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katie_spades 10-31-2006 06:51 PM

Happy Birthday Michheadmaster!
Happy birthday Mich!

Hope you enjoy it and it's filled with many spankings!


iggy 10-31-2006 09:08 PM

Happy Birthday!!

BlackVelvet007 10-31-2006 11:23 PM

Cool this is the first time I get to wish someone a Happy Birthday here. Hope it was a good one filled with LOTS of "one to grow on" spankings.

vivian 11-01-2006 11:15 AM

I hope your birthday was wonderful. So does a Birthday Spanking for you mean giving one? I think that would be a lovely present. Sigh, too bad I couldn't be there for your birthday....

RG_ 11-01-2006 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by vivian (Post 482)
Sigh, too bad I couldn't be there for your birthday....

Would you take his licks for him, Vivian? ;)

vivian 11-02-2006 02:03 AM

What kind of licks do you mean? ;) If you can't lick 'um join 'um. Oh, my, did I say that? What if the headmaster finds out!?!

RG_ 11-02-2006 06:57 AM

You would make a good lawyer, wouldn't you, vivian? ;) Twist those words to the meaning that gets you the most benefit. :D


Originally Posted by vivian (Post 495)
What kind of licks do you mean? ;) If you can't lick 'um join 'um. Oh, my, did I say that? What if the headmaster finds out!?!

MichiganHeadmaster 11-06-2006 08:21 PM

Dammit, I'm late again to the thread! Maybe I need to be spanked.

Nah!! :D

Thank you so much, katie, iggy, RG, vivian, Black Velvet

(Actually, I did get a spanking. No pics, though) :cool:

vivian 11-07-2006 06:35 AM

I'd make a good Attorney? Thank you, that is a very nice complement. But our headmaster is too late for this thread again. Maybe he needs help with his "briefs". Oh, sorry another pun about bottoms - I'll stay away from dirty cracks like that.... doh!

I wonder if there is such a thing as court ordered spankings? Hmmmmm.... sounds like the theme for a new story. Maybe call it "My Assidavid". A new means to execute the judgment and pursue collection from the losing party's "assets" and a streemlined restitution for Breach of Contract!

So would you would report to the Corrections Deartment? or maybe a 3rd party subcontractor..... Wow!!! Like Our Headmaster!!!

MichiganHeadmaster 11-07-2006 12:26 PM

My crack isn't dirty, I'll have you know. :D

But yours is about to be a lovely shade of red and purple if you don't watch it, viv.

And having reviewed the assidavit of counsel, I now order that counsel will be bound over (the bench) for trial. The court will first probe counsel for evidentiary purposes.

(Sheesh, my puns are bad today)

RG_ 11-07-2006 06:42 PM

Looks like you're both making butts of yourselves. :D

vivian 11-08-2006 02:06 AM

Your puns are indeed bad, and taking me on is a gamble Sir. After all I'll see you and Raise you every time. But then again its your call.

vivian 11-08-2006 02:07 AM

No we are just being cheeky.

vivian 11-08-2006 02:42 AM

So Councelor, the question remains: "what law should be applied to the case at hand?" or more suscinctly "what hand should be applied to the case?" Put another way if I consent to the Discovery process: (reference:) "order that counsel will be bound over (the bench) for trial. The court will first probe counsel for evidentiary purposes." On what grounds will such intrusion (aka probe) be made? MN or MI ? The statutes for Minnesota and Michigan may not concur.... Other than those govenering the "little brown jug".

MichiganHeadmaster 11-08-2006 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by vivian (Post 703)
Your puns are indeed bad, and taking me on is a gamble Sir. After all I'll see you and Raise you every time. But then again its your call.

Viv, the only thing you'll be raising are those cute buns on command to meet my hand on every swat, or else. :D

And in a conflict between MN and MI law, HM (HeadMaster) law will control. This could prove to be a seminal case, as the dark recesses of the law will be explored in depth.

MichiganHeadmaster 11-08-2006 08:43 AM

BTW, who was it who said "The law is an ass"?

RG_ 11-08-2006 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by MichiganHeadmaster (Post 708)
BTW, who was it who said "The law is an ass"?

A wise man, no doubt.


Originally Posted by MichiganHeadmaster (Post 708)
HM (HeadMaster) law will control.

If your first case fails because of the above, vivian, don't give up. Make another try using a different angle. That would be a

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