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rangerboy 03-17-2007 07:42 PM

Thanks Gary
...and with a mentor of your will indeed live on.

It was real nice to finally meet you in person're as good a guy as fraudgirl held you out to be. Sure had a ball at TASSP....look forward to seeing you at BU in May and getting a chance to visit some more.



lil_dixiedarling 03-17-2007 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by Gary D. (Post 3190)

I'm doing my best to teach them RB.

Gary D.

hmmm exactly what are You teaching and far i've yet to learn anything from You.....heheheheheheh


kaylex 03-17-2007 11:50 PM

AHEM! Ladies and Gentleman can we please stay on topic! This is not a network production meeting this is a live broadcast!

So back to the topic at hand. Shall we get somewhat edgy and ask... Is there a difference between Discipline spankings, play spankings, and erotic spankings? I think we all know there is....... but what makes the difference? Audience?

emily 03-17-2007 11:55 PM

definitely the mood, the emotions, the setting, the person it's with , ect.. makes the difference between the above mentioned type spankings.. or at least for me :)

southern_sweetie 03-18-2007 12:35 AM

Discipline spankings are serious no messing around they are meant to teach a lesson! Play spankings and erotic spankings are just fun, and sensual...they feel sooooooo good!

rangerboy 03-18-2007 10:08 AM

Miss Kaylex....a litte respect for your elders young lady or I'll be happy to demonstrate a discipline spanking in May.:p

Interesting dynamic in adult disciplinary spanking. Given the "ethics" of our kink, the spankee essentially "consents" to "non-consensuality." Both parties agree that certain behaviors are unacceptable or certain goals must be met and the consequences are a painful experience for the spankee. To "discipline" implies that hopefully, the behaviors will not be repeated and that future unpleasant spankings will not be necessary. It should not be a pleasureable experience for either is strictly business. The spanker bears great responsibility to ensure that the spankee...while not harmed either physcially or mentally. From my perspective, a displinary relationship is not for novices....only experienced and repsonsible spanker/spankees should embark on this journey.

Playful spankings....well anyone who was at TASSP understands the nature of that activity. Safe, sane, consensual and always, always, always, the intensity, duration, and degree of "bareness" is at the exclusive discretion of the spankee. Its about having some fun.....playing around....exploring new limits but always being respectful of those limits.

Sensual spankings.....oh now we move from "R" to "X". Many of us find an erotic side to this interest.....heck, most of us do to some degree. Again, it is with full consensuality of the spankee. It may range from a swat or two during sex....a mild to medium paddling beforehand....all depends on what rings your's and your partner's chimes. I had a girlfriend in the early 80's who could not seem"be satisfied" as it were unless I put her over my lap and spanked her hard and long. It was great but that's the only experience with someone who needed it to be sexually fulfilled. Most of my subsequent partners and my current spouse love it but it isn't critical to effective love making.

Okay...that's about as long a post as I've ever made.

Be interested in reading other thoughts.

Cheers to all

PHP Code:



lil_dixiedarling 03-18-2007 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by rangerboy (Post 3201)
Okay...that's about as long a post as I've ever made.

Be interested in reading other thoughts.

Cheers to all

PHP Code:



Wow...i think we have a winner...excellent break down there Rangerboy..someone get this man a cookie!!! hehe


EmmyDoll 03-18-2007 04:23 PM

What a wonderful answer from our very good and faithful audience member, Rangerboy. Gotta love him.

Since he killed that discussion in one post. Let us move on to something else. Some of our studio audience have experienced being in a vanilla reltionship, where things are stable and strictly easy, but they find themselves, as most spanko's do, wanting more then what they have in that relationship. What is your advice about changing or terminating that relationship. Is there an easy way or will it always be difficult.

(Any wise cracks about this being needed for personal advice will fall on deaf ears and will be answered with a swat! Even from a brat!)

rangerboy 03-18-2007 05:53 PM

Vanilla Partners

Well I hope I don't slay this discussion as wll with a single response but let me share some thoughts.

For many if not most of us, this kink is a big, big part of who we are.

After two failed marriages and more relationships than I care to recall....I can say with some degree of authority that the biggest obstacle to a happy partnership is one partner who doesn't accept the other for who and what they are. (Not that many of my ex's were was other stuff like my being gone for months at a time in the Navy...but again, that is what I did and loved for 24 years of my life.) My current wife fell in love with who I am and I can honestly say I've never been happier in my life.

It is very, very difficult for a vanilla to understand or accept us. That is not being critical or saying that they aren't good, tolerant people. But try to describe a sunset to someone who has been blind their whole life. Try to describe an Eric Clapton song to someone who was born just isn't in their frame of reference.

Unless a spanko has a partner who is understanding in the extreme and who puts their feelings aside, I'd say the odds of a spanko/vanilla relationship surviving the long haul is pretty remote.

That's one man's view....would love to hear from others.


EmmyDoll 03-18-2007 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by rangerboy (Post 3213)

Unless a spanko has a partner who is understanding in the extreme and who puts their feelings aside, I'd say the odds of a spanko/vanilla relationship surviving the long haul is pretty remote.

That's one man's view....would love to hear from others.


Yes, I would love to hear other peoples opinions, but this was a silly topic anyway. Because most of our studio audience will likely give a very close answer to what you just said.

I know also, form personal experience, how hard it is to date a vanilla, but I managed to keep together with my boyfriend since our sophomore year in highschool (four, going on five years in April!)

It wasn't till this weekend, when I got to attend the TAS party and really find out what I misssing and why there was this void in my life that I could never really explain.

For me, it was almost easy. When he showed up, and I wasn't expecting to see him, that anger caused me to shout it out in an irattional desicion and yell out my all the things that happened with my weekend at him.

I told him that I wasn't going to force him into anything, even when he offered to try new things. Because it wasn't who he was, and me staying with him when he wasn't a spanko wasn't who I was. So either way, someone was lying. And relationships don't float well with lies in the middle of them. ^_^

That was just a small update for those of you who hadn't heard yet. Since everyone from the TAS is concerned about the host, as I learned and I thank you.

But I'll leave this topic open for more discussion, and let Kaylex start another topic. Its her turn.

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