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Bailey 07-02-2007 02:57 PM

Shoot With Mr. M!
Hi Guys,

I've written about this on my blog, but I wanted to post here (and cross post to a few forums) too and tell ya'll that I had a very fun (well, except for the pain part) shoot this weekend with a couple other models. Our spanker was none other than the iconic Mr. M! I am waiting on pics, but I will post them as soon as I have them.

Everyone involved took some very hard spankings, which I think is to be expected when you're dealing with Mr. M. I've never seen him give a light spanking, and I suppose I never will! I can't wait for our big caning scene to go up, I'm still feeling the results today!

Well, that's it for now. I'll post pics when I have them.


spankmepls 07-03-2007 07:52 AM

I don't mean to be rude and I do apologise for de-lurking myself on this board this way but I just couldn't help it. It would just be great if Bailey could participate on this forum some instead of just advertising her site. I know I am not too much better, being the lurker I have been, but then again I am not here to merely advertise.


Bailey 07-03-2007 11:33 AM

hi jonathan,

considering this thread has very few replies I will assume others feel the same way as you! I do participate on many spanking forums all over the internet, and have been involved more in the chat room of this forum than the actual forums (obviously).

I keep intending to be more involved, but with life as it is I haven't gotten much of a chance to get to know the folks over here. I was actually intending this post to be an avenue for getting involved more, because I'm not usually very good at coming up with new and interesting things to say.

Anyway, I'm sorry if anyone was offended by this post. I do enjoy the spanking community and I choose to be involved because I enjoy the people! I will try to have more to say on this forum, but please don't assume because you haven't seen many posts from me here that I am not a part of the community at large.



garyspk 07-03-2007 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by Bailey (Post 5086)
hi jonathan,

considering this thread has very few replies I will assume others feel the same way as you! I do participate on many spanking forums all over the internet, and have been involved more in the chat room of this forum than the actual forums (obviously).




You're welcome here any time.

And while I understand Jonathan's position, just so everyone knows, Bailey HAS been an active contributor off and on through the past few months. And she's certainly a friend of ours.

I have issues when someone comes in here to "spam" and spam only. That's not the case with Bailey.

And for that matter, an invitation goes out to Mr. M to join up as well. LOL!

Bailey 07-03-2007 01:11 PM

promised pics
1 Attachment(s)
Well, since I promised you all pictures, and assuming I can figure out how to do this, here they are!

Bailey 07-03-2007 01:13 PM

1 Attachment(s)
and another!

aurora 07-03-2007 02:21 PM

I know Bailey quite well, but haven't a clue who Mr. M is. LOL

Good to see you around again though, hon.

lil_dixiedarling 07-03-2007 03:07 PM thanks for posting the pics ..... they look nice

Redskinluver 07-03-2007 04:30 PM

That certainly appears to be a pair of well-thrashed bottoms, Bailey.
Is Mr M by chance the same guy that had his own blog called simply"The Spanking Blog"( as opposed to another site called Spanking Blog) and was involved with the spanking sites connected to the WSF? Thought he had dropped out of the picture.
His blog was superb though, great articles and pictures.

Bailey 07-03-2007 04:33 PM

That is the same guy, yep. Also known as Michael Masterson. He's been busy doing the management stuff, but did come back in front of the cameras for this shoot! I sure hope he continues to, because he was a pleasure to work with!

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