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Richard Windsor 11-09-2007 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by RG_ (Post 6417)
OK, sarah and I are putting it on our calendar.

THIS time we'll make it. ;)

NOTE:having dinner at an outside cafe, and having a drink at this great little bar, and then that great little bar. *Let me know if you think you would like to do this. I'll organize it.*

Bar?? Did you say bar? Well then, put ol' Houndog down for a spot :D

I guess we can take time out of the bar to visit the Alamo if we must :rolleyes:

Richard Windsor.

sarah thorne 11-09-2007 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by Richard Windsor (Post 6588)
Bar?? Did you say bar? Well then, put ol' Houndog down for a spot :D

I guess we can take time out of the bar to visit the Alamo if we must :rolleyes:

Richard Windsor.

GREAT!! You could share a room with us! We reserved a King sized bed but can switch that to two queens! Unless, of course, ya wanta menage a trois! (I've been getting a lot of use outta that word lately) :rolleyes:


tubaman 12-29-2007 08:28 AM

Texas All-State Spanking Party

Originally Posted by teefortexas (Post 6333)
I'll be right behind Gary, Tubaman!
Can't wait!


I suspect he'd rather you be in front of him...

Me, too.

Paul (Tubaman)

sarah thorne 12-29-2007 09:44 AM

RG and I are still planning on attending!! We can't wait! It will be great to see all the Dallas crew again, and this time with no schooling to think about like last time we were down together in Dallas.

We reserved our room several weeks ago, the same time we reserved a room for FMS. We are really looking forward to some great parties this next year, including finally making it to Vegas for Shadowlane. RG is always being sent out of town for business around the time their party always hits!


RG_ 12-29-2007 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by sarah thorne (Post 7488)
We are really looking forward to some great parties this next year, including finally making it to Vegas for Shadowlane. RG is always being sent out of town for business around the time their party always hits!

Yeah, I'm beginning to think that it must be a conspiracy! And just to make sure that I can't find a way to wiggle around some kind of business trip to slip into Shadowlane, it's been all the way outta the country. I think I might be losing my passport this coming year around September.


Originally Posted by Richard Windsor (Post 6588)
I guess we can take time out of the bar to visit the Alamo if we must.

Oh, we must! We must!
(With a nod to Blazing Saddles fans.)

On the one hand, Richard, for Texans, going to the Alamo is like going to Rome for Catholics. It's little less than a holy place. And for fans of American history in general, it holds an exalted prominence shared with very few other sites. It would be no surprise, then, to learn that Texans hold the defenders of the Alamo in the greatest esteem and go to special lengths to memorialize them to this day, right down to the individual names. I say that to note that several of the defenders were British and in honor of their service the British flag is flown at the Alamo!

On the other hand, for those less enthalled than myself by the whole history thing, I think that Paully had an excellent suggestion. I will provide a coonskin hat that we will place atop your head, and then in the spirit of all things proper and as a nod to the values of the day of the Alamo, we can have "Davy Crockett" give a right sound spanking to "Mrs. Crockett!"

Now we just need to determine who a suitable Mrs. Crockett will be.


garyspk 12-30-2007 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by tubaman (Post 7486)
I suspect he'd rather you be in front of him...

Me, too.

Paul (Tubaman)

Lord knows ONE of us should be back there to keep her in line!

tubaman 01-09-2008 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by Emiliegirl (Post 7553)
I have been gone for too long, but I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOO excited to see that there is a party coming up in the near future that I might actually get to attend!

Mike is scheduled home that weekend...the only issue will be kids :)

Very cool!


And we'll be so pleased to have you. Enjoy your videos!

Paul (Tubaman)

tubaman 01-09-2008 06:02 PM

Texas All-State Spanking Party
OK, Spanko Friends, we've finally got some real information about the TASSP.

First thing, though I may have mentioned it before, is the party will be April 11-13, in San Antonio, TX. Contacts for more information are Fred and Lin at, and Brenna at If for some reason you have problems getting them, you can always ask me.

