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RG_ 10-14-2006 03:09 PM

Lady Jane
I'll get the ball rolling in this forum by throwing out a title. To date, probably my favorite mainstream spanking scene is that of Jane, in the movie Lady Jane. The movie was about Lady Jane Grey who was, due to political machinations, was elevated to the throne of England in the 1500's. I won't go into the details of the affair here, but she only reigned for nine days and is known to history as the "Nine Days Queen." She was deposed, imprisoned in the Tower of London, and was finally executed at the age of 16. (She was 15 years of age while Queen.)

In the story leading up to her marriage to Guildford Dudley and ascension to the throne, Jane objects to the arranged (and from her view, forced) marriage to Dudley. When she is defiant with her parents, she is escorted to an upper room where she is given a very formal chastisement. In the room a stool with high arms is set before her, and then the men who set the stool in place are dismissed from the room, leaving only her mother and her female attendants. Jane then kneels and lays across the seat of the stool, and two female attendants, one on each side, lift the back of her dress and lay it on her back. Another then hands her mother a bundle of tied birch switches, who then uses applies it to Jane's apparently bare bottom. The view is shown from the front, and Jane can be seen wincing with the strokes. The scene then fades to the outside of the castle/manor house, showing a boat making its way on the river as the strokes can still be heard in the background.

It's a great domestic/parental scene, done with much ceremony, in a beautiful period setting and costumes.


garyspk 10-14-2006 05:26 PM

Lady Jane

You are so right about "Lady Jane." Helena Bonham Carter I do believe.

One of my favorites is a mainstream movie called "Tank" from that same time period. A small town sheriff enters the mobile home that Jennilee Harrison lives in. She was one of the replacements for Suzanne Somers on "Three's Company." Anyway, he makes her pull everything down and get a spanking with his belt. His goofball deputy is behind him watching the action and enjoying it. Unfortunately, we don't get to see her butt (which was pretty cute as I recall), but it's still a cool scene.

YELLOW 10-15-2006 01:54 AM

Tank Spanking
I Believe I was about 12 or 13 when I saw that scene in Tank. I had conflicting emotions when I was watching because I remember my heart racing during that scene but I didn't understand quite why. I had a mixture of fear and excitement and tons of adrenaline. That's the best I can describe it(if you understand that you probably belong here). I found myself waiting until my parents were at work so I could play that videotape over and over. I would say that when I realized I like what I saw...

RG_ 10-15-2006 08:41 AM


That was, indeed, Helena Bonham Carter. In getting carried away with describing the scene, I failed to mention the actress. I also agree that Tank is a great scene. I tend to very much favor domestic-type scenes that are not over-the-top abusive, i.e. a good spanking for discipline, and both of those--Lady Jane and Tank--are excellent scenes in that genre. I used to have a ton of movies which featured scenes that I like but due to my ex and I splitting a few years ago they no longer dwell in my house.

Speaking of Tank in particular, it's still easily available for purchase and at a very cheap price. I've seen it in the big Wal-Mart DVD bins, the 2-for-$5 variety, for the last two or three years. Don't know how long that will last but I would encourage anyone who likes this kind of stuff to go and shuffle through if you haven't already, and score that scene.


garyspk 10-15-2006 05:39 PM

Thanks for the tip on the DVD at Wal-Mart. I'll certainly look for that. I'm in Wal-Mart more than I care to admit.

A movie that a customer of ours tipped me off to awhile back is "Kentucky Woman," with Cheryl Ladd getting a spanking from some miners. It was a made-for-TV movie and I've never seen it. Anyone have a take on that one?

garyspk 10-15-2006 05:40 PM

Hey Yellow,

Welcome aboard. We're glad to have you!

spanked~amber 10-15-2006 08:32 PM

Gee, am I sure behind on my movie watching. Guess a trip to Walmart is in order.

RG_ 10-15-2006 09:28 PM

Kentucky Woman
I've seen this one, too.

Speaking on a personal basis only, it was not my cup of tea. It was done in the mines, was an "initiation" to the group, was in a darkened setting, she was filthy with coal dust, and was cast in a victim role.

Of course, it *was* Cherly Ladd. There's certainly value in that. :D

And I realize that in our spanking world that tastes run a wide gamut. So it might be received by others very well. She was standing up, leaning over, it was done as a paddling, so to speak, and it was more than one swat. I suppose one just has to watch it to judge.

luv2spankher 10-15-2006 10:02 PM

Lady Jane Gray
Where can I get a copy of Lady Jane Gray?
Kentucky woman, I saw that and enjoyed it. I agree it would have been better without all the grease and a little more light and she should have been further bent over. It was Cheryl Ladd I taped that and watched several times.

garyspk 10-15-2006 10:20 PM

Hey there luv2spankher, welcome in.

