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PandaBear 01-04-2007 09:44 PM

Memories of childhood spankings by parents
Up until the time I was 10 years old, a spanking at home consisted of a swat or two, sometimes 3 but never more than that, on my bottom, always over my clothes. It wasn't very painful, but it left a sting. The spanking was usually administered right after the offense had occured.

When I was 10, however, my mom got to the point where she didn't want to spank for everything immediately. So if she caught me doing something I shouldn't, I got a "point." Ten "points" in a week and I was spanked. At the end of the week though, the slate was wiped clean. I usually made it to Thursday or Friday, sometimes Saturday, before being spanked. These spankings were more "formal" I guess you could say, because I had to go into my parents bedroom, put my hands on the top of the tall dresser and lean on it, and stick my bottom out. I would then get 3 moderately hard strokes with the switch over my clothes. It stung but didn't really hurt. I was always told what I had done to deserve the spanking, though. I got spanked maybe once or twice a month, but there were 2 - 3 months when I wasn't spanked at all. I guess even though I wasn't spanked hard it was pretty effective because of the infrequency of the spankings.

However there are exceptions to every rule, and I will write about my two most memorable spankings (one from mom, one from dad) in a separate post.

RG_ 01-05-2007 12:01 AM

[QUOTE=PandaBear;1800]I would then get 3 moderately hard strokes with the switch over my clothes. It stung but didn't really hurt. QUOTE]

Ah, another recipient of the venerable old switch.

Unlike yours, though, mine hurt one heck of a whole lot! LOL

BlackVelvet007 01-05-2007 12:01 AM

Interesting. I think havoc would commence if we instilled a point system around here. :) I appreciate you sharing these incidents. I always wonder if it's ever upsetting to a spankee to recall stories of childhood spankings. There's definitely interest in stories like this, but you never want to trigger an unpleasant memory in someone.

RG_ 01-05-2007 12:11 AM


Originally Posted by BlackVelvet007 (Post 1819)
There's definitely interest in stories like this, but you never want to trigger an unpleasant memory in someone.

Indeed, you don't, and Sarah expressed the same sentiments in a thread that she posted recently addressing the same thing, childhood memories. I suppose it just wasn't ready for discussion because it sank to the back pages rather quickly. However, the good thing about a message board is that for those who wish not to talk or recall childhood incidents, they can just move on to another thread.

PandaBear 01-05-2007 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by BlackVelvet007 (Post 1819)
I always wonder if it's ever upsetting to a spankee to recall stories of childhood spankings. There's definitely interest in stories like this, but you never want to trigger an unpleasant memory in someone.

No it really doesn't upset me to remember being spanked when I was growing up, especially since I still realize that even as an adult a good spanking can still be beneficial. Add to that the fact that I never got a spanking I didn't deserve, its actually a good memory that someone cared enough about me to punish me when I needed it, even if it hurt a little. Like I said, even now as an adult I still feel like I need a sore bottom to keep me straight. I know some people don't want to believe this, but spanking works.

BlackVelvet007 01-05-2007 10:43 AM

We believe, we believe, Hallelujah we believe. :) I once met a woman from Seattle who told me the sweetest story. When she was a little girl, she climbed into the front seat of the family car parked in the driveway and accidently pulled the parking brake. The car started rolling down the driveway. Fortunately, her mother saw what was going on and stopped the car before it rolled into the street etc. But her mother led the girl into the house, pulled down her panties and spanked her bare bottom with a paddle. What made this story sweet is that when the story was described to me, all she could remember was associating her mother's love with the spanking because at the time, her "joyride" had scared the heck out of her, and it was oddly comforting just feeling the warmth of her mom's lap as well as the fire of her scorched bottom.

PandaBear 01-05-2007 12:45 PM

LOL! That story reminds me of the time my dad forgot to put the parking brake up on our old Karman Ghia (hope that's how you spell it!) and it rolled down not only our driveway, but the neighbor across the cul de sac called us and said that our car had just crashed into her husband's pickup! Our driveway was on a hill, so you had to set the brake every time you parked it. Well dad never forgot to set the brake again! And mom still hasn't let him live this down either!

Adelina 01-05-2007 07:09 PM

It is difficult for me to read childhood stories, but it's not because they're offensive or inappropriate. I know that I am particularly sensitive to the subject and am in the minority. I don't remember a single home spanking incident of mine; the only episode in my home I can visualize is my mom grabbing and beating the hell out of my sister with a flyswatter, then later the two of us talking and trying to figure out what had set Mom off, which was often a mystery. I don't recall any specific deeds, only that Mom Was Mad. I grew up believing that spanking was a way for parents to vent anger and frustration.

When I read statements saying someone is grateful for childhood discipline, or that it was done from love, I feel a little ill, only because I cannot wrap my head around this concept. The "L" word was not used in my house. I still feel uncomfortable being around my parents, feel disgusting when they hug me, and will not leave my preschool-aged daughter alone with them.

I do believe that my parents' attitudes were not intentionally malicious. They did a lot of things right, took us to lots of activities and were attentive to medical/dental care and always had the fridge full. But they have difficulties with emotions and relationships, and we were caught in the crossfire.

RG_ 01-06-2007 12:18 AM

I know of many people who have said that the pain of emotional wounds was/is far greater than anything that spanking ever brought. We've talked about this before, Adelina, but once again I'll note that I wish that your parents, who have some wonderful characteristics, had been more emotionally fulfilling and supportive for you.

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