Second thing: the price for our party has actually gone DOWN this year! We were a major bargain last year at $40, but this year it's even less than that! How many things can you say THAT about these days? Rooms are also very reasonable, even if you want poolside. And we'll have the entire hotel to ourselves. Spankings everywhere!! (When the hotel sells out, we even have a close by overflow hotel.)

Be that as it may, I'll be posting 4 separate posts, each with some information. First the basics, then the registration form, then the general party rules, and finally a volunteer request form. (You don't HAVE to volunteer to attend. That's mostly for members who've been before.)

Yours truly will be in charge of the Vendor Fair, so any vendors, contact me for information.

Hang on. Here come 4 more posts!

Paul (Tubaman)

tubaman 01-09-2008 06:03 PM

Texas All-State Spanking Party - the basics
All State Party 2008

Dates: April 11-13, 2008
Place: Atrium Hotel Contract number 040108
210-651-4100 and 1-877-ATRIUM

Cost: $ 64.95 regular/74.95 for poolside, plus taxes per night
$ 25 per person for the weekend

Theme: Roaring Twenties

Anyone not with our party will not be allowed to reserve a room. The rooms are 64.95 for non-poolside and 74.95 for poolside. If you get a pool side room, it may be noisy as there will not be a "lights out" time for us. Also true about rooms around the party room. If you reserve a room and then discover that you cannot attend, please call and cancel as soon as you know so someone else can have the room or type of room. Smoking rooms are scarce, but you can smoke out on the patios with the door shut. We had to stay in a smoking room at the motel we stayed at last night and we really noticed the difference (now that we are nonsmokers).Start planning now. Save your pennies, this is really one of the least expensive and one of the most fun events of the year. Not that I am prejudiced of course. :)

The party will start on Friday at noon (that's check in) but if anyone wants to register at the hotel and come in early, that is ok, but don't expect to have the hotel to ourselves, no public play that night. We may get together for dinner or something and someone may have play in their room. There is breakfast each day (continental ya know) and Friday and Saturday we will be planning dinner. As new things are planned, they will be added to the files or put into a new file if we can't figure out how to add them to the old one. Anyhow, you can get to it. You are all family and this is just like a big reunion. We will meet new people. If we run out of room, there is a hotel just across the highway. There are places to eat all over, and many will have cars to go on "field trips". Just be prepared to have fun, and to give and receive spankings to your hearts content. See you in April.

tubaman 01-09-2008 06:04 PM

Texas All-State Spanking Party copy-and-paste registration form
Print the registration and mail it with a check of $25.00 per person to:
Lin Ferrarese
8714 Serene Ridge Drive
San Antonio, Tx 78239

Checks, money orders and cash are fine; I don't have Pay Pal.


Name (Last, First) _________________________________________

Street address or dependable email address (Make SURE this is right.
Your party information will be sent this way. You can supply both if you wish.)

__________________________________________________ ___

__________________________________________________ ___

Emergency contact: (name) ____________________________________

Emergency contact phone: __________________________________________

Speakeasy Name: (For name tag) choose an adjective and your name, like Blowsy Katherine or Lazy Boy Jake

__________________________________________________ _________________

Circle one: Top / Bottom / Switch / Observer
Circle one: Male Female

Birthdate: ______________________

Check any that apply:

_____ I am a vendor and would like to be part of the vendor fair.

_____ I am a single lady and would like to stay in one of
the "sorority rooms."

_____ I am new and would like a "mentor.”


My signature below certifies that I have read the party rules and
agree to abide by them. I will hold the All-State Party organizers
harmless for any injuries or accidents to my person, regardless of
the cause of same, including, but not limited to any injury or
accident caused solely by the negligence of the organizers. I will
hold the organizers harmless for any lost or stolen items of personal
property that belong to me. I will be responsible for any accidents,
injuries, or damages to any persons or property caused by myself or
my actions. I certify that I will not be under the influence of any
illicit or mind-altering drugs at the party.

__________________________________________________ ____ ____________

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