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bella 12-31-2006 03:15 PM

Crying is a loaded thing for sure. For me crying only can come if both psychological and physical things are present. If i am being punished, i can start to cry even before I am spanked, because of how I feel about what is going to happen or because of what I did. Sometimes after a long, hard spanking I cry after, sometimes even after the spanker leaves...i am not sure if it is the let down or what. I wish I would cry more often cause I like that release.

garyspk 12-31-2006 06:37 PM

RG said:
I am surprised at how many people make assumptions, usually subconscious, at how spanking works in the human mind in relation to No. 1 above, and then blithely go blundering through the spanking world. At the least, they are out of touch with a lot of people who don't fit the narrow paradigm in their mind, and at the worst cause a lot of confusion and needless anxiety among those on a journey of discovery themselves. Most often the victims of these often-unintended effects are bottoms and subs.

...I couldn't have said this better myself.

To any newbies (or OLDbies, for that matter), keep that paragraph in mind at all times. That really sums it up nicely. Truer words were never spoken!

BlackVelvet007 01-01-2007 10:29 PM

Adelina's dead-on. The biggest misconception most newbies and non-spankos have is that all spankings HAVE to be some harsh, disciplinary black & blue affair. If that's what you WANT, it can be arranged, but it doesn't HAVE to be that way. It can be sensual to the point of being erotic. It can be playful to the point that someone ties the shoelaces together while over the lap (no taking notes, now :D ). Sometimes you just need maintenance spankings to keep in line with what you're doing. So many styles, so many nuances, so many options. Which is why we have these great threads about crying and rubbing ;)

Veronica Daniels 01-02-2007 02:57 PM

I tend to cry a bit when spanked. Many people have asked me how I do it and why I do it. Crying during a spanking is hard for me to really put into words. I definitely cry because of the pain. Dr. D's hand spankings are worse than anyone can imagine, and when he wields the paddle, OMG! :eek:

The combination of pain and being verbally disciplined for something I did that disappointed him is the combo that brings the tears on for me. Knowing I let him down or disappointed him brings on the tears, and the pain of the implement just pushes it over the edge.

I don't like crying during a spanking, however it is just something that happens and it is often a really good release. I do not like it when I am told that I am going to be made to cry, then I get defiant and try really hard not to and then very often don't because of that. Then the spanking is less effective because I was focusing on not crying instead of the spanking.
And, it is a lot less enjoyable for me as well.

I do like to be comforted after a spanking when I have been crying. That always feesl very nice! :)

Veronica Daniels

MichiganHeadmaster 01-02-2007 05:51 PM

Veronica, I love pics of teary-eyed girls after a spanking. Hope you allow a few of those to be caught and posted on your site.

Veronica Daniels 01-02-2007 06:36 PM


There are plenty of photos and video on our new site of me crying! In fact, I would say there are more of me crying than not!

We are thinking about a DVD of just spankings with tears...what do you think?


Gary D. 01-02-2007 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by Veronica Daniels (Post 1701)

There are plenty of photos and video on our new site of me crying! In fact, I would say there are more of me crying than not!

We are thinking about a DVD of just spankings with tears...what do you think?


I'd love to see it!!

Gary D.

RG_ 01-02-2007 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by Veronica Daniels (Post 1701)
We are thinking about a DVD of just spankings with tears...what do you think?

Why, I think it would bring tears to my ey....oh, wait!....that's what YOUR supposed to do!

Perhaps you could name it "Tears Are Falling." (with apologies to KISS)

The sequel, the DVD with dry eyes, could be named "No More Tears." (with apologies to Ozzy Osbourne)


Veronica Daniels 01-02-2007 09:28 PM


Very funny!

Tearfully yours-;)

spanked~amber 01-02-2007 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by Veronica Daniels (Post 1697)
I tend to cry a bit when spanked. Many people have asked me how I do it and why I do it...

The combination of pain and being verbally disciplined for something I did that disappointed him is the combo that brings the tears on for me. Knowing I let him down or disappointed him brings on the tears, and the pain of the implement just pushes it over the edge...

Veronica Daniels

Ditto and well said Veronica.

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