It's called "Lady Jane" and I think it's been available on DVD for awhile now. Lady Jane Grey is with the X-Men, I do believe.:)

I agree with RG about certain scenes tripping triggers. We've been doing our sites for long enough now for me to know that many different things get people going. The "Lady Jane" scene and the "Tank" scene are examples of 2 that do it for me. Based on what you guys are saying, I'd bet the Cheryl Ladd thing would be a disappointment. But I'm with you, Cheryl Ladd alone is worth seeing. She was a cutie in her day.

RG_ 10-15-2006 11:00 PM


Originally Posted by luv2spankher (Post 72)
Where can I get a copy of Lady Jane Gray?

It can be hard to come by now by the usual avenues, luv2sh. I would give Amazon ( a try. They're usually pretty good about digging up titles like that. You might also try e-Bay. Let us know if you find it.

Beyond the great spanking scene, if you like history and period movies, it's a great watch from end-to-end. And based on my understanding of the real story, it does a decent job of at least giving the viewer a reasonably correct outline of what happened at the time, and the dynmaics surrounding it. (I'm very much into history.)

luv2spankher 10-16-2006 03:31 PM

Lady Gray
Thanks I will look.

iggy 10-28-2006 02:18 PM

I must be the only one who felt bad for Lady Jane when she got spanked!

RG_ 10-29-2006 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by iggy (Post 396)
I must be the only one who felt bad for Lady Jane when she got spanked!

Yeah, iggy, my guess is that you stand alone on this one, at least on this group! ;)

For what it's worth I also have a love of history and at one time studied the ever so brief reign of Lady Jane Gray. It turns out that this punishment incident by her parents is true! However, from the now distant and vague information that I could find there was no confirmation that the punishment was carried out in detail in the way depicted in the film. There was one reference, in fact, which indicates that it might have been much different, referring to cuffs around the head.

iggy 10-29-2006 08:06 PM

Well I did feel bad for her. Now if it had been a sexy hubby or lover spanking her I'd have been all for it!

BlackVelvet007 10-29-2006 11:21 PM

[QUOTE=garyspk;78]Hey there luv2spankher, welcome in.

It's called "Lady Jane" and I think it's been available on DVD for awhile now. Lady Jane Grey is with the X-Men, I do believe.:)

Glad you put the smiley on the end. The comic geek in me would go ballistic if I honestly thought you didn't know it was JEAN Grey in the X-Men. ;)

Tank is DEFINITELY worth $5. James Garner does a great job in his role, and the spanking scene, while edgy, will definitely leave you tingling.

garyspk 10-30-2006 01:30 AM

Jean Grey it is. That was my feeble attempt at humor...

Black Velvet if you please!

BlackVelvet007 10-30-2006 11:45 PM

LOL no worries Gary. Humor is always welcome. Keep the cool posts coming.

Gary D. 12-24-2006 11:38 AM

Hello everyone, just wanted to add my two cents worth. Those are all great fav perhaps for a mainstream movie is the one from Live Nude Girls because of both the realism and we get to see the action. There are some very good scenes from old Italian films though they're sometimes hard to find. As for the movies available at Wal Mart etc, a word of caution......I have run across some of these that have had such scenes edited out.

Gary D.

Gary D. 12-24-2006 12:06 PM

Has anyone seen a movie titled "White Wedding"? this was a made for T.V. only from 1997 starring Chasey Lain and the spankings are said to be quite good. The bride is spanked first by the Vicar, then by several of the guests. A couple of good ones worth the hunt are "Scandalo in Famiglia" (Italian 1976) and "The Secrets of Love" (French 1986).

Gary D.

paully62 12-24-2006 02:50 PM

Gary: I have seen the scene from Kentucky woman. I thought it was awesome because he used some kind of board that looked like a paddle. We gave her a few very good swats. I'm sure the Charlie's Angel herself didn't REALLY get swatted but in my mind she sure did. Great scene!!!

jackie seven 12-24-2006 03:04 PM

I don't know if this scene is a great as I remember it or not. Maybe because it made such an impression on me when I saw it as a horny little spanko about the age of 15, and have replayed over in my mind so many times since 1965, that I have over sensationalized it.

But the hairbrush spanking that Barbara Stanwyck gave the lovely French actress Capucine in the uncut version of Walk On The Wild Side is my all-time favorite. And the fact that it has since been deleted from all formats (videos, DVDs, reruns on TV, etc,) has only added to the mystique of this wonderful scene.

