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RG_ 10-23-2006 05:45 PM

John Wayne!
This is one mainstream film actor who belongs in the Movie Spanking Hall of Fame. He has probably been in more movies with spanked more women than any other actor out there, and he is an iconic for his reputation as a "man's man," someone who's characters both sexes can admire (albeit for entirely differnet reasons)!

The most famous of his spankings, I think, must be his job on Maureen O'Hara in the now ultimately famous (in the spanking world) "McLintock!"

There were two great spankings in that movie, by the way, for those who have watched it a time or two...or three...or four...or five...or...

jackie seven 10-26-2006 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by RG_ (Post 262)
The most famous of his spankings, I think, must be his job on Maureen O'Hara in the now ultimately famous (in the spanking world) "McLintock!"

There were two great spankings in that movie, by the way, for those who have watched it a time or two...or three...or four...or five...or...

I agree, RG, that this is prboably one of the most famous spankings ever staged for a mainstream movie. The lovely Maureen O'Hara is one of my favorite actresses of all time and she played the part of the naughty Kate McClintock perfectly. The build up to the spanking, including the chase through down was classic. But I have always been very much annoyed that such a great scene was almost ruined by the use of that disgusting coal shovel.

If the Duke had used his hand, or been handed a flat piece of wood or leather, the scene would have been much better. But who in their right mind would ever think of using a freaking coal shovel to spank a woman? Still a great scene, but one that could have been much better if a little more attention had been played to details.

Here are a few of my other all time favorites (in no particular order).

1. Walk On The Wild Side...Beautiful French actress Capucine gets here bottom paddled with a large hairbrush by her lover, Barbara Stanwyck. Sadly, years ago this scene was been from all current formats of this film that I know of and I fear has been lost forever. But it was probably the best one I ever saw!

2. Sorority Babes in the Slime Ball Bowl-a-Rama...Horrible movie with great opening scene. Two initates bend over the back of a sofa to have their panty clad bottoms smacked with an over-sized paddle which was weilded by a sadistic sorority pledge master.

3. Cheerleader Autopsy...Another horroble movie that, after a great opening scene, quickly degenerates into blood and mayhem. But the movie opens with several cheerleaders being late for the bus. The miffed coach makes them take turns bending over with hands on knees and gives them their licks with a paddle.

I have many more favorites, too many to list. But these are three that come to mind in which I didn't know were going to have a spanking scene until I saw them for the first time, which is always a nice suprise.

RG_ 10-26-2006 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by jackie seven (Post 343)
I have always been very much annoyed that such a great scene was almost ruined by the use of that disgusting coal shovel.

jackie, I very much agree! I think that the coal shovel almost sunk that entire scene, as well as the first spanking scene in that movie when it was used on McLintock's daugther.

Kennysspankee 10-26-2006 10:42 PM

Yeah but it sure makes you look at a coal shovel in a whole different light. My brother has one just like the one in the movie hanging on the wall by the fireplace.

YELLOW 10-27-2006 01:29 AM

Tank Spanking
Sorry my vote is for the Tank Spanking. When that came out to videotape way back when, I was in my early teens. I remember feeling very aroused at that scene and not understanding why.

BlackVelvet007 10-27-2006 07:53 AM

Good call one and all. Mclintock has two fantastic spankings, The one scene in Slimeball Bowl-a-rama makes it worth seeking out on video, and while it's a guilty pleasure, the spanking scene from James Garner's film "Tank" does have its appeal for folks like us. Let's also add Blue Hawaii to the list. Elvis and a blonde haired spankee? Classic

garyspk 10-27-2006 12:40 PM

Wow. "Cheerleader Autopsy" is one I had not heard of. But I gotta admit that the "Slimeball" movie is a guilty pleasure.

jackie seven 10-27-2006 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by garyspk (Post 369)
Wow. "Cheerleader Autopsy" is one I had not heard of. But I gotta admit that the "Slimeball" movie is a guilty pleasure.

Thanks for the welcome. In case you're interested, here's a link to some stills from "Cheerleader Autopsy" and a brief synopsis of the scene.

Richard Windsor 10-27-2006 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by garyspk (Post 369)
Wow. "Cheerleader Autopsy" is one I had not heard of. But I gotta admit that the "Slimeball" movie is a guilty pleasure.

Believe it or not, I actually own this film on DVD :) Aside from buying it for the spanking scene, I'm also quite fond of B movie horror films, so I get a double dose of pleasure.... Though Cheerleader Autopsy is closer to a film on the C movie list, lol.


garyspk 10-27-2006 11:49 PM

Hey there Jackie Seven,

Thanks for the link. I can't believe I missed this one. I guess it's because it was from 2004 and I quit keeping up with the more "B" type of movies.

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