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RG_ 01-03-2007 07:47 PM

SGU: Were You Paddled At School?
Spanked Growing Up Series

PandaBear's awesome posts today about her paddling experiences in school has inspired this question in the Spanked Growing Up series.

Were you ever paddled at school?

If so, please give us the details. Tell us about the practices at your school(s), and your own experiences. What grades did you get it in? What was the last grade? Who paddled? How? What kind of paddle was used? Hurt much or not? And so on.

scubasteve7 01-03-2007 10:12 PM

Spanking in School
Yes I was spanked in school, be it for running in the halls, A/B, DOC (Disorderly Conduct) and what have you. Even spanked when I didn't even deserve such. Much of the time, it was done with the hand or paddle and nothing else.:D

BlackVelvet007 01-04-2007 09:25 AM

I went to elementary school in Philadelphia. While there were rumours that the principal USED to have a paddle handy for just such an emergency, there were never any spankings dished out by teachers. I don't think they can do that in PA.

I went to middle school (6th - 8th grade) in Nashville TN. People got paddled there all the time for just about anything. The guilty party was always taken out into the hallway and given three swats with some giant paddle, and another teacher had to be present to observe. One time, the science teacher went around checking to see who did their homework. Six kids who didn't do theirs were lined up and taken out one by one for swats. I sat there thanking the Lord that I had done mine and considered a career in teaching. :) TN is still one of 22 states that has CP in schools.

I went to high school in central Virginia. There wasn't any CP there either, although I believe it MIGHT have been dished out in VA elementary schools. I never bothered to ask about it. The town I lived in was one of these small towns where everybody knew each other so well that if you got in trouble over at a friend's house, you probably got spanked by THEIR parents.

RG_ 01-04-2007 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by BlackVelvet007 (Post 1789)
I don't think they can do that in PA.

Actually, they could, by district and school choice, up until just this year. This (2006/7) is the first school year without it, in public schools. Private schools can still paddle.


Originally Posted by BlackVelvet007 (Post 1789)
I went to high school in central Virginia. There wasn't any CP there either, although I believe it MIGHT have been dished out in VA elementary schools.

It was probably used through the high school level in some areas, and perhaps just elementary in your area. Virginia is a state in which it varied quite a bit across the state, with much greater use in the rural and southern parts of Virginia, and less use in the more liberal areas, i.e. the closer to Washington one got, the more liberal and lax school discipline was.

BlackVelvet007 01-04-2007 11:41 PM

??? I'm impressed that you found this stuff out, but how on Earth DID you find this out? I'm assuming you work in education in some capacity.

RG_ 01-05-2007 12:13 AM


Originally Posted by BlackVelvet007 (Post 1815)
??? I'm impressed that you found this stuff out, but how on Earth DID you find this out? I'm assuming you work in education in some capacity.

I found it out because my personal passion in the spanking world is factual accounts of spanking while growing up. So I've actively researched this stuff, much like a professional historian or researcher would, for many, many years now. I've also conducted hundreds of interviews, and used to run a website on these topics, which also brought in a lot of information.

Gary D. 01-05-2007 07:43 AM


Originally Posted by BlackVelvet007 (Post 1789)
I went to elementary school in Philadelphia. While there were rumours that the principal USED to have a paddle handy for just such an emergency, there were never any spankings dished out by teachers. I don't think they can do that in PA.

I went to middle school (6th - 8th grade) in Nashville TN. People got paddled there all the time for just about anything. The guilty party was always taken out into the hallway and given three swats with some giant paddle, and another teacher had to be present to observe. One time, the science teacher went around checking to see who did their homework. Six kids who didn't do theirs were lined up and taken out one by one for swats. I sat there thanking the Lord that I had done mine and considered a career in teaching. :) TN is still one of 22 states that has CP in schools.

I went to high school in central Virginia. There wasn't any CP there either, although I believe it MIGHT have been dished out in VA elementary schools. I never bothered to ask about it. The town I lived in was one of these small towns where everybody knew each other so well that if you got in trouble over at a friend's house, you probably got spanked by THEIR parents.

That last sentence sure brings back some old I can remember when this was definitely something that could / would happen.
Never happened to me personally but I know of several times when it did.
Guess parents seemed to be less squeamish then and stuck together ;)

Gary D.

Veronica Daniels 01-05-2007 11:32 AM

I went to Catholic school in California. They had their own set of rules about discipline and definitely enforced them. I was frequently made to stand in the corner, had my palms swated with the wooden ruler, was dragged by my ears, and on occasion quite a few of us were sent to the head nun's office where we were paddled with a ping pong style paddle with holes in it. We were paddled over underwear with skirts up. (We all wore uniforms, of course.)