I consider myself very lucky to have seen it at all. I have only met one other person in my entire life that has also seen it and she described it exactly as I remembered it. I would love to see it again, but have pretty much given up all hope of that ever happening.

RG_ 12-26-2006 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by paully62 (Post 1450)
I'm sure the Charlie's Angel herself didn't REALLY get swatted but in my mind she sure did. Great scene!!!

I'm sure that she didn't, either. Due both to the setting of the scene, a dark coal mine, and the sequence and angle of shots used, there was never a moment when you saw face, paddle, or contact together all at once. In fact, she might not even have been present for the filming of the frames showing the board (I doubt that it was a paddle).

But that's what movie making is all about! Creating an illusion that comes together in the mind of the viewer. ;)

garyspk 12-27-2006 02:08 AM


Originally Posted by Gary D. (Post 1447)
Has anyone seen a movie titled "White Wedding"? this was a made for T.V. only from 1997 starring Chasey Lain and the spankings are said to be quite good. The bride is spanked first by the Vicar, then by several of the guests. A couple of good ones worth the hunt are "Scandalo in Famiglia" (Italian 1976) and "The Secrets of Love" (French 1986).

Gary D.


I saw the scenes from "The Secrets Of Love" a few years back and I agree with you. For a more "mainstream" type of movie, they were pretty good.

I'd love to see some info on "White Wedding." I'm not familiar with that TV movie. But I AM familiar with the Billy Idol song of the same name. And no, I do NOT care to see Billy Idol receiving a spanking!

Gary D. 12-27-2006 07:14 PM

well I'm with you on that one Gary, WW is a great song but I can do without see Billy Idol spanked myself. there is site that does offer info on spanking in Mainstream Movies......

Gary D.

garyspk 12-29-2006 10:49 PM


Originally Posted by Gary D. (Post 1506)
well I'm with you on that one Gary, WW is a great song but I can do without see Billy Idol spanked myself. there is site that does offer info on spanking in Mainstream Movies......

Gary D.

The other Gary is correct.

This link is the best internet reference I've ever seen to spankings in TV and mainstream films. The guy who does this has been keeping this site current for the past 10 years. It's worth a bookmark.

RG_ 01-02-2007 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by garyspk (Post 1574)
This link is the best internet reference I've ever seen to spankings in TV and mainstream films. The guy who does this has been keeping this site current for the past 10 years. It's worth a bookmark.

The "guy" is Paul.

SFR is better known, of course, for it's compendium of female celebrities who were spanked while growing up. It also has a great compendium of corporal punishment mentions from "Friends United," the UK equivalent of Classmates.

Paul is one of three website owners who (1) maintained websites devoted to factual references of corporal punishment, (2) actually practiced some responsibility in trying to keep the websites on topic and reasonably factual, (3) kept the sites clean of spam, porn, and personal ads, and (4) maintained for more than a short length of time. Another is Colin Farrell, who owns the World Corporal Punishment Research site, and the third was yours truly, you maintained Paddled At School. Mine was, as has been mentioned on MSF earlier, unexpectedly obliterated after several years of growth, thousands of members, and the accumulation of a large amount of diverse school CP material.

I still maintain a low key conversation with Paul and Colin. They should both be much appreciated for the incredible amount of free work that they put into their sites.

Adelina 01-03-2007 02:53 AM

I vividly remember seeing the scene in Tank. My whole family was watching the movie together in the living room. I remember having two distinct perceptions: first, that I felt horribly embarrassed at watching something which to me was the equivalent of pornography while my parents were sitting right there; and second, feeling terrible for the girl for being treated that way (to me, having no knowledge whatsoever of older kids being subjected to physical discipline, it looked like obvious abuse), and thinking that if my parents ever did that to me, I would probably contemplate suicide. The fantasy of it was tintilating, but the "reality" of the scene was repulsive to me.

spankeemikes 01-03-2007 12:48 PM

The white wedding starting chasey lain is a porn movie in the movie just before she was to marry a guy the priest brought up fact how she was cheating on him. there for he siad she desver a good spanking. so while she lay over his knee all of the guest one by one walkby and gave her one spank saying either bad girl or naughty girl. one female just caress her saying i like to caress. the thing is right after the priest tell her she going to get spanked she chasey look shock and suripse and said here right now in front of all these people preist said yes here right now in front of these people chasey look at camera as nervous the last person to spank her was her dad who said i should have done this more when you were younger she said Daddy!!!!!!! but you never see his hand come down you just here the smack.

if you buy cinema swat number 5 the clip is on there. not sure where you can get it now.

