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RG_ 12-02-2006 03:24 PM

Spanked Growing Up (SGU)
OK, many of us here have some degree of interest in stories about people being spanked while they were growing up. In fact, one of the main features of AS are accounts by some of the models about their experiences then.

So to facilitate an ongoing discussion about growing up experiences, I'm going to start a running topic (meaning it will have several threads over time) about being spanked growing up. To make the titles shorter, in the future I'll start them out with 'SGU:' and follow it with some particular question that we can all address.

I realize that we had a great variety of experiences with physical discipline (I word it that way on purpose, because it was not all spanking) as children, and we can have many different perspectives on it. If it's something that makes you uncomfortable to discuss, please don't feel obligated to post, or even to read the SGU threads.

So here's the first question, to set the foundation:

Were you spanked growing up?

All who are participating, answer up, please!

spanked~amber 12-03-2006 02:21 PM

Yes, I was most definatly spanked while growing up. I've shared one of the accounts here on the forum as most of you have probably read.

RG_ 12-04-2006 07:45 PM

Listen Up!
Ok, all you delinquents!

Hop and and contribute to this post! It's right down the alley of what our discussion site is about! So get in here and get to work!

Don't make me stop this car!!

giantsfan 12-04-2006 09:55 PM

I was definitley spanked growing up

jill jones 12-05-2006 02:23 PM

I was spanked a lot as a kid. to all on this list what was the worst spanking you got as teen? I have a some stories. one was going some place I was not aloud to be my dad paddel my butt good.


sarah thorne 12-05-2006 08:28 PM

I was spanked growing up. But being the angel that I was (and am ;) ), it wasn't often. But ooooweeee---- my parents might as well have set up shop in the woodshed for one of my brothers!

I was also spanked as a teen on two noteworthy occasions (noteworthy in : they stick out in my memory). Once at 14 and once at 17. Sorry guys - they weren't bare bottomed but they did hurt!

ritcharduous 12-06-2006 02:10 AM

spanked growing up
Hi all, my parents were not big spankers ( I got A few though ). Most of my spankins were in the form of paddlings at school. I got six paddlings in high school. My last was Jr. year. Take care~ Ritch

jill jones 12-06-2006 12:53 PM

Hi what did you get spanked for are at 14 and 17 and what did you get spanked with? I got one at 17 too and it hurt!! I got a lot at 13 and 14 just that mouth at thet age.


RG_ 12-08-2006 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by ritcharduous (Post 1028)
Hi all, my parents were not big spankers ( I got A few though ). Most of my spankins were in the form of paddlings at school. I got six paddlings in high school. My last was Jr. year. Take care~ Ritch

Rich had some good stories to tell about some of his school paddlings on Live Chat last Wednesday. I think we can draw more out on his interesting experiences and background in the future.

OK, folks, keep adding to this thread! We've got a lot of members here who haven't responded yet. Even if you weren't spanked growing up, let us know.

jackie seven 12-08-2006 02:46 PM

The reason I haven't contributed to this thread is because I was never spanked growing up either at school or at home. Neither was my older sister. In fact, I've never been spanked in my entire life. But since RG wants to hear from people who weren't spanked as well those who were, I'll throw my 2 cents in.

The odd thing is that even though corporal punishment was never used in our household, my mom was a school teacher who had a reputation as being a notorious paddler. But all of my spanking fantasies, interests, etc. have to do with females being spanked. I have never had any desire to be spanked myself or any interest whatsoever in other males being spanked.

jill jones 12-14-2006 10:42 AM

the girls that do the video
Do the girls react some or the spankings thay got growing up? just wanted to know.


Lisa 12-14-2006 08:54 PM

Got my fair share
Typically I got the belt... OUCH!!

giantsfan 12-14-2006 09:56 PM

I got the belt and the slipper growing up

RG_ 12-14-2006 10:39 PM

I don't think that I ever answered my own question. It was the switch, well applied, for me growing up. A fine old Southern tradition!

garyspk 12-15-2006 01:38 AM

After reading Lisa's post about getting the belt growing up, I'm it just me or is she WAY overdue for that to happen again??? I'm especially thinking that after soooo many "spreading glitter" references. Geez.