The reason could be anything that they did not like or approve of. Discipline was dished out for poor performance, homewrok infractions, tardiness, disrespect, asking questions they did not want to hear, disagreeing, fighting, or general sassiness. It often depended upon the nun/teacher and her personality.

I was paddled for asking an inappropriate question in class and making an inappropriate point during class discussion involving the virgin birth of Jesus.

That's my sotry!

Evan 01-05-2007 12:15 PM

I was paddled (twice I think) in the 8th grade - California public school in the 1950s. As I remember, every teacher had a paddle but some were more apt to use it than others; shop teachers & gym coaches were the most likely. I got mine from a shop teacher for fighting on the playground.

My homeroom teacher was also quick to paddle. The culprit was called up to the front of the room and the class was instructed to put their heads on their desks with their eyes closed. We would then hear 2 or 3 swats administered. He also would take a ruler to the palm of your hand on occasions; I got that a couple times as well.

I don't know if there was a rule in place, but in practice only boys got swats in my school.

stw 01-05-2007 03:25 PM

Paddled in School
In grade school I only remember hand spankings given by the teacher on the spot, and these didn't hurt all that much. One teacher would give us a long otk spanking in front of the class for our birthday and for other offenses as well, and she would lecture us about the effects of spankings on our bottoms (they feel rather warm and not to good). Another frequently swatted us when we didn't do as we were told, but they were quite harmless as well. The worst spankings were given at home or at a friends house.

In junior high the vice principal would paddle us occasionally, but most of the time we were given after school detention instead. However, we were allowed to trade our detention time for hacks, (paddlings were referred to as hacks) but most people didn't take this choice. Usually these were between one and ten hard smacks with a paddle over jeans or cords, (and it was almost always guys).

One afternoon I was caught running in the halls and was given two hours of detention, but I chose a spanking instead, four hacks-one for each half hour. The tough guys bragged about how they got out of hours of detention by choosing hacks, so I followed suit. But I also think that I just wanted a spanking, forgetting how much they hurt and how humiliating they were. I was called out of gym class in while wearing thin swim shorts without underwear and I had to sit in the office waiting for my punishment while I shivered, probably because it was a bit chilly, but also because I was nervous. Everyone saw me there in my shorts (which we were not allowed to wear to school except for gym class) and everyone knew why I was there. The wooden bench felt so uncomfortable through my thin shorts. Then when I was finally called in for a spanking, the vice principal called my parents (which I was not expecting) and then administered the spanking. My shorts were really short, as was normal back then, so they ended right at the tops of my thighs, so the spankings landed half on my butt and half on my thighs, leaving a nice red mark that was plain to see afterwards, and it hurt real bad, to the point that I was on the verge of tears. I had to go back to gym class thoroughly humiliated with misty eyes and a burning butt.

RG_ 01-05-2007 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by Veronica Daniels (Post 1835)
...and on occasion quite a few of us were sent to the head nun's office where we were paddled with a ping pong style paddle with holes in it. ...

Veronica, this is good information. Give me a bit more of an outline, please. Was your experience typical for girls in this school, or would you say that you were paddled more or less than average?

How many paddlings would you estimate that you got during your years in school?

What was the last grade level in which you were paddled?


Veronica Daniels 01-08-2007 10:07 PM

Well, I would say that like in any school there was a group of girls who never got in trouble and were pretty much the "good" ones and then there were the ones like me who got in trouble on a more frequent basis. I certainly was not the only one who got it, and some got it a lot more than I did! I was pretty much a quiet kid who kept to her own business, but my Mom was the only divorced Mom in the whole school (Catholic) and that made the nuns pick on me more for sure. They often said bad things about Mom right to my face and within earshot.

So, it seemed like the smallest infraction got me some serious corporal punishment and if a "good girl" did the same thing she got off with a stern look and maybe a lecture.

There were plenty of other girls who got what I got and I am sure the nuns had their reasons with them, too. It was often pretty subjective, in my opinion. They had their favorites who never got disciplined.

I got paddled maybe three or four times in six years. They were memorable! My last paddling was in 6th grade for asking an inappropriate question in catechism class regarding them virgin birth of Jesus. After seeing the results of the paddling and hearing why I got it, my Mom took me out of the school and put me in public school. There was no paddling there! I think there should have been! Those kids were out of control and it was pure culture shock for me.

