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sassy_sandy 09-04-2007 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by jamie12 (Post 5737)
You take this sort of thing a little too seriously. This was just a description that was for a video only. You need to get a handle on what is relevant and to keep your comments to yourself. Remember what your mama said, "If you cannot say anything nice then don't say anything at all." I am not going to continue the flame, but it is just like TV, you can always turn it off or change the channel.

You have got to be kidding. Nomad needs to get a handle on what is relevant and to keep her comments to herself? You show so little class that you post something that demeans women, you use language that is crass and offensive, and then you dare to tell anyone else to keep their comments to themselves?

I had just decided not to post, that Gary is right about you, and that we've already paid you more attention than your tasteless shilling deserves. But when I saw that you invited Nomad to shut up, I suddenly felt very chatty.

I'd suggest that you take your own advice about not saying anything unless you have something nice to say. But then I realized that you'd probably have to be forever mute.

Nomad, I've been involved in the spanking community for several years now and have met many men who respect and protect women. So please don't judge the whole community based on the few who have no class.

rythmatic01 09-05-2007 10:38 AM

I'm pretty new to this site, but I felt compelled to post. This kind of blatant disrespect for another human being is exactly the thing that gives people the wrong impression of the scene. To take advantage of someone in such a way is truly disgusting. I don't think that it's necessary to degrade someone just because they like to be spanked (or are being paid for it for that matter) You should be happy that you had the PRIVILEGE of spanking her and treat her with some respect, even behind her back.

paully62 09-05-2007 11:11 AM

My goodness what bout a nice round of seventies music trivia to ease the situation......Night Chicago hit wonder......

teefortexas 09-05-2007 06:16 PM

Pssssttt Paully!
:cool: paper lace

sassy_sandy 09-05-2007 08:54 PM

I had the 45 rpm for Paper Lace's "The Night Chicago Died." And, for the record, I was very, very young when I bought it.

In the spirit of 70s trivia and questions about really bad 70s music, what was the name of Melanie's big hit?

teefortexas 09-05-2007 09:00 PM

jumping and clapping

I just love this game, hee...

Did I beat Gary and Paully to the answer???

Woo-hoo!!! :cool:

sassy_sandy 09-05-2007 10:19 PM

Right you are Tee. Congrats. Brand New Key, sung in a key that only dogs could hear.:) I still have all my 45s, a monument to bad music...with a few exceptions, such as a couple of John Lennon's solo singles. But mostly my collection was an ode to Cher, Donny and Marie, and Bobby Sherman...among others.

So does Bo Donaldson and the Heywoods ring a bell with anyone?

garyspk 09-05-2007 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by sassy_sandy (Post 5756)
Right you are Tee. Congrats. Brand New Key, sung in a key that only dogs could hear.:) I still have all my 45s, a monument to bad music...with a few exceptions, such as a couple of John Lennon's solo singles. But mostly my collection was an ode to Cher, Donny and Marie, and Bobby Sherman...among others.

So does Bo Donaldson and the Heywoods ring a bell with anyone?

Billy Don't Be A Hero...don't be a fool with your li-i-i-fe.

BTW, Melanie's FIRST hit was a song written about Woodstock called "Lay Down (Candles In The Rain)" and was one of my favorite songs when I was in the 7th grade. No need to Google-search the year that song was out, BTW. LOL.

sassy_sandy 09-06-2007 07:20 AM

Wow. How did I miss Melanie's first hit? I wonder why she never put out a greatest hits album?:D

My friends and I used to sing Billy Don't be a Hero - very loudly - on our walk to school in 7th grade. And there's no need to Google that year either. lol. It was a long time ago but, in some ways, feels like it was just yesterday. Except I think my taste in music has improved in time.

As far as 1970s music goes, all I can say is "Thank God for Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band." Oh, and the Ramones.:)

sarah thorne 09-06-2007 09:06 AM

d*mn, missed the drama. Now I am disappointed that I didn't get to throw a few torches.

sandy, just a small correction that I can't resist - I do believe that Nomad is a man. :eek:

oh, and btw to all you old folks -- I don't know or remember any of which you speak of, except by listening to the Oldies station. :D


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