BlackVelvet007 12-15-2006 09:53 AM

LOL Gary I wouldn't know if Lisa is "overdue" for the belt but dang if I wouldn't mind seeing it happen :)

I didn't want to touch this one because it's a tender subject to me but here goes: I can count on one hand the number of times I got one of those "I want your attention" swats. The rest of the time, my mom's method of discipline was to go eyeball-to-eyeball to me and say "Behave". That was her polite way of saying "Not yet but you're close". I would take the hint and sit on my hands in fear.

sarah thorne 12-15-2006 09:14 PM

My father used a belt. Did I say that already? I can't remember and am too lazy to go look it up. :rolleyes:

When I was *very* young, like under 10, my mom used a small wooden paddle that was oval like the paddle ball paddles.

'course, NOW, I like RG to use leather on me -- belts, straps, whatever - altho I had a fear of them when we first formed our relationship due to the two impressionable times it was used on me by my father.


garyspk 12-15-2006 10:05 PM

You know Sarah, I'm betting (just a WILD stab) that RG is more skilled at using the leather than your dad was. Call it a hunch.

sarah thorne 12-15-2006 10:54 PM

RG's never used a belt or strap on me in discipline - just play (sometimes quite hard, but still in play). That therein may be the difference, as I think if RG ever did use a belt or strap for discipline that I would consider it a bad thing.

Nope - with discipline comes the wood. :eek:

With pleasure comes the Canadian Prison Strap! :D

BlackVelvet007 12-15-2006 11:52 PM

That seems to be a common trait among spankees : Leather is a "good" thing, wood is a "bad" thing. I've always said it's not the implement so much as the person who wields it as far as how the impact feels.

sarah thorne 12-16-2006 08:38 AM

In spanking or not, anything that is hard and solid is going to hurt much worse than something that is supple and has some 'give' to it. (Of course, as you can see in my profile pic, his hand has a nice effect too. :D)

Now, RG has used a switch on me - thin, whippy, lots of 'give' - and I swear, it was excruciating. But I still contend that the worst spanking I ever got was with a school paddle (by RG, not growing up). It's simply more solid and its impact is greater.

A switch was never used on me growing up, however.

RG_ 12-16-2006 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by sarah thorne (Post 1189)
But I still contend that the worst spanking I ever got was with a school paddle (by RG, not growing up).

And here's a cute little follow-up to that particular story. Not too long after this particular paddling sarah had plopper herself down on the floor, sitting cross-legged, with her back against the wall. That was not too unusual, except where she was sitting.

"Isn't there a vent on the floor underneath you?" I asked.

"Yes!" she said, "And that's exactly why I'm sitting on it, for the cool air!"

And that wasn't all. At the time she was living in her own place and so not too long after I had left I called her from my cell phone, and while we were talking she told me that she had just put some ice into a plastic baggie to try and help cool her bottom off!!! :D

sarah thorne 12-16-2006 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by RG_ (Post 1195)
And here's a cute little follow-up to that particular story. Not too long after this particular paddling sarah had plopper herself down on the floor, sitting cross-legged, with her back against the wall. That was not too unusual, except where she was sitting.

"Isn't there a vent on the floor underneath you?" I asked.

"Yes!" she said, "And that's exactly why I'm sitting on it, for the cool air!"

And that wasn't all. At the time she was living in her own place and so not too long after I had left I called her from my cell phone, and while we were talking she told me that she had just put some ice into a plastic baggie to try and help cool her bottom off!!! :D

Ummmm, dear -- What you are referring to is the school paddling re-enactment we did. I have had many a worse spanking than that one.

I am speaking of that horrid discipline spanking I received about 2 years ago. :(

RG_ 12-16-2006 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by sarah thorne (Post 1197)
Ummmm, dear -- What you are referring to is the school paddling re-enactment we did. ... I am speaking of that horrid discipline spanking I received about 2 years ago. :(

A few minutes ago Sarah came to me and said, "I can't believe that you mixed up which spanking was which." After some discussion it was clear that I didn't have the two spankings mixed up, but rather how I interpreted her reference.

