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need2botk 01-13-2007 02:42 AM

My most memorable belt spanking
This happened many years ago now......I had come home very late from school, at the time I was about 13. My parents had rules about calling and telling them where we kids were...heck this was the age before cell phones, the age of the Hairbrush and strap....rules were meant to be followed...........
Anyhow, I came home late, my friends and I had been out just messing around and I lost track of time, (how classic), and of course failed to call ahead of time.......well no sooner than I walked in the door, I was confronted by my parents. And they were furious. This wasn't the first time. To them I was thoughtless and careless for not checking in, a young boy without discipline as they put it. But not for long as my dad put it........My stomach turned inside out when I saw him loosen the belt from his waist.. All of us had felt that strap, you never lasted more than 2 or 3 strokes before your butt was burning and tears rolled from your eyes. I honestly thought of running when my mom pulled me by the ear to our living room, my father close behind, belt in hand doubled over telling me that sitting down was soon to be a thing of the past.
Now in our house spankings for the middle of the road offenses, were always over the bed. For severe infractions, which meant a no non sense strapping, these were always administered over this ottoman we had in the living room. Bare bottom was one option, bare naked was the way this went down. Before I could lie my way out of this, my mom was tugging off pants, shirt and undershirt. Leaving me only my scant tidy whities for protection.

I heard not a word of their tag-team lecture, other than "bend OVER NOW". The weak knee fear of lowering myself onto that ottoman were very short, the time to gather myself had past...........starring at the carpet, thoughts spinning through my young head, don't cry yet, it hasn't started,. Maybe they won't do it bare bottom, and of course imagining my butt was as big as our house. That forever between the act of bending over and the first burning sting of that dam belt....was also very short............Time did seem to stand still, well that is until I felt what every child dreads, and every adult yearns for................That hand in the waist band of underpants, my last vestige of hope, or protection was being unceremoniously pulled down to my ankles.

Before I could even think about putting a hand back to cover/protect my bare big as all out doors poor butt, the strap fell. Tears I was bravely holding back, now flowed. My father was an expert at timing each stroke....just when you felt the burning, he landed another. I squirmed, begged and pleaded, the strap kept falling. Crying like a like schoolgirl, I swore to be good, the belt kept landing, my butt was burning like Hellfire. His expert strappings were always aimed at my bottom, but also the tops of the thighs..... After what seemed like forever and a day......He stopped.... there was a lecture of some sorts. I heard nothing. Then the belt landed one last time.....The strapping was over, but the punishment was not.........In our house corner time was your bare bottom over that ottoman, crying your eyes out starring blankly at the carpet. with that damn belt resting on your burning fire engine red upturned butt...... I still remember hating how cool the leather felt compared to my butt. My Mom and dads way of reminding you that my butt was theirs.... After some time past there was more lecture, and a final hand spanking, Then I was sent bare naked down the hall and dinner, and sleeping on my stomach......I can still feel the burning, If I close my eyes and run my hands over my butt, I can almost feel the dread in my soul, as well as thinking I can hear those words echoing through the years........"young man get you bottom in here"......................................

strap_atlanta 01-30-2008 02:58 PM

Wonderful and clearly true story!!!

sarah thorne 01-30-2008 03:56 PM

I opened this, as I love stories with straps - my father punished with one too!

I believed it as real, until the nude spanking part. It was still a good story; I just have never, ever understood the "reality" of a parental discipline of a totally nude child, especially one in puberty (unless they yanked them outta the tub or shower, which wasn't unheard of and just happened to be a circumstance of the moment).

Intense read, tho. :)


emily 01-30-2008 08:48 PM

Im with you on this Sarah. I dont get the full nudity either. Just the sound and thought of it just seems so dirty and perverted in a not good way. Now among consenting adults that's totally different. Other than that part I did enjoy the story as well.

garyspk 01-30-2008 10:49 PM


Originally Posted by sarah thorne (Post 7906)
I opened this, as I love stories with straps - my father punished with one too!

I believed it as real, until the nude spanking part. It was still a good story; I just have never, ever understood the "reality" of a parental discipline of a totally nude child, especially one in puberty (unless they yanked them outta the tub or shower, which wasn't unheard of and just happened to be a circumstance of the moment).

Intense read, tho. :)


I'm in total agreement on this. A really good story loses it with me when there's an absurd, non-realistic element thrown in.

The same goes with a video. How many spankings were ever given when the spankee was totally nude? Yikes. That's just my personal taste, I suppose. But after producing spanking videos for a number of years now and getting feedback (and believe me, we GET feedback), I'd say that whole "reality" thing can only be pushed so far.

LikeSpank 02-07-2008 03:57 PM

I never thought getting spanked totally naked was all that unusual, maybe just because that's the way it was done in our house when I was growing up.

I understand there's really no practical reason for removing a boys shirt, but I think my parents undressed me completely to show that they were the parents and I was just a child and that they were in charge.

Try to keep in mind that different parents have different methods.

This story was very similiar to the way I was disciplined even as a teeneger.


scarecrowromnymarsh 02-15-2008 04:43 PM

If you read "my Journey" that was my most severe belt spanking and the most memorable but the worst wast the time I was horsewhipped I still have the scars

manu254 03-08-2011 07:59 AM

nice story

bt2000 04-06-2011 09:49 AM

Thanks for the story. was never spanked much as a kid so I don't really have any of these stories.

romper19 04-25-2011 11:50 AM

I definitely know the feeling of sleeping on your stomach... Sounds like a spanking I would have received as a child! Great story & Thank you 4 sharing!!

This probably relates well!
Ugh the dreaded implements parents choose to spank with!

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