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Oldtimersammy 06-21-2008 04:54 PM

Marcia's Spanking Party
....A Brady Bunch Story.

....As the scene opens, Jan is upstairs in Greg's room, getting some necessary correction from big brother!

Whack!......."O-Ouch!...Greg!".........Crack!......"AAAAAH!..G-GOD!" "(Sob!) T-That hurts!"

Squirming over his lap with the red and white plaid slacks pulled down to her knees. Jan's narrow hips buck and twist profusely. as she pays the price for trying to smoke cigarettes!

Slap!......"Jan, how many times!".......Whack!....."Must I tell you!"
Smack!......."That cigarettes are bad for you!"........Crack!
"(Sob!) I-I just tried one!"..........Whack!.........."OOOOOOOW! G-Greg!...P-Please stop"

.....As his hand beats at a steady pace, red begins to appear through Jan's thin, white cotton panties......Crack!....."AAAAH! P-PLEASE GREG...S-STOP
P-PLEEEEZ!".....Slap!......Splat!.........Whack!.... ..Slap!....."OOOOOOOH!" ....Crack!....."(Gasp) M-My BOTTOM'S ON FIRE!"

.....Releasing his grip, Jan slowly slides off his lap. "(Sob!) G-God that hurt!" She whines while rubbing her panty clad bottom! "Well Jan!" He consoles; "I can't say I'am sorry...But I hope you know how bad smoking is?"
Painfully pulling her slacks back up, she whimpers; "W-Well I guess your hand much better than Mom's hairbrush, but God...It still hurts!"

....."Jan, you must understand!" Greg tries to reason; "Mom asked me to help with teaching you and the younger kids...The right path in life. "Yeah! sure Greg!" Jan interrupts; "Marcia has said how much you enjoy spanking us....And I think she's right!"......"Ah!..Ah! that's wrong....I had no thought of spanking you
.....Until Cindy said she saw you smoking a darn cigarette!" "Cindy is a darn snitch!" Jan groans; "But what she didn't say....Was that I coughed....Then threw it away.....Did she?"

....Later that evening Marcia and Jan are doing their school homework in the bedroom. "Ha!...I notice you're laying on your stomach alot!" Marcia chuckles. Looking up with a slight grin, Jan snickers; "Yeah!...Greg sure does have a heavy hand.....My bottom still stings from this afternoon." Just smiling back, Marcia continues her homework. "A-Ah! Marcia, isn't your birthday coming up soon?" She questions........."Yeah! in 2 weeks!" Marcia replies.

.....Watching Marcia read her math book, Jan continues to force the conversation. "Ah!....Do you think Greg will give you a spanking on your birthday?" ..."Yeah! Probably!" She mumbles while turning a page in the book.
"Gosh! Marcia!" Jan bleats; "Aren't you worried?"....."Naw!" She mumbles again......"Gee, you act like you enjoy it!" Jan snickers. Then laying down her book, Marcia grins; "Yeah! I do....But Jan....Don't you dare tell anyone....
..But I get hot... it really does turn me on!"

....Staring wide-eyed Jan gasps; "Oh!..My God!...And I thought it was only me!"...."Ha! Ha!...You too!" Marcia gushes; "Hmmm! I can hardly wait for my birthday!" Setting down the homework, they begin to discuss their spanking experiences with Greg. "Gosh Jan...He's so strong...And masterful." Marcia beams; "And his lap....It gets so lumpy with that big erection sticking up!" .."Yeah! I know, it's so hard!" Jan giggles. Then just smiling, Marcia goes back to doing her homework!

.....As Marcia's birthday rolls around. It's Saturday and Carol and Alice have shopping to do for the party that evening. As Greg is upstairs in the bathroom shaving, Peter comes in. "Hey Greg!" He whispers; "Does Marcia get spanked today?" "Ouch!" Nicking himself with the razor, Greg bleats; "Why do you ask?" Looking sheepishly Peter nervously mumbles; "A-Ah!..Maybe I-I
could spank her too?"...""Oh! Pete...Marcia might not like a kid spanking her?"
..."Whadda ya mean a kid?" He sneers; "I'am nearly 17."....."Yeah!, but Marcia's 18." He answers while rinsing his face..."So what...I'am very mature for my age!" Peter whispers...."Ok! Ok! Pete...Let me think it over!"

......After breakfast Greg and Peter are doing their yard work, while Mike goes golfing. "What's Marcia doing?" Peter asks...."Ah!..I think she's upstairs washing her hair!" Greg replies while putting the lawn mower away. "What time is Mom and Alice leaving?" An anxious Peter continues. .."Hey Pete....
Calm down, everything is going on schedule!" Greg assures; "And besides.....I never said you could be there!"...."Aw! C'mon Greg...Why should you have all the fun?"

