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Brian11 03-11-2007 02:36 PM

Good Times TSSP.
Hello Everyone....

Just wanted to extend a "WARM" thank you for a great time at my first TSSP event in Dallas Texas....I look forward to more events Country-Wide at different venues.

I would also like to thank the kind hospitality of hobbsey and Tubaman for putting together such a great and successful event....
I had the pleasure of meeting so many like minded "spankos"....
thanks to all who played and chatted with me.....I did not spank many ladies...butttt had a great time watching and talking with ALL of you...
I hope to develop these great starter friendships/relationships with all that I have met over the past few days....
a big thank you also to Gary of Amat.Spankings and ALL the ladies who were there and talked with me and hung out....what a great group!!!! Gary, excellent job...thank you my friend!!!
A thank you to Veronica and Daniel for there kindness in meeting me...sorry we were not able to get together with schedules to "talk" more...maybe next time and somewhere else???
It was great seeing my old friend Lisa from has been a long time my friend...let us not let that happen again!!!
It was a pleasure meeting Doc, Ian, Aurora, Woodpaddles and the "naughty" amber, and "iron-butt" kaylex (wow you took a lot :) from many people!!!)....thank you again for all your kindness and sharing.

I know there are others I did not mention.....butt you are all important players in the venue and I appreciate our likemindness and hope to see you all again. Take care and contact me any time to talk or hang out...if you are near Southwestern Ohio...drop me a line to get together if you are in the area.


Gary D. 03-11-2007 06:46 PM

Glad you enjoyed the event Brian. My thanks as well to those responsible for making this party happen. A most enjoyable time as always. It was great to meet those of you on this forum who attended.......always nice to put a face with a name ( or perhaps a bottom with a name ;) ).

Gary D.

rangerboy 03-11-2007 06:50 PM

Me Too

Great meeting you too. Wish we'd had more time to chat and get to know one another better but we were both SO busy with SO many brats.....

Hope to see you soon at another get together.

Stay in touch and if you're in town sometime, drop a line....



EmmyDoll 03-11-2007 07:57 PM

I had a marvelous time all weekend. It was great to be initiated into the spanking community.


I do have so unforutante news for those of you who don't already know.

I'm stuck in Dallas till Tuesday. Because of confusing flights and annoying things that couldn't be helped my flight was canceled.

Thanks to Kaylex who is putting me up for the next two nights.

We're topless (not litterly! we have clothes people!), and we're in a bratty mood.

This really has nothing to do with all the fun that I had at the party. Just thought you all could laugh at my horrible situation.

Once again, thank you so much for the great time!!!!!!

(Hope to do it again next year!)

rangerboy 03-11-2007 08:17 PM

Darn It All

You and Kaylex....only a few miles away from me and I've got to go to work in the you realize how very unfair it all is???? I could be over there spanking you two.

Glad you had fun sweetheart.....I enjoyed playing with you and Kaylex, and Dixie Darlin' and about a bazillion other brats.

Hope to see you next year.

Warm regards,


RG_ 03-11-2007 08:29 PM

Sounds like a great time was had by all! 'tis a shame that sarah and I could not make this one. However, there's always next year!

emily 03-11-2007 09:19 PM

i hada lovely time to and my bottom is still very warm an tingly lol.. i think i'll be feeling the caning for a good while (thank You Veronica hehe!! you really motivated me to wanna be a good girl from now on.. or at least for a few days lol).. it was great seeing everyone again an meeting all the new folks.. Emmy i had so much fun hangin out wit you girl.. i wanna thank all of the awesome Tops i got to play with and a big sorry to those i missed.. Hopefully we can make up for that next time. Also a really really really huge thanks to Brian for the tip on the really awesome site for shoes... i love shoes :D TY WP for showing me that paddles can be nice :rolleyes: and i am soooooo loving my new toy (the strap) .. The demos were great.. The vendor fair was great.. and the suite parties were awesome to. Big thanks to Paul, lyn, hobbsey, an Terecia for all your hard work.

lil_dixiedarling 03-12-2007 12:30 AM

Where do i begin??? Normally i don't have a problem letting the words just flow from my mouth (as a few can attest to from the party ;) ) but when it comes to the numerous thankyous and compliments that are duely earned here it becomes quite difficult.

I am so glad to have finally met...and on top of that played with some great folks from the board here.....

Gary D......hmmm now how did You get tied to the chair again????

~in an announcer voice~ Rangerboy..slower that cold molasses - It was great when you finally had time to play..and how nice you just came and got me and saved me the trouble of bratting hehe....

Miss Sarah...anytime you need a spongebath betty i'm ready and more than willing ;)

Hwyman...remember...for once you did get to take a girl to a hotel room and do naughty things to her

Paully...sorry you almost missed that elevator...but at least it meant i got at least one swat out of ya ;) was fun playing the small occasions we had really do have such soft hands..i barely felt them at all hehehe

Tubabooger errr Tubaman....the proper response when a girl asks please will you spank me is NOT no....geez it is like you Tops get so used to saying no it just comes out for everything hehe

and a cast of many others......