Gary D. 01-03-2007 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by spankeemikes (Post 1747)
The white wedding starting chasey lain is a porn movie in the movie just before she was to marry a guy the priest brought up fact how she was cheating on him. there for he siad she desver a good spanking. so while she lay over his knee all of the guest one by one walkby and gave her one spank saying either bad girl or naughty girl. one female just caress her saying i like to caress. the thing is right after the priest tell her she going to get spanked she chasey look shock and suripse and said here right now in front of all these people preist said yes here right now in front of these people chasey look at camera as nervous the last person to spank her was her dad who said i should have done this more when you were younger she said Daddy!!!!!!! but you never see his hand come down you just here the smack.

if you buy cinema swat number 5 the clip is on there. not sure where you can get it now.

thanks for the tip...might have to check it out just to satisfy the curiosity

Gary D.

RG_ 01-03-2007 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by Adelina (Post 1739)
I vividly remember seeing the scene in Tank.

I wonder whatever became of Jennilee Harrison, the actress who was spanked (belted, really) in Tank. Anyone know?

spankeemikes 01-04-2007 12:12 AM

last i knew of her jennlie harrison harrison is i saw her on some early morining paid program thing. i also belive she is married too

BlackVelvet007 01-04-2007 01:05 AM

The scene in Tank definitely has some appealing elements and some distasteful ones. It's still one of the highlights of the movie though. Question is, do you see the sheriff as a real villain in this scene? To his credit, he DOES smack someone across the face for leering at the girl's bare bottom.

RG_ 01-04-2007 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by BlackVelvet007 (Post 1785)
The scene in Tank definitely has some appealing elements and some distasteful ones. It's still one of the highlights of the movie though. Question is, do you see the sheriff as a real villain in this scene? To his credit, he DOES smack someone across the face for leering at the girl's bare bottom.

Actually, I thought that the movie overall, as a movie, was pretty dreadful. So the spanking scene, for me, is not just one with some appealing elements, it's THE scene. LOL. (Of course, even in a good movie, it would have probably still been the best scene. ;) )

I definitely see the sheriff as a bad guy, which is what he was. He was not spanking her for any good reasons at all, nor for any concern for her. Neither did he have any real concern for her at any level other than the money that she provided him.

BlackVelvet007 01-04-2007 11:47 PM

Valid points, RG. I do give the film a little credit because I'm a fan of James Garner, and he does a solid performance in this film.

paully62 01-05-2007 12:06 AM

RG strange you ask about Jenilee Harrison. Just last Saturday I saw her on some infomercial where she was peddling some crappy little chopper thing. This fat chef who is in these things chopped up ice and fresh fruit and Jenilee was supposed to act like it tasted as good as ice cream. Her acting skills have hit bottom cause she looked like..."wow this crap is nasty" while she said "yummy".

garyspk 01-06-2007 02:00 AM


Originally Posted by paully62 (Post 1820)
RG strange you ask about Jenilee Harrison. Just last Saturday I saw her on some infomercial where she was peddling some crappy little chopper thing. This fat chef who is in these things chopped up ice and fresh fruit and Jenilee was supposed to act like it tasted as good as ice cream. Her acting skills have hit bottom cause she looked like..."wow this crap is nasty" while she said "yummy".

Paully & RG,

While I loved Jenilee's look, she was never exactly Glenn Close or Meryl Streep as far as acting ability goes. I remember she was even a downgrade from Suzanne Somers, when she became a regular on "Three's Company."

I've seen Jenilee interviewed through the years though and she seems like a pretty cool girl.

Gary D. 01-06-2007 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by garyspk (Post 1870)
Paully & RG,

While I loved Jenilee's look, she was never exactly Glenn Close or Meryl Streep as far as acting ability goes. I remember she was even a downgrade from Suzanne Somers, when she became a regular on "Three's Company."

I've seen Jenilee interviewed through the years though and she seems like a pretty cool girl.

Didn't Jenilee also make a few appearances on the old "Dallas" series?

Gary D.

garyspk 01-06-2007 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by Gary D. (Post 1880)
Didn't Jenilee also make a few appearances on the old "Dallas" series?

Gary D.

Gary, you are correct. She played a distant Ewing cousin who I believe was sleeping with Cliff Barnes. She looked great on that show too.

spanked~amber 01-06-2007 08:28 PM

I have finally watched the movie Tank. Bad Bad Mean Ol' Sherrif ! She did a great job with that expression as she was pulling up her shirt ect. I was feeling the butterflies for her.

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