.....Coming out to the station wagon, Carol informs; "Hi Guys!.....Alice and I are leaving now!"..."Ok! Mom!" Greg smiles; "Have a good time!"..."A good time shopping on a Saturday....You've got to be kidding!" She laughs back.
"Oh! Greg....I almost forgot..Cindy and Bobby are going to the early movie!" "Ah! Perfect!" He whispers to Peter...." Just perfect!"

.....Going upstairs they see Jan coming from her bedroom. "Hey Greg!" She whispers; 'Is Marcia getting a spanking for her birthday?" Looking over at a wide-eyed Peter; "Yeah!...P-Probably!" He stammers; "But why do you ask?"
"Gosh!..Can I watch?" She gasps; "Please Greg...I'd love to see it!" Looking back over at Peter, he sighs; "well...If you two insist...I guess it might be alright?"..."Oh! God thanks Greg!" Peter gushes...."Yeah! Ok Pete....But don't tell Marcia...Ok?" With both nodding their heads, Jan asks; "When is the spanking?"......"At eleven o'clock...In about a half hour!" Greg answers while raising his hand.......Slap! "Ouch!.....That hurt!" Jan cries, rubbing the back of her slacks!

.....Hiding in the boy's room, Peter and Jan wait impatiently for 11 o'clock to arrive. "Geeez! I'am so nervous!" Peter whispers..."Yeah! me too!" Jan replies just as the door to the girls bedroom slowly opens. Peeking out they see Marcia walking to the stairs leading to Greg's attic room. Wearing a gray sweater and flared, black skirt, she silently opens the door and enters. Hearing Marcia going up the stairs, Peter and Jan quietly tiptoe over to the closed door. "Let's wait until Greg has her over his knees!" Jan suggests; "Then we'll go in!"

.......Reaching the top of the stairs, Marcia stares at Greg, now sitting in the wooden straight chair near his bed. "Welcome to my woodshed!" He muses; "Are you ready.....For your spanking?.....Your birthday spanking?"
Giving a faint smile, Marcia mumbles, trying to hide her excitement; "Ok! Greg....If it needs to be done?"
.."Yes Marcia....It does!"

......Then without hesitation she walks over and lowers herself onto Greg's long legs. Looking down at the floor, Marcia sofly moans; "Is this going to be.......Bare bottom?" "Yes Marcia!" He answers with a quiver in his voice; "It's always Bare bottom!"

.....Hearing the stairway door open, Marcia quickly looks over. Seeing Peter and Jan come up. "(Ugh!) What's going on?" She snaps; "I thought this was private?" With a wide smile, Jan gushes; Gee!...I always wanted to watch a spanking!" ..."Then watch your own!" Marcia hisses while trying to get off Greg's lap!..."Uh! Uh!..You stay here!" He scolds, tightening his grip.
"(Grunt!) Let me up....I won't allow this!" She whines with a strained voice....."Aw!..C'mon Marcia!" Greg coaxes; "It....Won't be so bad!"
"Yeah! Greg.....That's easy for you to say!"

......Then with Marcia closing her eyes and wincing, Greg slowly grasps the hems of the black skirt and pink, lace slip. Pulling the garments up her firm thighs and ample hips. Laying them inside out, across the back of her gray sweater. "God!...I'am so embarrassed!" She growls in a whisper, feeling Greg's swollen manhood pressing against her side!

.....With everyone admiring her shapely, pink panty clad bottom, Peter bleats; "Can I spank her too?...P-Please Greg!"......"Oh! no!" Marcia cries as she struggles in his strong grip. "Y-You're just a kid!" Seeing the anger in Peter's eyes, Greg instigates the issue; "Ah!..Marcia...He's nearly 17....And mature for his age!" Looking up from her prone position, she snaps; "You keep out of this...Ok Greg?"..."Hey! Peter spanked me!" Jan interrupts; "And even on my bare ass!"

.....Feeling out numbered, Marcia lays submissively across Greg's lap, as an excited Peter walks over and raises his left hand.....Whack!
"OOOOOW! Damn you P-Peter!"......Crack!......O-Ouch!"...Now squirming her hips, Marcia hisses; "Y-You're just a damn kid!" Getting mad, he begins to spank harder!......Slap!.......Crack!.........Whack!.... "(Sob!) T-That hurts!".....Slap!.......Smack!.......""Uugh!'..... .Crack!......."OOOOOH!"
Jan watches with a wide smile, as Peter delivers the birthday spanking with added gusto!.......Swat!......"O-Ouch!".......Whack!....."Damn you P-Peter!" Squirming over Greg's lap, as he firmly holds Marcia in place.....Smack!......."Owww!.......Crack!.....:". (Sob!) P-Peter it's too hard!"....Whack!
"OOOOW!"...........Now seeing a red color beginning to appear underneath Marcia's thin panties, Peter finishes the spanking with added enthusiasm.....Slap!........Smack........"AAAAH!". ........Crack!.......Slap! As his eyes beam with every spank on his older sister's bucking, shapely bottom.
"(Choke!) P-Peter....Stop!"........Whack!....Smack!....."OOOOW ...I-It's too hard!"
......Ok! Peter, that's 18!" Greg advises; "Now the traditional pinch!""Don't you Dare!" Marcia growls, while trying to twist her hips!
"OOOOOOOOOW! I'll get you for this! (Sob!)....G-God I'am so-o embarrassed"

