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RG_ 01-05-2007 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by Veronica Daniels (Post 1835)
...and on occasion quite a few of us were sent to the head nun's office where we were paddled with a ping pong style paddle with holes in it. ...

Veronica, this is good information. Give me a bit more of an outline, please. Was your experience typical for girls in this school, or would you say that you were paddled more or less than average?

How many paddlings would you estimate that you got during your years in school?

What was the last grade level in which you were paddled?


Veronica Daniels 01-08-2007 10:07 PM

Well, I would say that like in any school there was a group of girls who never got in trouble and were pretty much the "good" ones and then there were the ones like me who got in trouble on a more frequent basis. I certainly was not the only one who got it, and some got it a lot more than I did! I was pretty much a quiet kid who kept to her own business, but my Mom was the only divorced Mom in the whole school (Catholic) and that made the nuns pick on me more for sure. They often said bad things about Mom right to my face and within earshot.

So, it seemed like the smallest infraction got me some serious corporal punishment and if a "good girl" did the same thing she got off with a stern look and maybe a lecture.

There were plenty of other girls who got what I got and I am sure the nuns had their reasons with them, too. It was often pretty subjective, in my opinion. They had their favorites who never got disciplined.

I got paddled maybe three or four times in six years. They were memorable! My last paddling was in 6th grade for asking an inappropriate question in catechism class regarding them virgin birth of Jesus. After seeing the results of the paddling and hearing why I got it, my Mom took me out of the school and put me in public school. There was no paddling there! I think there should have been! Those kids were out of control and it was pure culture shock for me.

On top of the paddling, I frequently got the wooden ruler on the palms, ear pulling (to the point of thinking my ear might detach from my head), arm pinching, corner time, and public humiliation. Those nuns had it down! ;)

I still think of those disciplinary moments with vivid recall. I think I always will. They certainly made an impression on me. In some ways good and in other ways bad.


PandaBear 01-09-2007 12:28 AM

Man I'm glad I didn't go to Catholic school! The nuns sure sound like they didn't like anyone challenging their views on the world, or the stories for that matter. I was one of those types in school that was always questioning the logic of some things!

irishpapa 08-19-2008 11:11 PM

Spanked at Catholic School
When we were spanked we were taken to a cloak room. The nun would sit on a chair. You would stand in front of her and she would pull your pants down to the floor. You would then lift your shirt and undershirt up "over your navel" and then she would pull your underpants down to the floor.

You would lie over her lap and be spanked on your bare bottom. Afterwards you would stand up in front of her and be lectured.

Rare was the spanking in front of the class. Maybe 2 or 3 a year. She would sit beside the desk so only your backside would be seen by the class. Mostly boys but also girls. Only happened to me once

gasmith 08-22-2008 04:43 PM

I agree that the most likely teacher who would administer paddlings were the gym and shop teacher but let us not forget the vice principal, they are in charge of discipline at most H. S. One memorable paddling I received:eek: was in junior high 7 or 8th grade when I got one for not washing my gym clothes over the weekend. Part of it was the humiliation of being swatted in front of the rest of the class. His paddle was big with holes in it. I remembered that it whistled through the air as he swung it. :eek: Another time the vice principal got his chance but he did not have a witness like I have heard in other replies. Being a teacher myself it does have controlling effect on the student population that is missing today. The punishment that is handed out today (suspension and In school suspension) is what the kid wants the get out of the classroom.

spanko81 09-17-2008 01:26 AM

Unfortunately for you, dear RG... I was NEVER PADDLED IN SCHOOL!!


I only sat VERY uncomfortably (not because of a spanking!) in my seat and listened to my History teacher paddle away out in the hall!

It was TORTURE I tell you!!!


I didn't know why til LATERRRRRRR in life........ :rolleyes:

RG_ 09-17-2008 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by spanko81 (Post 10313)
Unfortunately for you, dear RG... I was NEVER PADDLED IN SCHOOL!!

I agree. Exceedingly unfortunate for me.

But it WAS your fault. You either never did anything to earn one, and/or opted for something other than a paddling when presented the choice.

Now I and countless others stand forever deprived of your accounts of true experience in school.

You need to be spanked for that!

spanko81 09-17-2008 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by RG_ (Post 10318)
I agree. Exceedingly unfortunate for me.

But it WAS your fault. You either never did anything to earn one, and/or opted for something other than a paddling when presented the choice.

Now I and countless others stand forever deprived of your accounts of true experience in school.

You need to be spanked for that!

I have NO qualms or disagreements with the above statement! :D

Except I'm still cooler than you! LOL!! :p

RG_ 09-17-2008 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by spanko81 (Post 10319)
Except I'm still cooler than you! LOL!!

And THAT we can both agree on! ;-)

spanko81 09-18-2008 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by RG_ (Post 10320)
And THAT we can both agree on! ;-)

I'm glad we see eye to eye! :p

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