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RG_ 01-12-2007 06:57 PM

How Spanking Affected You
For those of you who were spanked, or otherwise received CP in some fashion, while growing up, do you think that it shaped or affected any aspect of your spanking interest today, in any way? If so, share your thoughts with us on how you think that was.

And for those who weren't spanked, if you think that had some effect, please elaborate for us.

emily 01-12-2007 07:47 PM

i was spanked growing up. Not as often as i shoulda been my parents always tell me lol.. But i honestly cant say that it sparked my interest in spanking. ive always had a submissive nature and had a kink for it. i can tell you tho the first time i knew that there was something about spanking that sparked my interest was when i was in kinergarten. Okay i'll explain.

In kindergarten another studen (a boy) and i were taken to the office during recess because we both had graffiti'd our chairs w/ artwork an signed our names to it. Anyways i remember standing in the lobby area of the office while our teacher took the boy student in before me. i had this warm tingly feeling all over me an couldnt stop grinning. im sure the office staff musta thought i was loony or something. Or maybe it was just the brat in me getting a good laugh at the expense of tha poor little boy that got spanked before me. Anyways after he came out he had tears trickling down his face. i felt a little sorry for him for just a moment but as he passed an went out the door back to the classroom it quickly faded an i had the grin on my face again. i almost didnt hear the teacher telling me it was my turn i was off in my own world thinking about how fun it woulda been to see the other student getting spanked. Anywho, i dunno if my teacher was just a weak spanker or felt sorry for me but the 3 swats i recieved didnt hurt enough to make me cry.. The sensations from the swats just kinda mixed w/ the already warm tingly feeling i had already hehe!! or maybe that boy was justa wuss.. :p

PandaBear 01-12-2007 08:09 PM

I think the fact that I got spanked as a kid helped "feed" my interest in it now, and even my desire to sometimes get a good spanking when I feel like I need one, especially when my bratty side gets the best of me lol!

impishbrat 01-12-2007 10:03 PM

I hope my childhood spankings did not contribute to my interest in adulthood. I have nothing but sick feelings when I remember I try not to remember them. On the other hand, I do remember being very interested in fellow troublemakers' spankings during my childhood!

lil_dixiedarling 01-16-2007 12:23 AM

I think the few spankings i got growing up did contribute somewhat...almost like the opening tease leaving me searching for more.

I was never actually spanked at home, but got my fair share of the paddle in 8th grade. The first time it happened i was shocked and the feeling lasted forever it seemed. Of course i became a bit of a junkie and began to push buttons just to hear the phrase "out in the hall young lady"...imagine that. That was the last time i was spanked though until about 2 years ago...thankfully i hope to never go that long without again.


jackie seven 01-16-2007 09:57 AM

I have never been spanked in my entire life. And I've have never had any desire to be. All of my fascination with this fetish has revolved around girls/women being spanked. I have always had a strong appreciation for the female buttocks and suspect my interest in spanking was borne out of that to some degree.

Having developed this interest very early in life, I didn't understand it for a long time. I felt weird, guilty and somewhat dirty about this for the longest time. I was probably in my early 20s before I ever suspected there might be other people who shared this fantasy, and even then, I thought it was a very small percentage. It was many years later before I realized that it was quite a higher number of people who were into spanking and began to feel less weird about the whole thing.

I think that by feeling like that for so long has helped make me more tolerable and less judgmental of alternate lifestyles, etc. that I might not have been so willing to accept otherwise.

RG_ 01-16-2007 09:42 PM

J7's post points out an opinion of mine, and that is that most of us are "hardwired" to be kinked with spanking, in some way. J7 is on one end of the spectrum, those that were never spanked. There are plenty just like him living down there on that end. On the other end are folks who also weren't spanked. They were abused. Mistreated. Emotionally harmed. Yet, for reasons unknown, they too like spanking. There are those who were raised by loving, constructive great parents. They, too, like it. And the list goes on.

In my own opinion, while I think that our experiences can shape what direction our kink takes, I think that for 98% plus of us, the kink was gonna there there in any case.

garyspk 01-16-2007 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by jackie seven (Post 2270)
I have never been spanked in my entire life. And I've have never had any desire to be. All of my fascination with this fetish has revolved around girls/women being spanked. I have always had a strong appreciation for the female buttocks and suspect my interest in spanking was borne out of that to some degree.

Having developed this interest very early in life, I didn't understand it for a long time. I felt weird, guilty and somewhat dirty about this for the longest time. I was probably in my early 20s before I ever suspected there might be other people who shared this fantasy, and even then, I thought it was a very small percentage. It was many years later before I realized that it was quite a higher number of people who were into spanking and began to feel less weird about the whole thing.

I think that by feeling like that for so long has helped make me more tolerable and less judgmental of alternate lifestyles, etc. that I might not have been so willing to accept otherwise.

My interest in spanking developed from having a great interest in the female bottom as well. So I'm with J7 on this.

And I also agree with RG that we are hard-wired and there's not much we can do about that. It certainly wasn't a "choice" for me to have this kink.

Although I do know some people who have experimented and found they like it. So that's certainly possible. But overall,'s hard-wired in.

spanked~amber 01-16-2007 10:14 PM

Well said RG. I absolutlely hated discipline when I was a child. Yet when someone was taken out in the hall for a paddling, I was all ears and would paint a mental image in my mind of what was taking place. Tone plays a huge part of what floats my boat during a spanking. In my adult life there is no worry of my spanker yelling or being obnoxious. That's a plus.

RG_ 01-16-2007 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by spanked~amber (Post 2292)
Yet when someone was taken out in the hall for a paddling, I was all ears and would paint a mental image in my mind of what was taking place.

Yep, the school thing did me in, too, Amber. When one happened and another kid was getting it not only did it capture my whole attention (I even stayed in at recess once to watch a kid get it), but it stayed on my mind the rest of the day.

As I noted in my previous post on this thread, I think that while the kink is inborn for the great majority, that it can be shaped by experiences. I have no doubt whatsoever that my going to a school that prolificly used the paddle set the direction for where my kink was focused.

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