And you just gotta know Sarah. Strong-minded, peppery, little package of fire, with the innate instincts of a trial lawyer. Ever have one of those discussions where you know you just ain't gonna win? So I think I'll stop while I'm only slightly behind. ;)

(And even though it was a different spanking for an entirely different reason, you gotta admit that that account that I told about the air conditioning vent and the bag of ice WAS a cute story!)

persephone 12-21-2006 05:18 PM

i was spanked, but never more than one or two swats at a time, always over clothing, and always from a standing up position. as in, i'd just be grabbed and quickly swatted. i do remember that one time just the one swat still hurt the next day though.

RG_ 12-21-2006 11:38 PM


Originally Posted by persephone (Post 1366)
i was spanked, but never more than one or two swats at a time, always over clothing, and always from a standing up position. as in, i'd just be grabbed and quickly swatted. i do remember that one time just the one swat still hurt the next day though.

That must have been a mighty swat, persephone. Hurt in what way and what was it like the next day?

Also, at what age did you get your last swat?

persephone 12-22-2006 04:06 PM

it hurt with kind of a muscle soreness, so far as i can remember. i know i told my dad about it, thinking that he would feel really regretful, but he didn't seem to be when i told him. i think that, as a child, he was subject to more severe punishment than he ever doled out to my sister or i.

as for what age i stopped receiving them, i'm not sure. i remember always wondering if i was at last too old to be spanked but being too embarassed to ask. once i hit a certain age i was so freaked out by the whole thing that i couldn't even utter the word. it was never stated "you're too old for that now," and i remember wondering if i was too old, being sure that i must be, but then being disappointed. if i had to guess what age i was, it would probably be about 10 or 11... i'm positive that there wasn't any more physical discipline after i hit my teens, although it was threatened once or twice.

i remember VERY clearly reading a children's book where the heroine was 8 years old. she did something bad and she asked her dad if she was going to get spanked, and he told her she was too old to be spanked. the character was thrilled... that was what opened up the idea, and the hope, in my mind. i wasn't so lucky as her, though.

spanked~amber 12-22-2006 10:18 PM

The belt was the usual implement. On one occasion the fly swatter and the last but definatly not least, was a peach limb.

RG_ 12-23-2006 01:13 AM


Originally Posted by persephone (Post 1400)

i remember VERY clearly reading a children's book where the heroine was 8 years old. she did something bad and she asked her dad if she was going to get spanked, and he told her she was too old to be spanked. the character was thrilled...

Recall the title of the book? Author?

persephone 12-23-2006 06:55 PM

i can't BELIEVE that i remembered this. with some help from google, of course. what would we do without google? the book is called "emily's runaway imagination" by beverly cleary.

just a side note, i searched around a bit more and found a cute spanking reference in another beverly cleary book (these were staples in my childhood), "ramona and her father."

"ramona," said mr. quimbly, "my grandmother used to have a saying. 'first time is funny, second time is silly, third time is a spanking.'"

ramona looked down at her placemat. nothing seemed to go right lately.

adorable. i also distinctly remember another ramona book where ramona sees her parents playing and is shocked to see her dad swat her mom. i remember thinking, "my parents do that too.."

RG_ 12-23-2006 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by persephone (Post 1436)
...the book is ... by beverly cleary.

Speaking of Beverly Cleary, members may find some interest in this:

Beverly Cleary - (contributed by Jan) - In her memoir, A Girl From Yamhill, the American author recalls one day when she and her brother were bored and wondering what to draw on a blackboard their mother said: "Why don`t you see who can draw the best bird." Eventually the two of them argued who had drawn the best bird. Her brother had sat down on a chair to argue his point. (memoir text) "Mine`s best." Winston stolid and insistent was not going to give in. "It is not!" Before winston knew what was happening to him I grabbed him by the ankles and yanked him off the chair, he hit his head on the seat and began to howl, I knew instantly I had done a very bad thing, "Beverly!" Mother was shocked. Father sprang from the floor, yanked me through the cold dining room and deserted kitchen into the bathroom where he sat down on the edge of the tub, turned me over his knee and spanked me. Now it was my turn to howl: "I`ll be good daddy," I sobbed: "I`ll be good." She went on to add: "I knew I deserved that spanking so I had no reason to complain about it or feel sorry for myself, eventually I came out of the bathroom and was made to tell Winston I was sorry."

