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iggy 10-21-2006 05:44 PM

Pet Peeves
Ok...what are your pet peeves? (they don't have to be about spanking or TTWD even though the one I have put is)

Here is one of mine...people who send add requests on YIM and don't even bother to tell you who they are, where they got your info from, or have any sort of info attached to their profile so you can figure out if they are someone you might like to talk with!

Why on earth would be it be so hard to send a message first (something along the lines of)...Hi iggy, I saw your profile on yahoo360 (or wherever) and thought I'd say hi since I'm also interested in spanking. I am a Dom/spanker/ is a link my MY yahoo360 so you can see a bit about me.


Then they accuse you of being "like a detective" and "confrontational" cuz I asked a couple of questions and didn't immediately spill out any and all sexual/spanking fantasies that may have ever popped into my head.

ChaseyPlain 10-21-2006 10:12 PM

Along the same lines, I hate when people IM you and ask you your age and location which is clearly stated on your profile that they didn't bother to read. And then they want to know "where in Dallas" like I'm going to just give them my address or something. LOL

RG_ 10-22-2006 09:55 PM

[QUOTE=iggy;213]Hi iggy, I saw your profile on yahoo360 (or wherever) ...QUOTE]

And I did. Nice profile there, girl!

iggy 10-22-2006 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by iggy (Post 213)
Hi iggy, I saw your profile on yahoo360 (or wherever) ...QUOTE]

And I did. Nice profile there, girl!

and you didn't say hi??? shame on you!

MichiganHeadmaster 11-06-2006 08:30 PM

I'll send you a YIM invite. And you'll know who I am. :)

Veronica Daniels 11-06-2006 10:27 PM

I totally agree with all of the above! Very annoying. Here is one of mine, call me uptight but I really cannot stand it when people address me as "hey". Is it so hard to say, "Hi, how are you?" It just seems like such dis-respectful lazy talk..."hey". I have started saying back, "no thanks, I don't eat the stuff!" :)

Just one woman's opinion-
Veronica D.

garyspk 11-06-2006 10:39 PM

As my dad always says when someone says "hey" to him, "Hey is what horses eat."

spanked~amber 11-06-2006 10:59 PM

As far as pet peeves go, my personal one would have to be when someone refers to me as "shrimp." Now I've been used to being referred to as little and have had the "lil'" added on my name as far back as I can remember. No problem.I even had a teacher in junior high and highschool that drove my bus(theres a story here in the future, lol) that nicknamed me "Nat." Again, no big deal, I knew it wasn't meant in a mean way. But for some reason being called shrimp just crawls all over me in a really bad way. Call me shrimp and you've just lit a "lil" stick of dynomite, lol.

RG_ 11-07-2006 05:44 AM


Originally Posted by spanked~amber (Post 633)
Now I've been used to being referred to as little and have had the "lil'" ...

So I've got a question: In general, how do you feel about being so short? Like it? Don't like it? Doesn't matter? If you could wave a magic wand and add few inches, would you?

I ask because it has been my experience that the great majority of short girls indicate that they do not like being short. Some of the things that they complain about are to be expected, to be sure, such as not being able to reach items in the grocery store, needing something to stand on to get things from the pantry and shelves in the home, and so on. And I get the impression that they think that guys find it, if not unattractive, at least not something that turns the eye.

Speaking for myself, as a male, I think that short girls are hotter than an iron in a blacksmith's fire. Though I can't put my finger on why that is, in the scope of things that make up physical beauty and attractiveness in a woman, being short rates high in my book. I love being able to completely hold a girl in my arms, to be able to lean down and give her a little kiss on the top of the head, and generally like the relative size difference. Perhaps at some deep level of the psyche it's a male kind of thing.

On more than one occasion, when I've heard a girl complain about being short, I've told her to count her blessings. Some guys out there may go for the statuesque build, but I'm sure that I'm not alone in saying that some of us want just the opposite.

ADDENDUM: Of course, there are some other advantages to short girls, too. I find that they are much easier to pick up and throw over my shoulder when they need to be efficiently transported to some destination. :D

katie_spades 11-07-2006 05:23 PM

Big pet peeve: when people use the contraction "ain't!" It may be in the dictionary (as sad as that is) but it's not an effin' word!!! It's a contraction! It's murder on my ears!!!

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