up and proceeded to pepper her pantie-clad bottom with the paddle for several minutes. I'm guessing she received at least a dozen good licks, possibly as many as 20, because it seemed to last for an eternity.

What happened next is something that I never quite figured out for sure. I don't know if the teacher realized what she had done and the possible gravity of the situation or what. Since there was an unwritten rule against spanking girls, especially on the panties and it front of a class, she may have realized that she'd overstepped her bounds and could get into some serious trouble herself.

But for whatever reason, she told the other girl, "Sandra, I've got a good mind to spank you too." But she didn't so I always figured that she'd suddenly come to her senses and thought better of compounding any problems she may have just caused for herself by paddling another girl.

Of course, it was the 1950s and teachers were much more likely to get away with things that they would never even think of doing today. So to my knowledge, nothing ever came of it as far as the teacher getting into trouble. And even though I didn't understand at the time exactly what it was about spanking that fascinated me so, I remember thinking a lot about that incident and being strangely disappointed that the other girl didn't get paddled too.

garyspk 03-24-2007 12:18 AM


Originally Posted by jackie seven (Post 3329)

Of course, it was the 1950s and teachers were much more likely to get away with things that they would never even think of doing today. So to my knowledge, nothing ever came of it as far as the teacher getting into trouble. And even though I didn't understand at the time exactly what it was about spanking that fascinated me so, I remember thinking a lot about that incident and being strangely disappointed that the other girl didn't get paddled too.

Great story, J7. All of my teachers back in the 60s had those paddle ball paddles stashed away too.

I remember the first time I heard a girl getting spanked (in the hall) it was quite amazing. I was too young to understand WHY it got my interest, but it definitely did.

Gary D. 03-24-2007 06:47 AM


Originally Posted by garyspk (Post 3336)
Great story, J7. All of my teachers back in the 60s had those paddle ball paddles stashed away too.

I remember the first time I heard a girl getting spanked (in the hall) it was quite amazing. I was too young to understand WHY it got my interest, but it definitely did.

Hmmmm wonder if we went to the same school there Gary S. and just didn't realize it (laughs). I remember the exact same things.

Gary D.

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