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spankeemikes 12-20-2006 08:51 PM

in the gidget esiopde it was her sister and her sister husband who was spanking gidget casue gidget got involed in the fight between her big sister and husband then she try to patch things up between them. before they do it the big sister and husband was deciding on who should strangler her. her sister tell husband you hold her i strangler her then said i hold her you strangler they both were deciding then agree on we both strangle her.

i do remember one other esiode where gidget ran off somewhere the father and her sister and sister husband were all concern for her the father said he going out to look for her told other to stay there at the house told the sister husband gidget come home then you spank her. but when gidget come home the sister husband almost started to but i bleive gidget had very good reason for what she was doing. so she did not get spanked
iam pretty sure everyone know about the brooke bundy spanking on gidget esiodes

RG_ 12-20-2006 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by spankeemikes (Post 1343)
...the big sister and husband was deciding on who should strangler her. her sister tell husband you hold her i strangler her then said i hold her you strangler they both were deciding then agree on we both strangle her.


Do you mean "spank"?

spankeemikes 12-20-2006 09:42 PM

yes spank casue that what the both end up doing. well actually the sister said a differnt word i forgrget what it is or was. but i think iam pretty sure they were both talking about punishing her with spanking.

jackie seven 12-21-2006 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by BlackVelvet007 (Post 1327)
So we've covered The Simpsons, King of The Hill, That 70's Show, and The Beverly Hillbillies. Any more? What about Gidget?

Petticoat Junction: There was an episode where one of Uncle Joe's tools was missing. He assumed one of the Bradley girls had taken it and summoned them into the hotel lobby. (Again I'm paraphrasing.) He said, "I don't know which one of you took my wrench without asking and didn't put it back, but which ever one of you it was is going upstairs for a taste of the hairbrush."

Just then, the girl's mother, Kate Bradley, came in with the wrench in her hand and said, "I took your wrench to fix that leak you've been meaning to take care of. SO, do you want ME to go upstairs for a taste of the hairbrush?" Then they all had a good laugh as the scene faded out.

RG_ 12-21-2006 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by jackie seven (Post 1361)
Petticoat Junction:

Ah, Petticoat Junction! I think there were more than a few spanking references on that grand old show, too! And in a fashion, the girls were cut out of the same cloth that Ellie Mae of the Clampetts, all-American, pure, pretty, and feisty.

BlackVelvet007 12-22-2006 02:13 AM

Lol fellahs. A great referrence, for sure, but you're kinda showing your age there ;) Be sure and mention that you watch it on TV Land. (Dusting off my 35-year-old bones).

RG_ 12-22-2006 06:40 AM


Originally Posted by BlackVelvet007 (Post 1385)
...but you're kinda showing your age there ;) Be sure and mention that you watch it on TV Land. (Dusting off my 35-year-old bones).

TV Land. That's the ticket!

Yes, those vintage old shows that I never knew about or even heard of until I just happened to run across them on TV Land are great! Boy! They sure wore some funny clothes way back then, didn't they? And what a hoot those big old clunker cars are. They probably made them go the same way that Fred Flintstone (which, by the way, I only recently learned about, too, on ...uh...Cartoon Land!) did, by putting their feet out the bottom and pushing them along.

I'll have to ask Sarah about them. Maybe SHE remembers when they debuted on TV.

jackie seven 12-22-2006 09:53 AM

I don't mind showing my age! LOL When I was a teenager in the 60s, my favorite TV spanking fantasy revolved around the Dick Van Dyke Show. Or to be more specific, it revoled around the seat of those skin tigh capri pants worn by Laura Petrie (Mary Tyler Moore). Back then, I thought she was the hottest thing that had ever walked on two legs.

I don't think there was ever any spanking references per se, but I remember one episode that ended with Rob (Van Dyke) chasing her around the sofa and swattting that bottom with a rolled up newspaper or magazine.

Too bad the writers of the Beverly Hillbillies couldn't have written for this show!

BlackVelvet007 12-23-2006 02:43 AM

Wow. Thanks for the imagery. :) Anybody here fans of "The Thin Man Goes Home"? Nick gives Nora some newspaper swats. It's silly, but it still brings a smile to your face.

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