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garyspk 06-03-2008 08:55 PM

Roxy's Speeding Ticket
What is it with brats and speeding tickets?

In this week's update on, Roxy gets the belt across her butt for getting caught speeding. This is a real-life scenario, BTW. Here's the link if you want to watch:

Arianna 06-03-2008 09:14 PM

What is it with "Tops" always picking on brats who speed!?! Isn't the ticket enough? lol...Beep, Beep

bottomtanner1 06-03-2008 09:53 PM

We dont 'pick on' brats....speeding is a spankable offense...especially if speeding was in a school zone :)

qttink22 06-03-2008 10:53 PM

I'm with Arianna...If you get a ticket, why should you get a spanking too??? Now if I'm speeding and don't get a ticket, but get caught some other way...i.e. a Top happens to see me speeding, but I don't get pulled over, that's one thing, but I'm thinking the ticket is punishment enough. Then again, it always goes back to the fact that all you Toppy people don't seem to need an actual REASON to spank a brat other than the mere brat factor itself.

BlackVelvet007 06-03-2008 11:27 PM

(putting on State Trooper hat) This hyeah is State Trooper Buford T. Sorebutt. I's hyeah to tell y'all that speeding & reckless driving is most DEFINITELY a spankable offense (adjusting my mirror sunglasses) especially in MAH jurisdiction. :D

qttink22 06-03-2008 11:33 PM

ROFLMAO!!!! BV!!! Whether I agree with you or not, I have to give it to you that your post is pretty darn hilarious!

Arianna 06-03-2008 11:44 PM

Oh, Ummm...Mister State Trooper, Sir...(putting on my halo)...why we (Tink and I) weren't speeding at all! See, we were just driving with the flow of traffic. It's not our fault the car in front of us just happens to be two miles ahead...we were just trying to catch up to her...yeah, that's it...catching up...definitely not speeding though (nudging Tink and whispering, "hurry, smile your best smile and look innocent!") I'm sure you understand Officer.

raavyn 06-03-2008 11:51 PM

sheesh, what fun is driving if ya can't go fast?

besides, its only illegal if you get caught ... that includes by the cops OR by the Tops.

qttink22 06-03-2008 11:55 PM

Right! That's exactly what I meant to say. Arianna and I would never do such a thing as speeding. We're the most responsible, well-behaved little mean...little can imagine.

BlackVelvet007 06-04-2008 12:25 AM

(stepping out of mah squad car) (pulling up on mah OWN britches) (walking toard y'all painfully slow) Now y'all don't think fer one sekint that Ahm buying ANY of this, now dew yew?

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