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potterstoke 02-11-2008 10:38 AM

At school
Some events in life are so profound they change people in ways that cannot be imagined at the time. They are those events that are either crystal clear - like taking a photo and looking at it again and again - or they are unrecognised triggers - that you know took place but just can't put your finger on it. Mine was definitely the former! In my first year in Junior school I witnessed, as I sat on a bench directly opposite the classroom door, three girls aged 10 or 11 being slippered. They were made to bend over and touch their toes, lectured as their dress or skirt was raised, and given six hard whacks across their knickered bottoms. The girls were slippered by two female teachers and that image has remained with me which is probably why I find female/female scenarios highly erotic. At every opportunity during these formative years I would slap girls' bottoms - occassionally lifting their dress/skirt first - and only became conscious of this when caught by a teacher and admonished for it. David

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