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EmmyDoll 03-16-2007 02:23 PM

Ultimate Bratting Ideas.
Since I'm on a posting roll today.... I thought I would start of thread of ultimate bratting pranks.

My input.

I'm going to wear a skort intstead of a skirt. Looks like a skirt, but you lift it up and there are shorts. How fun is that????

Now, my fellow brats, please make other suggestion. I know my brat pack will have some comments!

Gary D. 03-16-2007 05:42 PM

I will have you remove that blasted skort completely and blister your bottom thoroughly for wearing such a despicable item. ;)

Gary D.

BlackVelvet007 03-16-2007 07:49 PM

I'll second Gary D's verdict. This goes right up there with glitter use under "Bad ideas that'll get your bottom very sore."

lynne 03-16-2007 09:04 PM

Ultimate bratting ideas...lets about replacing the Tops implements with nerf ones? Or uhm...put itching powder in their gloves...ok maybe that wouldnt be such a good idea coz they could spank you with that itchy hand then your butt would itch and sting. OH I know, Hide their keys so they couldnt go anywhere and spend more time with you.

lil_babygirl 03-19-2007 02:54 PM

I think a good idea would be putting fur on all the wood implements or just replacing them with bird feathers.... (not feathers as in like Tom did to my paddle!!)

EmmyDoll 03-19-2007 02:58 PM

I like those. Specifically the itchy gloves one by Lynne. Hehehe. That's something that I would.

But apparently I'm uber bratty cause I could talk all day long.

But I have brothers, so putting laxatives in ones breakfast was a normal prank in my house.

However. One time, I would love to hide all of a tops toys. And make a little clue map for each one of them. So he would have to take all day to find them. I'd have so much fun making up the clues, that I would even think of the spanking that would come afterwards.

lil_dixiedarling 03-19-2007 03:05 PM

Hmmm could do a spin on the old standby fun of Christmas...remember a tiny box inside a bigger box inside a bigger box inside a...well you get the picture....

How about multiple layers of undergarments..start with a string thong, work to a big back thong....on to some hipster/boy shorts...on to some string bikinis...onto regular bikinis....onto some high cut briefs...onto some briefs....onto some panty could fill in multiple pairs at any point along the way.....

hehe be funny to see how long it takes to unwrap that present ;)


emily 03-19-2007 07:50 PM

Hide an seek the toys could make for a fun game at the May BU party.. hehe!! Or we could replace all the wood implements with feathers.. Replacing the Tops shoe strings w/ licorice is good for a giggle or two.. Or replacing all of tha soap with chocolate an running around like maniacs cussing up a storm.. i know how much certain Tops enjoy hearing the bottoms use profanities lol.. Putting Sooner (OU) logo's all over the lawns of Tops (GaryD for instance) whom are Texas Longhorn fans would be hysterical (GO HOGS!!)..

lynne 03-19-2007 08:59 PM

I still say hide the keys coz then the have to stay and spank us until we tell them where they are.

katy_spankwish 03-19-2007 09:13 PM

Well let's see. Fill all of the holey toys with cotton batting. Wrap marbles in a wash cloth and put it on the soap dish on in the shower. When he grabs the wash rag and marbles fall all over the shower floor politely say "Oh Sir, I found your marbles" Then run. Fill all of his drawers, pockets, car etc with Easter grass. Make him sandwiches for lunch and leave the plastic on the chees. Fill his hub caps with marbles. Have a garage sale with all of his implements. Make sure to include a free box. Fill his shampoo bottle with dye.

lil_dixiedarling 03-19-2007 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by emily (Post 3241)
Hide an seek the toys could make for a fun game at the May BU party.. hehe!!

Take it from me that is a really really fun game...i've done it before but unfortunatley with only one little black leather strap of Gary D's..and all i got was a caning...come on now like that is gonna stop me - makes me wanna do it more!!!!


Adelina 03-19-2007 09:41 PM

I was at a gathering once where a certain top was afraid the brats would confiscate a certain evil rubber paddle, so he hid the offensive item... hid it so well, everybody completely forgot about it for the whole weekend.

No bratting required. Just wait for the tops to do something dippy all on their own!

Gary D. 03-20-2007 05:47 AM

Well it appears that the spankings will never end. Emily and Sherie, I am well aware of your penchant for hiding toys, now you two are corrupting Emmy. Katy, all those marbles will get you in deep trouble, and Adelina...what cheek, thinking that Tops would do something dippy!!