My thanks to the Daniels....unfortunately i never could get my schedule around but it was still nice to meet and talk to you...too bad all i was able to get was 3 wonderful trials with the free gift....(thankyou Veronica)

Of course the even better part were finally meeting partners in crime...errr i mean good times.....Emmydoll (your dog will always be Fluffy)...Amber (Ice cream does a body good)..Adelina (thanks for laughing at my jokes ;) ) )....Emily (you are definately the leader of the brat pack - so you take all the swats next time)....Angela aka babygirl (I knew you were gonna get me in trouble annndddd i was RIGHT)...Kaylex (so many costumes so little time - and remember the brat you brat today may be the switch of tomorrow hehe)...Aurora (wish i could have chatted more but glad to finally put person to name)...I'm sure i'm missing a ton of others ugh.....just too many outstanding people to name....

Here is looking forward to doing it all over again...and SOON!!!


emily 03-12-2007 12:39 AM

i dont think i can accept sucha position.. im just to much ofa good girl to be the leader..


Originally Posted by lil_dixiedarling (Post 3112)
...Emily (you are definately the leader of the brat pack - so you take all the swats next time)....


BlackVelvet007 03-12-2007 02:11 AM

This seems to be the thread for thank-you notes. Here's mine. ;)

Tubaman, can't thank you enough for letting me attend. You and lyn were fantastic hosts. Still hoping to be first in line for your book when it gets published.

Gary, it was great seeing you. Thanks for all the vids I bought. I'm now the first kid on my block with a complete (for now) set of Amber videos. :)

To Sherie, Angela, Adelina, and all the ladies who graciously allowed me to play, I just can't say enough good things about you. I only hope I proved myself to be a good guy who you'd want to play with again.

So now it's on to Sl in August. Hope you can all attend that as well. :D

Adelina 03-12-2007 02:21 AM

I started this post six or seven times and I keep erasing it, knowing it doesn't do justice. I just don't know where to begin. Methinks it might be prudent to wait until a full night's sleep has passed before I even try to enumerate all the awesome people and the assorted coolness that transpired. Stay tuned to the story board; I'm feeling inspired.

Peace out, y'all.

MichiganHeadmaster 03-12-2007 08:14 AM

Jealous in Michigan :(

Oh, well, there's always next year!

spanked~amber 03-12-2007 09:43 AM

Wow, what a party ! My bottom is sore. who would have guessed ? So many "thank you's" to hand out...where to begin ?

A big one goes to Tubaman, Lyn, & Hobbsey plus all the BU gang that worked so hard to put this event together. Job well done ! It was a treat to meet new friends that are like minded spanko's. Brian (aka) "Aftercare" it is so cool to to have met you. Looking forward to many more laughs my friend. Of course getting to hang with my bratty sisters of the amateurspankings crew. Another well earned and deserved thank you goes to
Gary for putting up with us and trying to keep us in line YO PD, you rock in my book. BTW, did I happen to mention my bottom is sore ? Rangerboy, it was a pleasure to get to see you again. I owe you another dance, I mean spanking Sir, . I haven't forgotten. I can't forget to mention the ones who I met in Aug at the SL event in Vegas-great seeing you guys again !
I think I'm in the mood for another ice was fun to see the BU brats again.
It was an honor and a blast to have met with Veronica & Dr. D ! I will try very hard to not be more responsible and to ask permission before using Tom's razor again. What a Spanking Couple you are indeed !
Hope I haven't forgotten anyone, if so I guess you can just spank me. Oh and in case I've forgotten to mention, my bottom is sore.

EmmyDoll 03-12-2007 10:45 AM

Alright. Now that I found a secure place to share (not the office room of the hotel) I thought I could make a real post.

By the way Amber, I saw Brian later and REALLY needed some Arnica =P

I would love to thank everyone so much for being soooo nice to me. It's hard to be the new person and fly three states away and not know anyone.

Emily, Sherri, Angela. My fellow brat pack. And yes... I don't think Emily should be the leader. There shouldn't be a leader, because if there was a leader she would take the most rap for our misbehavior. So. We should all be leaders of latteral state. As far as those fun jokes go. Fluffy is my dog and will always be my dog and not a top also known as Gary D.

It was a nice for a new spanker to be able to experience new implements and to actually experience spanking all together.

As for those shoutouts to the tops.... way to many. You know who got a hit on my bottom, and I hoped you enjoyed it, cause it was each one was diffrent and probably well deserved.

I can't say thank you anymore.... because if I do I'll wear out the words. Lol.

<3 you people!

Veronica Daniels 03-12-2007 11:59 AM

Wow! What a party! So many things happened and so many people to meet and we don't even know where to begin! So, first and formost, thanks to Paul and the entire Bottoms Up gang for putting on such an awesome party! Secondly, thanks to Gary and all the AS models for hanging out and showing us a great time!

