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kaylex 03-24-2007 04:13 PM

good job following directions and posting
You all deserve a red star!

RB nice way to start this new topic. I wanted to make one more disclaimer about what kind of Top space we are NOT talking about.

We are NOT talking about falling asleep while you are spanking some one!

And if said event happens again the spanker will be cut off from further play:)

Ok Tops keeping posting, inquiring bottoms want to know!

paully62 03-24-2007 07:50 PM

Kaylex: That is a very fair addition to the rules however, it might be noteworthy to add one more. IF you are going to knock on someones door at 3:30 a.m. and expect a little play, you might be a touch less stoic whereas to keep spanker awake.

kaylex 03-25-2007 08:30 PM

Paully i did not ask for comments! And FYI folks the was All-State so late night play sessions are a given...

Now for the rest of you TOPS.... ANSWER THE QUESTION!!! We all know you get some addictive feeling out of spanking otherwise you wouldn't crave it so much. So go go go... write on...times a'wasting! Don't make me call on people!


BlackVelvet007 03-26-2007 02:03 AM

YES there is such a thing as "top space". It's hard to explain, but when you're engrossed in a scene, much in the same way that endorphins kick in with the spankee, the top enters a euphoric state. You have to be careful not to let it affect your skill as you continue spanking, but it's a true headspace being entered.

emily 03-26-2007 07:13 PM

i think the Tops are askeered of this question.. :D c'mon boys an girls show us Your vulnerable side :cool:

kaylex 03-26-2007 07:21 PM

Aright Folks
Alright folks! Since the tops seem not to respond when asked with the exception of BV and RB... nice Job guys. Let's open the floor to everyone.

Our special guest Carla helped out with this question today. It's on communication. At a party when playing with various tops and bottoms (and no we are not talking about your wardrobe changes... although i'm the first to tell you that is SUPER fun) How do you expect the person you're playing with to communicate to you...Verbally (asking, telling, code words), actions, both, neither?

We know we are all different and some people will post as if to say "duh?" but I'm certain we'll have people all over the map on this one. So POST ON!!!!

Waiting to hear,

Gary D. 03-26-2007 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by kaylex (Post 3374)
Alright folks! Since the tops seem not to respond when asked with the exception of BV and RB... nice Job guys. Let's open the floor to everyone.

We know we are all different and some people will post as if to say "duh?" but I'm certain we'll have people all over the map on this one. So POST ON!!!!

Waiting to hear,

Let me start this one off with a great big "duh"....( you're welcome Kaylex)
Seriously though all of the actions mentioned are preferred / desired in some form or another or all combined in some cases. As a Top it is very desirable and necessary to have some form of communication from the Bottom. Since everyone is different the communication can come in different forms therefore it is most important to "learn" ( be familiar with or be able to read) the person you are playing with. For first time plays between a couple, talk first and get some basics established. As for communicating while play is in progress, I would always choose/prefer a combination of both verbal and actions communique, but knowing this is not possible with each and every individual I try to focus on their individual ways of communicating.

Gary D.

kaylex 03-27-2007 05:25 PM

This is not a "Duh" question!
Let me expound!

Most of you know I LOVE to play! For many, many, many different reasons and depending on the reason I'm playing it changes what kind of communication I want.

So If I'm Pure playing... Let's talk! Let's joke and Brat and talk about what things feel like and what effect there having or not having. Let's talk about our pasts and the stories about different toys and times.

If it's roleplay let's talk first and then PLAY!!! I don't like stopping a scene to talk.

If it's Discipline... I want to be talked to and I will answer questions but I will probably not give you much else. I've never cried, I don't usually yell out or give much reaction beyond looking miserable and sorry.

If it's stress relief.......HUSH!!!! I don't want to talk to you, I don't want to think about what you're saying. I want to slip into subspace bliss...SILENTLY! The only exception to this would be if this is after a really hard weekend of play then there needs to be a bit more communication as to what the spanking needs to feel like to help get me to that place.

OK so that's me, I may be just a tad bit stoic(?)...What about YOU?


paully62 03-27-2007 11:14 PM

Before setting out on spanking play, I will talk to the young lady as much as possible before hand. Although my tenure in this area is young, my love for it goes more than 30 years. I really strive to find out exactly what she is expecting from the experience and try to mold it to my own wants and needs. It has been quite curious for me to see just how different the various young ladies are in their wants. Some want true discipline where some would never accept any from of correction. Some cant take that much whereas some you can seem to spank for hours with little reaction. I find out all I can and try and hit the scene running. I feel most experiences have gone well for both participants. btw...if you are reading this and we have played and you didnt like it...keep it your yourself. ...fragile top ego at stake here

BlackVelvet007 03-27-2007 11:55 PM

I like Kaylex's reply. That works.

For myself, I usually don't say much during a scene. I certainly have no problem engaging in conversation during a scene, but for the most part I'm so focused on spanking that beautiful bottom that I don't really chatter.

In a case of discipline, I'm inclined to scold based on what the discipline is for. That's kind of tricky though because words hit harder than the implement.

Roleplay is completely different. I'll run my mouth the whole scene as part of my character. Especially when I do my "State Trooper" roleplay.

And of course, ALWAYS keep an attentive ear open for safewords.

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