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Veronica Daniels 11-20-2007 11:23 AM

Important Message
This community has been a great support and wonderful friendly place for me and I want to share what has happened to me this week with you all so you know why I am going away for a period of time.

Yesterday I was out'ed to my ex-husband by someone who wishes to remain anonymous and will not even say who they are. My ex who knew nothing of my business has now given me 24 hours to remove all of our sites and related blogs from the internet or will go to child protective services and try to take my precious child from me. I cannot allow that to happen. So I have made the very difficult decision of removing our blogs and our site from the internet for a period of time until I can obtain counsel and decide my course and what is best for my child.

I know I am not the first person who has had this happen in the community and nor will I be the last. It makes me sick and I am reeling with hurt, anger, outrage, and grief. We are all regular people people and this fetish does not make us un-fit parents or sickos, but that is the perception of many.

I have never done anything to endanger my child, but I am being threatened in no uncertain terms because that is the perception.

Thank you all for all the wonderful support and kindness you have given to me over the past year! I want you to know how much I appreciate it.

Faithfully yours-

Nomad 11-20-2007 12:15 PM

WOW, I am sorry to hear this for you two. I hope everything works out for you, and you are back on-line providing a service I know a lot out there use. And more important that you no longer have the fear for your children in this regards.

andybrom 11-20-2007 01:18 PM

Sorry to hear about your troubles,there are some nasty people about aren't there. Hope to hear from you soon when this terrible mess is sorted out.

sarah thorne 11-20-2007 04:32 PM

How cruel! And how cowardly for someone to do such a thing!

This is one of my biggest fears, having children myself. It is the main reason why I do not allow my face to be shown in pictures of myself in kink-related activities.

I wish you the best, Veronica. As a parent, who is fiercely protective of my own children's well-being, can empathize and back you up in the assertion that being kinky and a bit of an exhibitionist in no way makes one a bad parent. But we must do what we need to do to protect them at pretty much all costs.


rangerboy 11-20-2007 08:02 PM

You Are in Thought

I met you and Dr. D at Texas All State this year and I found you both to be marvelous folks. I am so sorry that some cowardly moron had to put you through this....the community is with you and you will be in thought until this idiocy gets resolved.

Warmest regards,


emily 11-20-2007 08:24 PM

The same thing happened to me not to long ago. Luckily it turned out ok and my ex actually took it better than I expected. I was so scared and knew it could have been a really bad situation. Like you I'll do whatever it takes for my children even if it meant leaving the lifestyle. I hope and pray that everything works out for you and your little one. Using our precious children against us is the absolute most piss poor trick in the book.

jujubees1 11-20-2007 09:52 PM

I'm really sorry Veronica. I hope you get this resolved quickly and can resume your life on your own terms. The prejudice that is still out there in the world regarding this kink sickens me. I hope you find peace.

Adelina 11-20-2007 10:25 PM

I am so sorry to hear about this, Veronica.

I'd like to say this is unbelievable, but it's not. There's so very much misunderstanding and disapproval of alternative lifestyles, it's entirely plausible that people who take actions like this really believe they do so to protect children from our twisted influences. I don't know what drives this case, if its genuine concern or mere vindictiveness. Either way, it's a terrible position to be in.

I feel pained on your behalf, Veronica. I know I would do anything, ANYTHING to protect my precious little girl, and I admire your decision to pull out. It sounds like the right thing to do under the circumstances. I will pray for a favorable outcome for you and your child.

jackie seven 11-20-2007 11:17 PM

Every time I think we may be making some progress, that is the spanking fetish slowly becoming more excepted as an alternative life style, I hear something like this. And it makes me realize that perhaps all the paranoia that we've all grown up with while hiding this interest from others was justified after all.

It takes a real creep to do something like this. Best of luck to you, Veronica, in resolving this situation. I have enjoyed your blog and all of your work and will miss it greatly. Hopefully this will just be a temporary setback. And hopefully, karma will deal with the person who did this to you.

hwyman 11-20-2007 11:24 PM

That is terrible Veronica! Good luck on your efforts. Hope you come back after you get your mess squared away.

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