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spanked~amber 11-04-2006 05:04 PM

What's your opinion about corner time ?
This is a question for both the spanker and the spankee. Spankers-How do you feel about corner time, how often do you use it and why ? Spankee-Have you ever been sent to the corner ? What does it do for you ? Hate it ? Don't mind it?
I've only been sent to the corner once when I was very young. So I have no idea as an adult what that would be like. Just curious

Rafa 11-04-2006 05:08 PM

When I was actively spanking my lady friend I used it occasionally if we were doing a Daddy/daughter sort of scenario (rare) but I'd find it uninteresting after a short time. After three minutes or so I got bored even if the view was appealing. :) Maybe if she'd been the sort to whine about being in the corner and tried to talk me out of it...but she was a good girl and stayed still. :)

katie_spades 11-04-2006 07:10 PM

Jake and I generally don't practice cornertime, but the very few times I have spent in the corner I hated it! I absolutely hated it!

BlackVelvet007 11-04-2006 08:06 PM

From a spanker's standpoint, it has a few uses. It's a little demoralizing for the spankee to be standing in the corner with her bare bottom exposed. After a really severe spanking, the spankee can stand in the corner with the warning "If you rub your bottom at all while you're there, you'll be right back over my knee.". And of course, it's just nice to observe that bare bottom on display for a while as the spankee contemplates her punishment.

Having said all that, I hardly ever use it myself because the one time I did, I kinda dozed off in my chair while I was looking at her bottom. Sheesh :(

Veronica Daniels 11-04-2006 10:33 PM

I am a big fan of corner time for spankees. I like to use corner time to prepare a bottom for a spanking. It gives them time to build anticipation for the spanking, and I like corner time for afterwards as a way for the bottom to calm down and re-group especially if it was a real discipline session.
Veronica D.

jackie seven 11-05-2006 10:30 AM

Its something I've never had any interest in personally. But I think this is probably something that, among many things, such be discussed in great detail before playing. And if I were going to spank a woman who had said she enjoyed corner time, then I would find a way to incorporate it into our play. If not, its something I would never suggest or demand.

RG_ 11-05-2006 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by BlackVelvet007 (Post 554)
...the spankee can stand in the corner with the warning "If you rub your bottom at all while you're there, you'll be right back over my knee."

This is one of those questions where there is no right or wrong answers, but falls according to preferences and what works and doesn't work.

In my case, I'm not a personal fan of corner time, but do use it on occasion for one reason or another when I think it has some benefit or, in the case of play, some desire by the bottom.

That being said, I highlighted the above quote to just illustrate how one can take totally oppositve views on something. In my case, I would tell the spankee that if they are NOT rubbing, then I must not have done the job well enough and it's time for another round. ;) I also consider rubbing to be a little sign of more complete submission, if you have someone who has a defiant mind and wants to not rub just so that she doesn't show a reaction (or as little as possible).

spanked~amber 11-05-2006 11:44 AM

Taking notes and writing...."be sure to rub bottom...." ;)

BlackVelvet007 11-06-2006 01:33 AM


Originally Posted by spanked~amber (Post 570)
Taking notes and writing...."be sure to rub bottom...." ;)

Taking notes also. ;) Can't win for losing around here. (BG)

garyspk 11-06-2006 01:56 AM

Good grief Black Velvet. Are you turning into an old man or something?? Dozing off??? I can think of many things I've done, or would LIKE to have done while looking at a girl's bottom standing in the corner, but I don't think dozing off is one of them. LOL.

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