On top of the paddling, I frequently got the wooden ruler on the palms, ear pulling (to the point of thinking my ear might detach from my head), arm pinching, corner time, and public humiliation. Those nuns had it down! ;)

I still think of those disciplinary moments with vivid recall. I think I always will. They certainly made an impression on me. In some ways good and in other ways bad.


PandaBear 01-09-2007 12:28 AM

Man I'm glad I didn't go to Catholic school! The nuns sure sound like they didn't like anyone challenging their views on the world, or the stories for that matter. I was one of those types in school that was always questioning the logic of some things!

irishpapa 08-19-2008 11:11 PM

Spanked at Catholic School
When we were spanked we were taken to a cloak room. The nun would sit on a chair. You would stand in front of her and she would pull your pants down to the floor. You would then lift your shirt and undershirt up "over your navel" and then she would pull your underpants down to the floor.

You would lie over her lap and be spanked on your bare bottom. Afterwards you would stand up in front of her and be lectured.

Rare was the spanking in front of the class. Maybe 2 or 3 a year. She would sit beside the desk so only your backside would be seen by the class. Mostly boys but also girls. Only happened to me once

gasmith 08-22-2008 04:43 PM

I agree that the most likely teacher who would administer paddlings were the gym and shop teacher but let us not forget the vice principal, they are in charge of discipline at most H. S. One memorable paddling I received:eek: was in junior high 7 or 8th grade when I got one for not washing my gym clothes over the weekend. Part of it was the humiliation of being swatted in front of the rest of the class. His paddle was big with holes in it. I remembered that it whistled through the air as he swung it. :eek: Another time the vice principal got his chance but he did not have a witness like I have heard in other replies. Being a teacher myself it does have controlling effect on the student population that is missing today. The punishment that is handed out today (suspension and In school suspension) is what the kid wants the get out of the classroom.

spanko81 09-17-2008 01:26 AM

Unfortunately for you, dear RG... I was NEVER PADDLED IN SCHOOL!!


I only sat VERY uncomfortably (not because of a spanking!) in my seat and listened to my History teacher paddle away out in the hall!

It was TORTURE I tell you!!!


I didn't know why til LATERRRRRRR in life........ :rolleyes:

RG_ 09-17-2008 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by spanko81 (Post 10313)
Unfortunately for you, dear RG... I was NEVER PADDLED IN SCHOOL!!

I agree. Exceedingly unfortunate for me.

But it WAS your fault. You either never did anything to earn one, and/or opted for something other than a paddling when presented the choice.

Now I and countless others stand forever deprived of your accounts of true experience in school.

You need to be spanked for that!

spanko81 09-17-2008 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by RG_ (Post 10318)
I agree. Exceedingly unfortunate for me.

But it WAS your fault. You either never did anything to earn one, and/or opted for something other than a paddling when presented the choice.

Now I and countless others stand forever deprived of your accounts of true experience in school.

You need to be spanked for that!

I have NO qualms or disagreements with the above statement! :D

Except I'm still cooler than you! LOL!! :p

RG_ 09-17-2008 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by spanko81 (Post 10319)
Except I'm still cooler than you! LOL!!

And THAT we can both agree on! ;-)

spanko81 09-18-2008 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by RG_ (Post 10320)
And THAT we can both agree on! ;-)

I'm glad we see eye to eye! :p

Batman 09-18-2008 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by RG_ (Post 10320)
And THAT we can both agree on! ;-)

Wow, you're being quite generous!! If a girl had said that she was cooler than me, that would have been another reason for another spanking. Then, again, I do love to find reasons to spank girls. :D

As for your original question, I never received a spanking at school. I did witness a few in kindergarten. These were OTK spankings issued over fully clothed bottoms by hand. There was one girl and one boy who received these for disciplinary reasons. I believe she had parental consent in both cases because, as a general rule, corporal punishment was not used in that school district. This particular teacher also provided birthday spankings, but, I declined. Even at that age, I knew that I only wanted to give swats.

spanko81 09-18-2008 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by Batman (Post 10322)
Wow, you're being quite generous!! If a girl had said that she was cooler than me, that would have been another reason for another spanking. Then, again, I do love to find reasons to spank girls. :D

Hey! What a coincidence!

I love to find reasons to GET spankered!!! :D

Batman 09-18-2008 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by spanko81 (Post 10323)
Hey! What a coincidence!