~getting the implements ready for some extended use~
Gary D.

lil_dixiedarling 03-20-2007 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by Gary D. (Post 3260)
Well it appears that the spankings will never end. Emily and Sherie, I am well aware of your penchant for hiding toys, now you two are corrupting Emmy. Katy, all those marbles will get you in deep trouble, and Adelina...what cheek, thinking that Tops would do something dippy!!

~getting the implements ready for some extended use~
Gary D.

Now how could i corrupt anyone?? I mean really...i'm an angel...that strap got up on the high shelf all by itself i swear...and i can't be held responsible for You going to every Top there and looking everywhere trying to find the strap YOU lost...hey that's it...YOU lost even said so at the time before you blamed me hehe.....

and btw...doesn't take long for a Top to do something dippy...especially with this group of Tops on this board hehehehehehe


EmmyDoll 03-20-2007 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by Gary D. (Post 3260)
Well it appears that the spankings will never end. Emily and Sherie, I am well aware of your penchant for hiding toys, now you two are corrupting Emmy. Gary D.

Eh. Sorry, Uncle Gary.

I've already been corrupted.

And dippy. I like that word.


katy_spankwish 03-20-2007 02:53 PM

gary, does that mean the Easter grass is ok?

Well, aeldina at that particular meet Tops are the only ones allowed to hide their toys so it is a good thing one of them was dippy.

Decorating toys is always fun. A hot glue gun a little lace some fabric and you can come up with very interesting clothes for implements.

I know of one brat who drilled holes in her Top's cane and made it into a planter.

I have used canes to stake plants. I actually put the wodden spoons and rubber spatulas in the kitchen srawers. Totally throws the Tops off center.

Oh go into a Tops bathroom and change the order of all of their toiletries. Have you ever notice they don't look just grab. It can be very exciting. When they spray their pits with hairspray and brush their teeth with hemeroid (sp) cream.

BlackVelvet007 03-20-2007 03:16 PM

Evil. Evil as far as the eye can see. You ladies DO realize that us "dippy" tops are reading this list and taking note of who suggested what. (And no, changing M.O.'s where one brat follows the suggestion of another won't save your butt either). SHEESH. ;) BTW Katy thanks for the imagery of brushing my teeth with Prep H. That alone merits a good spanking. ;)

lynne 03-20-2007 08:08 PM

We are not corrupting Emmy we are just teaching her the ropes to having a good time. The dye in the shampoo bottles is a nice touch or in the liquid soap, THAT is even better. Replacing the male Tops toiletries with female ones would be an idea too since we all KNOW they dont even look just grab.

EmmyDoll 03-21-2007 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by lynne (Post 3279)
We are not corrupting Emmy we are just teaching her the ropes to having a good time. The dye in the shampoo bottles is a nice touch or in the liquid soap, THAT is even better. Replacing the male Tops toiletries with female ones would be an idea too since we all KNOW they dont even look just grab.

And thank you for that Lynne! Becaues I AM having a GREAT time!

You know... I'm still loving the old hamster in the pillow idea. Mwhahahahahha.

Okay. I'm out of really GOOD ideas, besides the good old sticking their hand in warm water so they'll pee on themselves.

Yeah. Thats a classic!

lil_dixiedarling 03-21-2007 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by EmmyDoll (Post 3293)

Okay. I'm out of really GOOD ideas, besides the good old sticking their hand in warm water so they'll pee on themselves.

Yeah. Thats a classic!

hehe who are you kidding Emmy...these guys are so old they don't need help urinating on themselves..they do it without any help.....they keep Depends in business afterall.....


emily 03-21-2007 07:25 PM

c'mon girls this isnt the watersports :eek: forum lol.

Originally Posted by lil_dixiedarling (Post 3295)
hehe who are you kidding Emmy...these guys are so old they don't need help urinating on themselves..they do it without any help.....they keep Depends in business afterall.....


EmmyDoll 03-21-2007 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by emily (Post 3298)
c'mon girls this isnt the watersports :eek: forum lol.

Hey! I didn't say that one! I was just talking about pranks! She brought that up... *shudder*

lynne 03-22-2007 07:10 PM

I gotta agree on that one. EWwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

lil_babygirl 03-23-2007 02:52 PM

Hmmm thinking not to forget glitter, water guns, ohhhh and locks for all the Tops toy bags *grins and whistles*

lynne 03-23-2007 07:33 PM

Glitter idea I like. But the water guns could 'back fire' coz once they got a hold of you then you could be in for a wet spanking. Locks could work if they didnt know who put them on they would go crazy trying to figured out which person has the key.

lil_babygirl 03-23-2007 09:51 PM

Ohhhh you got a good point there lynne about the water guns.. Hmmmmm I'll think some more then. *winks*

emily 03-23-2007 10:07 PM

yea definitely be sure not to squir Tom if you do bring the water guns or it definitely will backfire on ya lol


Originally Posted by lynne (Post 3325)
Glitter idea I like. But the water guns could 'back fire' coz once they got a hold of you then you could be in for a wet spanking. Locks could work if they didnt know who put them on they would go crazy trying to figured out which person has the key.