.....Jan feeling the utmost arousement of her young life, questions; "Greg....Can I have a turn?"..."Forget it!" Marcia groans while looking over her shoulder. "B-But..I've never spanked anyone before!" Jan giggles; "And it looks like fun!"..."Yeah!.good...But spank someone else!" Marcia sarcastically replies......."Ah! Ah!...But it's your birthday, Greg reasons!

To be continued!

Oldtimersammy 06-21-2008 07:45 PM

Marcia's spanking party Part 2

....Getting up from the bed, Jan walks over to Greg. Bent over his knees, Marcia lets out a long groan, as Jan raises her hand. Starting with soft spanks, she moves evenly across the tightly stretched, pink panties,
Slap!........Slap!.........Slap! Being relieved that the spanking was soft, Marcia straightens her legs and lays still. As Jan's hand metes out 18 crisp slaps, then the pinch. "Thank You...For not doing it hard!" Marcia smiles..Then asks; "Well...Are we done?"

......With Peter and Jan answering in unision; "It's Greg's turn....Isn't it?"
"O-Oh! yes!" she sobs; "I nearly forgot!" Lifting the waistband of Marcia's panties, Greg muses; "Hmmm! it sure isn't very red....Maybe too much protection?"...."Oh! no...Not on the bare!" She whines, looking over at Peter and Jan's anxious faces!..."Not in front of them....Pleeeez!"

....Feeling his respect for Marcia. Greg reasons; "Well Peter...You had your fling...Now...Ah!" Nodding his head, Peter agrees; "Yeah! ok I guess...I understand....But what about Jan?" .."Ah! she can stay!" Greg replies; "Let's say...Kinda like a chaperone!" Grumbling, Peter goes down the stairs and out the door!

.......Numbly sitting on the bed, Jan watches as greg slides his fingers inside the waistband of Marcia's panties. Peeling them down, she sees Marcia turn her now red face away! "P-Please Greg...Not too hard!" She moans, as he tightly bands the panties around her knees!

.....Rubbing his hand slowly across Marcia's pink, ample bottom. Greg grins as his manhood continues to grow; "Let's see...If 18 more....Will make this brighter?"

......Whack!....."OOOOOOW!" .....Leaving a red hand print on the left cheek, he moves to the right........Crack!...."AAAAH!..G-GOD!" Twisting her hips, Marcia tries to slide off his lap. Watching in awe, Jan sees Greg pull her midsection back in place. Then locking his right leg over her buckling knees. "(Pant!) Not hard please!" Marcia groans while tightly gripping the rung of the chair!

.....Watching with gleaming eyes, Jan sees Greg raise his large, right hand.......Whack!....."OOOOW!" ......Crack!......."AAAAAH!"....Smack!
"(Sob!) P-Please Greg...N-Not so hard!".....Whack!....."OOOOOH!"
As her body jerks with each resounding spank, Marcia grits her teeth and holds on tightly to the bottom rung of the chair!.....Crack!....."O-Ouch! Oh! G-God"
Smack!........"AAAAAH!...This should be a birthday spanking!" .....Whack!
"(Sob!) Not a punishment!"...Splat!...Not answering Marcia's plea, Greg works evenly across her flinching, red buttocks!........Smack!....."O-Ouch!" Bringing his hand down harder on each spank!
Crack!......"(Sob!) Dammit G-Greg!".....Slap!...."AAAAAH!"...As the skirt and slip boils over her back, Marcia frantically reaches back, trying to block the punishng spanks!

....."(Pant!) No you don't." Greg scolds as he quickly pins down her wrist. "G-Gosh!" Jan wheezes to herself; "This is so-o thrilling!"

.....Before continuing, Greg pants; "Jan...How many more?"

.....That's 13...Just 5 more!" She smiles back. Turning her head, Marcia hisses; "Don't be so damn eager....Ok Jan?"

Crack!........."OOOOW!".........Slap!......"(Sob!) Ugh! N-Not so hard!"
Whack!.....Smack!......Crack! "OOOOOW!" "Ok Greg...That's 18." Jan giggles!

...."Wow! that was work!" he smiles while releasing his grip and leaning back in the chair. "Hey! 'bout the pinch?" Jan reminds with a grin!
"Damn you Jan.......Who's side are you on?" Marcia groans.

...;Then squeezing the tender flesh, she bucks wildly on his lap!

......Gathering back their composure. Jan helps Marcia straighten her clothes. As Marcia forces a grin; "Jan!.....I can hardly wait...For your birthday to come!"

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