I had a blast filming with Gary and the AS crew at the party...and yes, I did let Amy get a revenge spanking in! (See photos in gallery) And it was great getting to sit down with Ian and Aurora and actually have time to socialize! I can't thank Ian enough for allowing me the pleasure of spanking his Aurora! Wow! And, Ian thank you so much for the strap!! We appreciate you so much!

And Amber and Tom, we can't thank you enough for the great scenes you did for us. It was a real pleasure meeting you both! We really enjoyed your company! And, Tom your implements are just great! We truly appreciate your generosity with us!

How can we forget Emily, who did an awesome scene with us and took a tremendous caning from Veronica at the vendor fair. Emily, you are a great girl and we really enjoyed you and your Top very much!!

Bill, Brian, Lin, Paul, Bugsy, Mom, Mark, Kent, Nikki, BV...we had a great time meeting and seeing you all! I know I am forgetting people; we met so many and had such a good time, I am still recovering! Please don't be offended if I forgot to mention your name, I am still exhausted!
Thanks everyone for making us welcome and showing us a great time!

lynne 03-12-2007 08:31 PM

My thanks to for all the one that made this party possible. Without any one of you it could not have happened. Thank you all from the bottom of my um...heart...yeah thats it heart :D for a truely wonderful weekend. I hope to be able to attend next years party.

rangerboy 03-13-2007 07:06 AM

What A Party!!!!!
Hey Guys and Gals,

That party rocked!!!! The Daniels', Gary and the Girls, all the Brats....great food, conversation.....all in a warm, caring, comfortable atmosphere....couldn't ask for more.

You folks are all very special to me. See you next year....

(Dallas Brats....stand by for May.....I've got a few scores to settle...hee hee.)


LondonTanner 03-13-2007 02:11 PM

I would also like to add our thanks to Paul (Tubaman) & Lyn as well as the whole BU crew who made it possible to have such a great weekend.
It was so nice to see old friends once again and make new ones.
It was good to get a chance to connect properly with both Dr Daniel and Veronica aka The Spanking Couple and to watch Veronica spank and strap Aurora "wheeew hot" you are gonna have to visit their site to see that one soon. I also enjoyed seeing Gary S alternate between head babysitter, model chaperone and taxi driver. We had great fun hanging out with him and the girls, thanks Gary. Another Aurora video coming up on Amateur Spankings with yours truly doing the honors on her naughty behind. A shout out also to Atlanta Mark the hardest working man there this weekend and my friends Kent and Niki (the greatest pout in the spanking scene) We had a lot of fun with you guys.
To all those I had the honor of playing with thank you and to those I did not hopefully next time.
Ian and Aurora The London Tanners

Lisa 03-14-2007 12:10 AM

Brian & Everyone else...
I had a wonderful time.... :D I don't know where to begin! Sorry we didn't get to hang out more Brian - it has been way to long! Thanks for the accomadations though ;-) It was great to see my girl Lexi - as always - she's one of my partners in crime and I think we raised enough hell on our own! Amber - love ya girl... how's your butt??? LOL It was good to see Heather again to - love your balls! I think the other girl was Amy?? Sorry - don't remember your name... remember the sexy lace thigh high w/ line tattooed on your legs... Again sorry about the name - but by the time we met I am pretty sure I was well on my way to inebriation (sp??). GARY -- you know I love you!! Thanks for the Jack in the Box!! It was definately needed! It was good to see Aunt V after so long too - I know I've earned several swats from her alone... Melissa was nice too... but I think was suffering the way I was the next day!! LOL No one can accuse the AMS girls of not knowing how to party... LOL I know there are many others I talked to who were just wonderful to be around! Again, I can't remember everyone's names - but you should know who you are! Look forward to next year! 3rd times a charm!! Love ya'll!:)

Sarahspanks 03-14-2007 11:50 PM

Shoes? Shoes??!!

Originally Posted by emily (Post 3109)
Also a really really really huge thanks to Brian for the tip on the really awesome site for shoes... i love shoes :D

Brian gave you a tip on an awesome site for shoes?? Confess, girl, or I'll have to spank it out of you! Do share!

emily 03-15-2007 07:54 PM

ok but You can still spank me lol..


Originally Posted by Sarahspanks (Post 3147)
Brian gave you a tip on an awesome site for shoes?? Confess, girl, or I'll have to spank it out of you! Do share!

garyspk 03-19-2007 08:35 PM

Texas All-State
This note is at least a week late. So I apologize for the tardiness.

All of us at the AmateurSpankings/MySpankingForum family want to thank Tubaman, Hobbsey and everyone in the BU group for putting on a great show last weekend. We all appreciate you taking our "group" on and look forward to next time.

It's impossible for me to thank everyone. But I do want to mention how great it was to meet and greet a lot of the regulars on MySpankingForum. I'm not going to name names because I will certainly omit someone. But suffice it to say I enjoyed putting a face (or butt) with a screen name!

I also want to acknowledge how cool it was for us to work with long-time competitors, now-friends, the Daniels.

When are we gonna do this again???


Gary...along with Amber, Kaye, Heather, Amie, Danielle, Roxy, Melissa, Lisa, Lexi and Sondra...all of us who attended!

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