(Quoted from the Spanking Facts and Research website,

garyspk 12-27-2006 02:03 AM

[QUOTE=RG_;1438]Speaking of Beverly Cleary, members may find some interest in this:

persephone, you just went up a BIG notch in my book.

Beverly Cleary is the best ever.

I have never been a big reader of fiction (except for Amber's of course!), but Beverly Cleary is an author who made a huge impression on me as a kid growing up.

And yes, she has spanking references in nearly all of her many fantastic books, like "Henry And Ribsy," "Beezus And Ramona," "Otis Spofford" and many others.

If you're a fan of hers like I am, Newsweek did a tremendous story on her a few weeks ago when she had her 90th birthday. I wish I had a link to it now. I'd post it.

What a great "blast from the past." A fabulous talent who made an impact on at least 2 people's lives on this forum...Beverly Cleary. I hope she has another 90 years in her!

NaughtyBry 12-27-2006 04:52 PM

Oh yes
Hey all, I'm new to here, but to respond to this question, "Oh yes", I was spanked growing up, always on my bare bum, and always the very fast, and agressive type spanking, who bared my bum depended on how upset mom was, and how clear I was thinking. A few times the paddle was used, butt there was no point in moms opinion for a spanking, of any kind to stop before the real tears had started, I mean, I figure every one crys, but when the real tears start, then it's just a matter of lesson.
Thank you for being here all.

RG_ 12-27-2006 05:28 PM

Welcome to MSF, Bry.

sarah thorne 12-27-2006 07:05 PM

Ramona Quimby, Age 8

Originally Posted by persephone (Post 1436)
just a side note, i searched around a bit more and found a cute spanking reference in another beverly cleary book (these were staples in my childhood), "ramona and her father."

"ramona," said mr. quimbly, "my grandmother used to have a saying. 'first time is funny, second time is silly, third time is a spanking.'"

ramona looked down at her placemat. nothing seemed to go right lately.

When I saw this, I remembered clearly from reading the book the scene that caused Ramona's father to say such a thing to her. (I was a big Cleary fan too.)

Anyway, in the book, her parents were going thru some financial trouble and had to cut back on a lot of things (like meat - they had to eat tongue instead - ick) Ramona knew her parents were tense, so to lighten the tension one night at the dinner table, she asked someone at the table to "pass the tommy-toes". It made her parents smile, since 'tommy toes' was what she had called 'tomatoes' when she had first started talking.

However, like most kids her age (about 8 or so, in the book) she overdid it, continued to use the silly term until her father said what persephone had quoted above.

I only remember this specific reference to spanking from her books. Everything else I remember from Cleary's books were subtle, like the kids knowing they were 'gonna get it' or the parent's saying, 'do you want to get it?' For instance, in one book (may have been the same one) Ramona is throwing a fit in her room, lying on her bed and yelling. Since everyone ignored her fit, she decided to kick the wall next to her bed with her shoes. Her father then had yelled from the other room that she better stop kicking the wall or she was 'gonna get it'.)


persephone 12-27-2006 07:06 PM

hey gary, i'm brand new and i'm already jumping notches... i'll take that as a good sign. :) beverly cleary had a pretty solid presence in my childhood too.

RG_ 12-27-2006 08:10 PM

Seems like I might have missed something in not reading Beverly Cleary when I was growing up. (sarah might, of course, suggest that I missed it because Beverly Cleary was growing up at the same time that I was.)

emily 12-28-2006 11:04 PM

i was spanked growing up but always told not nearly enough lol. not sure what that means..:rolleyes:

PandaBear 12-29-2006 01:44 AM

I was spanked a few times growing up, but don't really remember any of them, except the one time dad took me over his knee and spanked me with his hand for jumping on my parents' bed (after he had told me to quit it about 5 times!). That one hurt! And then there was the time a friend of mine dared me to steal a pack of kool aid from the grocery store when I was 9. If mom hadn't caught me trying to make it that night I likely wouldn't have been caught though! Oh well. She took the whip to me for that one! I got a half dozen strokes, and it hurt! There may have been a few more times I got spanked by my parents, but I don't really remember. I got it at school a few times too!

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