HeatherWeather 03-24-2007 03:36 AM

You guys are my heroes, I'm loving this. I wish I grew up around fun girls like you... well that would've been dangerous haha
Emmy - genius topic ;)

emily 03-24-2007 12:07 PM

dangerously fun tho :p

Originally Posted by HeatherWeather (Post 3339)
You guys are my heroes, I'm loving this. I wish I grew up around fun girls like you... well that would've been dangerous haha
Emmy - genius topic ;)

BlackVelvet007 03-24-2007 05:30 PM

Oh yes, one can only admire the courage and ingenuity of the naughty ladies who post here. ;) Brave ones they are. Of course sooner or later they all get CAUGHT. :)

EmmyDoll 03-24-2007 05:38 PM

Tis the beauty of online posting.

Most of us our safe till the party again...


And then... well... I might as well consider my butt toast. I think I have a list of people who need to spank me for something. *eye roll*

But as for now....

This one time my brother changed all my other brothers socks in his white sock drawer to black. And the one brother freaked out. Now I don't know how this would work for the BU guys, but some of them seem a bit delisional at times, so this might give them a heartattack. Or... we could always replace their boxer briefs/tighty whities/whatever with female underwear. Lord knows I have enough pairs to do that...

Mwhahaha. I owe Rangerboy a prank. You just wait till May buddy!

lynne 03-24-2007 05:40 PM

Half the fun of thinking or doing these ideas is getting caught.
It adds to a whole lot more fun in figuring out how to get UNcaught :D ;)

emily 03-24-2007 08:58 PM

changing alla tha Tops name tags to bottoms at our lil' get togethers could be fun :D

raavyn 05-31-2008 12:41 PM

hmmm, glad i found this thread *taking notes*

any other ideas, ladies? :)

qttink22 05-31-2008 09:56 PM

Comic Relief
What perfect timing for this post to resurface! I needed a good laugh. Hmmm...I'm with Raavyn...definitely taking notes.

I just thought of one I pulled in high school, but this would require the right timing your YOU would have to deal with the effects too... My friend and I took a piece of raw chicken, stuck it in a disposable cup, and taped the cup to the bottom of our youth pastor's book shelf where he couldn't see it. As you can imagine, when he walked into his office a couple days later, the stench was horrific. I can't imagine how he immediately knew exactly who did it since we're normally such angels (wink, wink), but we showed up for a youth group beach trip and were told in no uncertain terms, "Whatever it is, wherever it is, get it out NOW!!!" Yeah...I have to admit that was a pretty disgusting prank. So if anyone's tempted to try it...just make sure you won't be anywhere near it a day or two after you leave it there! (But just for the record, it's not something I'd do now...YUCK!!! I was a teenager for goodness sake! LOL)

raavyn 06-01-2008 12:18 AM

um, have to pass on that one, tinker-girl ... we will be staying in the same cabin ... i will have access to it a few days before him to set stuff up .. but i don't wanna deal with that smell, lol.

C'mon, ladies ... i know ya'all are creative ... i have a lot of ideas already, but want to keep him from getting bored for the week he is here. Aren't i sweet? :)

qttink22 06-01-2008 12:21 AM I was pretty disgusting. But what can I say? I was a teenager? lol.


Originally Posted by raavyn (Post 9477)
um, have to pass on that one, tinker-girl ... we will be staying in the same cabin ... i will have access to it a few days before him to set stuff up .. but i don't wanna deal with that smell, lol.

C'mon, ladies ... i know ya'all are creative ... i have a lot of ideas already, but want to keep him from getting bored for the week he is here. Aren't i sweet? :)

tubaman 06-01-2008 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by emily (Post 3351)
dangerously fun tho :p

They are even more evil, and spanked, in person. We Tops love them!

Always more fun to spank a naughty girl who has done something to earn her swats.

Paul (Tubaman)

EmmyDoll 06-01-2008 10:02 PM

You know Paul..

My theory is...

You're gonna spank me anyway... might as well do something to earn it.


raavyn 06-01-2008 10:58 PM

Great philosophy, Emmy. I'll keep that one in mind, lol

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