I love to find reasons to GET spankered!!! :D

Then, we'd probably find plenty of reasons to keep your bottom red between the two of us. :D

aviator 09-18-2008 03:17 PM

I grew up in nebraska in the 1960. In high school when i was a freshmen i got caught skipping school in detention i couldnt believe when the 2 teachers started calling all forward and pulled down their pants, by the time it was my turn i had a 9inch hard on but after 20 swats with the paddle and 20 strokes with the strap it was gone

RG_ 09-18-2008 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by aviator (Post 10328)
i couldnt believe when the 2 teachers started calling all forward and pulled down their pants, by the time it was my turn i had a 9inch hard on but after 20 swats with the paddle and 20 strokes with the strap it was gone

Sounds just like my real life, factual school. NOT!!!

paully62 09-18-2008 09:19 PM

So let me see if I have this straight....if I would have been in Nebraska in the 60's I was subject to school spankings (bare with little paully hanging) They would deliver 20 (as opposed to the normal 1 to 3) with a paddle and then somehow they now produce a strap (which I guess they acquired from a British Boarding school or an Alabama prison), deliver 20 more (as opposed to the normal 1 to 3). there any teeny weeny chance you embellished (especially the freshman body leading 9 inches). My my I guess it is best I roosted in Illinois.

g_r_frankfurter 09-18-2008 10:13 PM

As a boy going to public school in Jacksonville Florida during the sixties and early seventies, paddlings were always given in the schools I went to. In the 7th grade one was sent to the deans office if one did something wrong. The dean had a very long wooden paddle and he would give swats for an offence.The paddle he used would really sting and my bottom would be sore for the rest of the day.


Jean-Paul 09-19-2008 07:13 AM

First of all,I would like to say how nice it is to hear from you,Veronica.

I grew up in the DC suburbs of Maryland in the 60's.In first grade,our
teacher would give us a birthday spanking over her lap in front of
the whole class.I think that is when I realized that I was a spanko,
because I couldn't wait til May 14th came around and it was my turn.
I was paddled once more in 6 th grade for fighting..3 swats,no hard on,
from the principal...which was a guy..which may explain
We had a female principle in middle school that everyone said she
used a paddle with nails in it...but I never found out..but found out
later it wasn't true and was just intended to scare worked.

Nice thread RG


spanko81 09-20-2008 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by RG_ (Post 10332)
Sounds just like my real life, factual school. NOT!!!

Whatever do you mean, RG???? :rolleyes: :p

sluggo 09-21-2008 10:11 PM

paddled no, OTK spanked at school, yes
see above//// 09-23-2008 07:17 AM ...interesting offer

garyspk 09-23-2008 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 10390) ...interesting offer

I'm not sure what this has to do with this particular thread.

If you're going to spam us, at least be creative enough to respond to the actual thread.

paully62 10-01-2008 11:25 PM

great stories gang

Robby 03-27-2009 10:58 PM

Spanked by Nuns

Originally Posted by irishpapa (Post 10142)
When we were spanked we were taken to a cloak room. The nun would sit on a chair. You would stand in front of her and she would pull your pants down to the floor. You would then lift your shirt and undershirt up "over your navel" and then she would pull your underpants down to the floor.

You would lie over her lap and be spanked on your bare bottom. Afterwards you would stand up in front of her and be lectured.

Rare was the spanking in front of the class. Maybe 2 or 3 a year. She would sit beside the desk so only your backside would be seen by the class. Mostly boys but also girls. Only happened to me once

Hi Irishpapa, up to what ages were the boys spanked bare by the nuns at your school? Do you think the nuns spanked the boys and made them stand bare in front of them in private because they enjoyed their nudity besides spanking them?

irishpapa 03-28-2009 03:14 AM

School Bare bottom spanking
I do not think so. It was to embarrass us. These women had seen it all before and nothing we had would have given them a thrill. The rare spanking in front of the class was to scare everyone. "This could happen to you" was the message.

More embarrassing was later when a Social Service nun gave physicals for sports. You could go to a doctor and pay or get it done for free. The reason for this being different is that this was the first nun we interacted with who wore the "abreviated" habit. She had legs and arms and only a small veil on her head.

spoiltbrat 03-28-2009 10:09 AM

spanked at school yes ... paddled NO !!

Robby 03-28-2009 06:47 PM

Physicals by Nun

Originally Posted by irishpapa (Post 14359)
I do not think so. It was to embarrass us. These women had seen it all before and nothing we had would have given them a thrill. The rare spanking in front of the class was to scare everyone. "This could happen to you" was the message.

More embarrassing was later when a Social Service nun gave physicals for sports. You could go to a doctor and pay or get it done for free. The reason for this being different is that this was the first nun we interacted with who wore the "abreviated" habit. She had legs and arms and only a small veil on her head.

Can you tell us more in detail about these physicals by Social Service Nun, Irishpapa?

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